Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

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Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by mvanwink5 »

Clinton pay to play crook book, as brazen as it gets. Next shoe to drop is the Jeb crook book. Is it it enough for the crony donors to flock to the next Washington lobbyist favorite? Anticipation of the Jeb crook book is almost as bad as the book itself now that Clinton's book is so devastating.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote:Clinton pay to play crook book, as brazen as it gets. Next shoe to drop is the Jeb crook book. Is it it enough for the crony donors to flock to the next Washington lobbyist favorite? Anticipation of the Jeb crook book is almost as bad as the book itself now that Clinton's book is so devastating.

I wouldn't give a warm cup of piss for either one of them, though if it be a contest between the two of them, I will take Hitlery. If we are going to go in this direction, I would just as soon we crash faster.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by williatw »

Diogenes wrote:I wouldn't give a warm cup of piss for either one of them, though if it be a contest between the two of them, I will take Hitlery. If we are going to go in this direction, I would just as soon we crash faster.

The Clinton dynasty’s horrific legacy: How “tough-on-crime” politics built the world’s largest prison system

Over the past two decades, the Clintons' version of the "War on Drugs" has inflicted needless suffering on millions

Hillary and Bill Clinton (Credit: AP/Carolyn Kaster)

Hillary Clinton wants to run for president as an economic populist, as a humane progressive interested in bolstering the fortunes of poor and middle class Americans. But before liberals enthusiastically sign up for Team Hillary, they should remember this: In the late 1990s, Bill Clinton played in instrumental role in creating the world’s largest prison system — one that has devastated our inner cities, made a mockery of American idealism abroad, and continues to inflict needless suffering on millions of people. And he did it with his wife’s support.

That liberals are now being asked to get excited for Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy, announced on Sunday, almost requires the suspension of disbelief. That the best progressive alternative to Clinton is a long-shot from Vermont is a tragedy. This is not to say that President Hillary Clinton would pursue the same prison policies as her husband — the political headwinds on criminal justice reform have shifted considerably in the past two decades, and the Clintons, accordingly, have shifted with them. But past actions should matter, and what they show is that the Clinton Dynasty embraced and exacerbated one of the late 20th Century’s greatest public policy disasters.

The explosion of the prison system under Bill Clinton’s version of the “War on Drugs” is impossible to dispute. The total prison population rose by 673,000 people under Clinton’s tenure — or by 235,000 more than it did under President Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the Justice Policy Institute. “Under President Bill Clinton, the number of prisoners under federal jurisdiction doubled, and grew more than it did under the previous 12-years of Republican rule,combined,” states the JPI report (italics theirs). The federal incarceration rate in 1999, the last year of the Democrat’s term, was 42 per 100,000 — more than double the federal incarceration rate at the end of President Reagan’s term (17 per 100,000), and 61 percent higher than at the end of President George Bush’s term (25 per 100,000), according to JPI. ... st_prison/

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by MSimon »

As a practical matter Democrats tend to increase the WOD spending while in office while the Republicans tend to be status quo. This is despite the fact that Ds are nominally against the WODs and the Rs are for it.

Reason covers the Salon article and says Clinton is helping Rand Paul. ... nton-to-th
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

Hillary is extremely unpopular, even among a lot of Dems that I know. I think she would be a really bad choice for 2016.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

The current lineup for 2016 resembles a parade from the Muppet show. We have Fossy Bear Bush, Hillary Piggy, Ben Gonzo Carson, Sam the Eagle Sanders, Rizzo the Rand Paul, Ted Scooter Cruz, Camilla The Chicken Fiorina and I am sure, I could find the rest of the lineup well represented in the show as well.
Though I have to say that the comparison is maybe not entirely fair, since the muppets actually have character and are likeable, something that does not apply to the 2016 candidates.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:The current lineup for 2016 resembles a parade from the Muppet show. We have Fossy Bear Bush, Hillary Piggy, Ben Gonzo Carson, Sam the Eagle Sanders, Rizzo the Rand Paul, Ted Scooter Cruz, Camilla The Chicken Fiorina and I am sure, I could find the rest of the lineup well represented in the show as well.
Though I have to say that the comparison is maybe not entirely fair, since the muppets actually have character and are likeable, something that does not apply to the 2016 candidates.

Part of the problem with leadership in this nation is that voters have become so childish that they have turned elections from being about qualifications into being just a popularity contest.

This is how we ended up with the current idiot who is making a world wide botch of things.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

Diogenes wrote: This is how we ended up with the current idiot who is making a world wide botch of things.
And the last one and the one before that one...
I actually cant see anyone in politics right now, who is not a professional politician. Most of them have a law or business degree...
Personally, I wished I could see Elon Musk run for president. He is one of the few people in this world that deserves some respect (even though I do not agree with everything he does or believes).

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Diogenes wrote: This is how we ended up with the current idiot who is making a world wide botch of things.
And the last one and the one before that one...
I actually cant see anyone in politics right now, who is not a professional politician. Most of them have a law or business degree...
Personally, I wished I could see Elon Musk run for president. He is one of the few people in this world that deserves some respect (even though I do not agree with everything he does or believes).

There are orders of magnitude difference between the screwups of the last one, and the current one.

The dumbest thing that George W ever did was putting Paul Bremer in charge of Iraq.

This moron that we have now has set the entire middle east on fire, and is about to hand Nuclear ICBMs to Iran.

Jimmy Carter is indirectly responsible for the deaths of over a million people. (Previous most stupid President.) With Barack the stupid, we may see a billion casualties as a result of his idiocy.

You might as well be comparing Lightning to a Lightning bug.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

Diogenes wrote: The dumbest thing that George W ever did was putting Paul Bremer in charge of Iraq.

The dumbest thing was going there in the first place!
Diogenes wrote: This moron that we have now has set the entire middle east on fire, and is about to hand Nuclear ICBMs to Iran.

A treaty that is meant to prevent them from getting any can hardly be called that. Unsubstantiated.
It was GW, btw who torpedoed the previous treaty, causing Iran to restart their nuclear enrichment.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by mvanwink5 »

You guys have taken on the the question of which progressive is the most daffy and left the biggest and costliest disaster in their wake. Fascinating.
Of course, O' still has more time left to rack up more disaster scoreboard points. Then there is the bigger question, could a big, rotten to the core, crook (stroked out or not) do more damage? Could you tell?

And, couldn't we just give socialism one more chance? There are still more checks in the checkbook so we have more money to throw at that utopian 'dream'.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Diogenes wrote: The dumbest thing that George W ever did was putting Paul Bremer in charge of Iraq.

The dumbest thing was going there in the first place!

No you Euroweenie, it wasn't. It was exactly the right thing to do given the information we had at the time. We know you European twits didn't like it, but I can't remember the last time you people were right about anything.

Europe has simply lost it's way, and insofar as we have been lately following in Europe's footsteps, we too are about to be smashed upon the rocks. Even you could see which way the wind was blowing. That's why you are over here in this country degrading American policy instead of back in Austria where you belong.

Skipjack wrote:
Diogenes wrote: This moron that we have now has set the entire middle east on fire, and is about to hand Nuclear ICBMs to Iran.

A treaty that is meant to prevent them from getting any can hardly be called that. Unsubstantiated.
It was GW, btw who torpedoed the previous treaty, causing Iran to restart their nuclear enrichment.

If you ever thought Iran stopped their enrichment, you are too gullible to discuss world events. Also your focus on George W as opposed to Mr. Super Stupid, indicates you have no grasp of priorities.

I will grant that George W made another mistake. He didn't f*** up Iran when he had the chance. Islamic religious fanatics with Nuclear weapons promises to kill more people than WWII.

I'm not a believer in Bible prophecy, but suddenly those Revelations versus asserting the deaths of a third of the population are not seeming so far fetched after all.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote:You guys have taken on the the question of which progressive is the most daffy and left the biggest and costliest disaster in their wake. Fascinating.

And what do you think will be the likely consequences of a Nuclear ICBM armed Iran? I hope you are acquainted with the fact that much of their leadership is a 12th Imam suicide cult which believes it is their religious duty to bring about Islamic Armageddon. (Return of the Mahdi.)

M.A.D would work with the Soviets. They were vicious men, but not deluded or insane. Suicidal religious fanatics are a different beast entirely.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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