10KW LENR demonstrator (new thread)

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Post by bk78 »

GIThruster wrote:BLP has never made such a claim, at least not in the 15 years I've been following them. What have you been smoking?
"Within about 14 months, the technology of BlackLight Power, Inc. is expected to go live on a larger scale, and the debate over its value will soon be closed.

"We are scaling up our first prototype now," a spokesperson for Blacklight Power told me last week. "We will have pilot plants generating electricity in the fall of 2009 and we plan to announce the validators (the first utility companies to test the system) in late August or early September.""


"By 2009 BLP had raised about $60 million in venture capital,[7][8] and claims to have seven commercial agreements to license BLP energy technology for the production of thermal or electric power to utilities and private corporations."

Where exactly did that money go? Were the guys at Rowans that expensive?

"Rowan University staff have been actively involved with BLP for many years. BLP is described as an affiliate company in an undergraduate report of BLP related experiments.[47] Rowan BLP related research has, at least, been partially funded by BLP [48][49] and it has often used materials and equipment supplied by BLP for the experiments.[46] Peter Jansson, a Rowan University Associate professor, has been involved with BLP since at least 1997. He was an executive with Altlantic Energy (a subsidiary of Conectiv in in 1999[50]) when Conectiv invested in BLP.[20] Jansson's 1997 master thesis was related to BLP theories, and he has been a credited author on several BLP related papers including two of the four most recently released. BLP has provided an academic scholarship for at least one of the Rowan University staff that have taken part in the BLP related research by Rowan University."

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Post by GIThruster »

bk78 wrote: Where exactly did that money go? Were the guys at Rowans that expensive?
It funded the multi-million dollar research facility at Cranbury, NJ for more than 20 years. I think only $70k went to Rowan.

Interesting the claim at EEstory. I trust you'll understand I'd like to see real evidence of such a claim since I've never seen anything like that on the BLP website. The EEstoy web site has a history of exaggerated and unsupported claims. Its more comedy than serious investigation, as anyone knows who periodically stops by there.
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Post by Skipjack »

GiThruster" wrote:BLP has never made such a claim, at least not in the 15 years I've been following them. What have you been smoking?
on Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:59 am GiThruster wrote in thread BLP news wrote:BLP is long from dead or dying. These last 2 years they're accelerating their sales. Looks to me anything other than time run out. Rather, the evidence has mounted to such a degree, that despite the lookers on who posit in ignorance about how what's there cannot work--it is working, ever more each day.
BLPs website wrote:Press Release: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces First Commercial License in Europe with GEOENERGIE SpA, Energy Subsidiary of Geogreen - Non-Exclusive License to Produce Up To 750 MW of Continuous Power
http://money.cnn.com/2008/07/01/smallbu ... /index.htm
article from July 2008 wrote:Now that the device is ready for commercialization, he says, BlackLight is negotiating with several utilities and architecture and engineering firms, but he won't disclose any partners' names until the deals are finalized.
For the first time in his company's 19 years of persistent trial and error, Mills says he has a market-ready product
"Within the next two years, we're going to grow to 500, maybe 1,000 employees. This could satisfy a majority of the world's power needs, and the demand is going to be huge."
While the company's followers already extol the high-energy, green, and thrifty virtues of BlackLight's technology, the rest of the world will have to wait for evidence until the fall of 2009, when the business promises to install its cells in power plants.
And I dont smoke!

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Post by GIThruster »

Well I stand corrected, Skippy; but you did cut off your nose to spite your face didn't you? You made my point for me by finding evidence that Mills said "for the first time in 19 years. . ."

You'll note, that claim is 3 1/2 years ago and it often takes more than 3 1/2 years to commercialize a process. So they're not late at all.
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Post by Skipjack »

You'll note, that claim is 3 1/2 years ago and it often takes more than 3 1/2 years to commercialize a process. So they're not late at all.
Well, he claimed to have between 500 and 1000 employees "within two years". So by his own standards he is a one and a half years late, if not more (since there has been no news whatsoever it is save to assume that nothing has happened).
The same argument about his business that others have made in regards to Rossi applies to Mills. If he has such a revolutionary technology, why doesnt he just make BLP a power company that sells the electricity made with his technology?
Instead he has been sitting on his hands for some 3.5 years since the interview complaining about the oh so conservative academia.

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Post by ladajo »

Mills claims of business development not withstanding, when do you think time wise he has had enough rope? 4 years, 4.5 years, 5 years...10years?

The dude made some big claims going on 4 years ago. So far, he has not seemingly moved an inch forward from there. What gives?
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Post by GIThruster »

ladajo wrote:GIT,
Mills claims of business development not withstanding, when do you think time wise he has had enough rope? 4 years, 4.5 years, 5 years...10years?

The dude made some big claims going on 4 years ago. So far, he has not seemingly moved an inch forward from there. What gives?
I don't know. All I'm saying is that making judgments about what you don't know seems pretty silly to me. There's no way for any of us to know what's with BLP so why presume the worst, as some here have? Makes no sense to me. Certainly, there's no warrant for belief that Mills is "sitting on his hands".
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by Skipjack »

Well, if I was an investor I would be somewhat annoyed by a total lack of profit in 3.5 years and I would ask some serious questions.

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Post by KitemanSA »

GIThruster wrote:can't argue with that. :-)
Then you ain't tryin hard enough! :P

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Post by stefanbanev »

Skipjack wrote:Well, if I was an investor I would be somewhat annoyed by a total lack of profit in 3.5 years and I would ask some serious questions.
It's true that there are some stupid money yet the curve bell is applied and it is quite "squeezed" one; so, investors for sure will ask questions; needless to say that public "leaks" have a self-serving agenda. The product on market is the only a definite answer; all others "scientific" or/and "pseudo-scientific" evidences belong to the same BS domain.

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Post by icarus »

Axil wrote:How does cooper pairing of elections and protons overcome the alleged impenetrable coulomb barrier?
Spin-coupling. Spin-coupled tunneling.

Polarised field alignments, they sneak in through the backdoor, i.e. the poles.

Reactants are spin=0 particles.


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Post by stefanbanev »

icarus wrote:
Axil wrote:How does cooper pairing of elections and protons overcome the alleged impenetrable coulomb barrier?
Spin-coupling. Spin-coupled tunneling.

Polarised field alignments, they sneak in through the backdoor, i.e. the poles.

Reactants are spin=0 particles.

Neat insight. I'm curious what reaction it will make...

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University of Missouri

Post by Am »

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Post by polyill »

stefanbanev wrote:
icarus wrote:
Axil wrote:How does cooper pairing of elections and protons overcome the alleged impenetrable coulomb barrier?
Spin-coupling. Spin-coupled tunneling.

Polarised field alignments, they sneak in through the backdoor, i.e. the poles.

Reactants are spin=0 particles.

Neat insight. I'm curious what reaction it will make...

Sorry, couldn't resist the urge...

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Post by Kahuna »

FWIW, here is a PESN article on Sterling Allen's recent trip to Defkalion.
http://pesn.com/2012/02/13/9602039_Hope ... ld_Fusion/

Even considering the source (Allen is a free energy junkie), it is an interesting read. Unless the account is a total fabrication (possible I guess), it appears that DGT does have reactor test setups available for some forthcoming independent testing.

Some Notable Quotes:
In the coming few weeks, they will be having at least seven different groups come in to test their device, beginning with the Greek government next week. The results from each group will be published. Each group will have 48 hours to test the device and a control to which they can compare it.

They showed me the experimental set-up -- running, producing heat. It includes a control chamber and an active reaction chamber. After the two are run simultaneously -- one with the low energy nuclear reaction (aka cold fusion), and one without -- showing that the low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) system produces at least 20 times more heat; they will then switch the reaction chambers, removing the nickel and hydrogen from one (cleaning it out to make sure there are no residual elements), and adding these ingredients to the other chamber, which previously was the 'control' or 'blank' chamber; to prove that the data remain the same. They will also show that some gamma radiation comes from the reaction chamber of the LENR system, as evidence that a low level nuclear reaction of some kind is indeed taking place (though not on a dangerous level to those operating the test). The final product will be fully shielded to prevent emission of stray radiation.

Each group coming in to perform these tests will be able to use their own measurement equipment. They have been given the specs of the types and sizes of probes needed. They will be given 48 hours to run their tests.

Pointing to the graph emerging on the computer from the data being collected, John said that each one of the blips on the line were reactions taking place; and that the company is able to control how many reactions take place and their magnitude. They said that is something that will be demonstrated during the test with each of the seven groups.

. . .

Defkalion is planning "very soon" to announce the first 18 licensees that are authorized to manufacture and distribute the technology in their respective countries, with an exclusive contract for those regions. Each license costs 40.5 million Euros. Many of those licensees are well under way in procuring the necessary permitting and other requirements for launching a production plant. Each factory is designed to be able to manufacture 300,000 units per year. The factory is pretty much like a franchise, where Defkalion will provide a blueprint for not just the technology but also the factory layout and operation.

In addition to the 5-45 kW heat system, Defkalion is also in the process of negotiating with companies to tackle specific applications, such as marine, transportation, utilities, etc., which will obtain the rights to the manufacturing and distribution of that application worldwide.

. . .

Nevertheless, for a level of safety, to protect their intellectual property, Defkalion has engineered a self-destruct mechanism so that if someone begins tinkering with the device, it will self-destruct, preventing detection of the proprietary components, thus buying them additional time to establish their "first to market" branding in this sector.

. . .

Here are some other miscellaneous things I learned during my visit today:
  • o Defkalion has 27 people presently involved in their headquarters (where I visited) and their lab.
    o Their lab is located elsewhere.
    o Their primary product is "heat". Their business model is arranged around that. Others can figure out how to put that heat to good use.
    o The reaction chambers are able to go as high as 900 degrees Celcius stably.
    o The reaction begins at around 450 ºC.
    o Nickel melts at 1453 ºC.
    o They will use oil to transfer the heat from the reaction chamber to where it can be used.

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