Texas: Doomed

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Post by Jccarlton »

I'm not sure that going back to basics dooms anybody. Frankly we have had a century of rewriting the truth to forward the Progressive agenda. It's as big a lie to leave important details out as it is to actually misstate the facts and the Progressives do both repeatedly and often. This posting is a case in point. Were there any facts in that piece? I didn't see any. Just a rant against the horrible Texans who seemingly just want to teach about the greatest creation of freedom and individual liberty in history.
Glenn Beck has been running TV programs on this almost continuously and it's amazing the stuff he found:
http://www.watchglennbeck.com/video/201 ... t-History/
Unlike Glenn puts lots of real fact in his stuff. He doesn't just jump to a false conclusion and rant vapor. He goes back to the source documents and he asks us to do the same. It's funny how conservatives work very hard to get things straight and progressives just make stuff up and conservatives are the ones accused of being wrong because of their idealogy.
America has lost touch with its orgins and the great things of the past. America is a constitutional republic based on limited government. But that was and is an inconvenient truth for the Progressives. So for a hundred years the Progressives have worked diligently to get America out of the history books. Now they are screaming when somebody wants to put back.

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Post by kcdodd »

i think it is funny you argue of less government control, and now you approve of politicians determining what is most important to learn. darn those liberal textbook writers!

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Re: Texas: Doomed

Post by Diogenes »

After carefully reading both articles which you posted as proof of Texas being "doomed", I think the most reasonable and honest response is go F*ck yourself.

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Post by Diogenes »

kcdodd wrote:i think it is funny you argue of less government control, and now you approve of politicians determining what is most important to learn. darn those liberal textbook writers!
You are misapplying the lesson here. The Schools are already under government control. (imagine it being a fortress) The fact that the guns of the school boards were captured by our side, and turned against the enemy is a cause for celebration.

Viva la Republic!

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Post by Skipjack »

I think the most reasonable and honest response is go F*ck yourself
Awe, is he upset now, the poor Diogenes? Where is the stoicism now?
You disappoint me.

Oh, I also want to mention that while I am well equipped, so to say, I am still anatomically incapable of peforming such act.

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Post by kcdodd »

And why do you care what texas does anyway, being from Oklahoma? I actually live here.

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Post by Jccarlton »

kcdodd wrote:i think it is funny you argue of less government control, and now you approve of politicians determining what is most important to learn. darn those liberal textbook writers!
Yes darn those liberal textbook writers who rather than consulting primary sources keep recycling the same old plaver from secondary sources. also really darn those liberal history book writers who do the same thing and keep the old lies running. I personally ran into this when I was reading a popular biography of JP Morgan, "The House of Morgan" by Ron Chernow, a supposedly well regarded and researched book. Well i was looking for information on the New Haven Railroad in the early 20th Century, a business that JP Morgan was heavily involved in. Sure enough there was a chapter. Unfortunately the chapter only had one source, a book by a man named Weller written in the '60's which reference no sources and which I have found in my own researches to say the least, incorrect and more than a little distortion of reality. I have seen this pattern over and over as various Porgr4essives rewrite history to suit their own narrative. I don't think that it is too much to ask textbook writers to stick to the truth and not just replay the same old plaver.

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Post by Diogenes »

kcdodd wrote:And why do you care what texas does anyway, being from Oklahoma? I actually live here.
You are asking ME instead of the Austrian?

Fine, My dad is from Quitman Texas, I have friends and family in Texas both living and dead, I go there often, and the influence of Texas on this issue affects the surrounding region as well. Texas also sets an example that will sustain the courage of other states attempting to emulate them. Apart from that, I am an AMERICAN and an issue that affects the future and well being of Texas also affects the future and well being of this nation. I and others see Texas as a beacon of sanity and liberty in a sea of idiocy and Federal overdominance. If the nation dissolves into socialist caused chaos, Texas will be the rallying place for a New Regionalized Government. As a matter of fact, there have been various stillborn efforts by various counties in Oklahoma to break away and become part of Texas. That would suit me just fine to be among them if that should happen. What happens in Texas has a far greater near term effect on me than it does on Austria.

Lastly, my favorite bumper sticker is "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could! "

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Post by Diogenes »

Jccarlton wrote:
kcdodd wrote:i think it is funny you argue of less government control, and now you approve of politicians determining what is most important to learn. darn those liberal textbook writers!
Yes darn those liberal textbook writers who rather than consulting primary sources keep recycling the same old plaver from secondary sources. also really darn those liberal history book writers who do the same thing and keep the old lies running. I personally ran into this when I was reading a popular biography of JP Morgan, "The House of Morgan" by Ron Chernow, a supposedly well regarded and researched book. Well i was looking for information on the New Haven Railroad in the early 20th Century, a business that JP Morgan was heavily involved in. Sure enough there was a chapter. Unfortunately the chapter only had one source, a book by a man named Weller written in the '60's which reference no sources and which I have found in my own researches to say the least, incorrect and more than a little distortion of reality. I have seen this pattern over and over as various Porgr4essives rewrite history to suit their own narrative. I don't think that it is too much to ask textbook writers to stick to the truth and not just replay the same old plaver.

Very good point. I followed several links from the posted articles in an effort to find where Texas school board is engaging in Revisionist history. It finally linked to "Think Progress" (a well known rabidly liberal site) and they had nothing. They alleged that adding information about the Black Panther movement is revisionism. (it's not.) They alleged that pointing out the truth that Joseph McCarthy was right about communist infiltrating the Federal Government is revisionism. (it's not. McCarthy was right. Every year we learn more about how right he was.)

The only criticism that I saw that MIGHT be genuine is their allegation that Texas has removed any references to Thomas Jefferson. *IF* that is true, then THAT is a mistake. Jefferson was very important to the founding era of history. If nothing else, the way he taught the rest of the world how to deal with pirates is absolutely essential for children to learn about.

There IS a lot of revisionism ( and down right refusal to cover pieces of history liberals don't like) in existing text books. (everyone should know about the body piles that socialist governments always cause.)

Texas seems to be addressing an existing problem by fixing it, and the people who have had sole control over the liberal propaganda school systems don't like it. All I can say is hooray for Texas and I hope the rest of the nation wakes up as well.

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
I think the most reasonable and honest response is go F*ck yourself
Awe, is he upset now, the poor Diogenes? Where is the stoicism now?
You disappoint me.

During the campaign to oust Dave McCurdy, there was a highly successful political operative who would show up at McCurdy appearances wearing a Pinocchio nose, implying that McCurdy was lying. During one televised debate between McCurdy and Inhofe, this guy shows up walking down the aisle. Everyone looks at him, and all the cameras swing to cover him. He starts yelling something about McCurdy being a liar, (he was.) and McCurdy responds, "That guy's a Canadian! He has no business interfering with our Senate race! "

I had to admit that McCurdy was right about this. (even though he was on the other side) All the people I knew felt the same way, and the fellow became the poster child for ungracious guests meddling in other people's politics.

Now you have attached yourself to, and disseminated enemy propaganda, which I and others are fighting against, and it's not even your d*mned country! You are taking sides in what is otherwise a political civil war, and you not only don't have any business getting involved, you don't even know what you're talking about. (You are just parroting the liberal screaming fit.)

When confronted with this sort of situation, the proper response is to tell the twit to F*ck off! :)

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Post by kcdodd »

Diogenes, you just made the claim that although you do not yourself live in texas, you still have a say because what happens in texas will affect you. You cannot now claim that Skipjack has no say for the same reason. If what happens in texas affects the entire US, and if what happens in the US affects the world, then Skipjack is affected by your same logic.

I don't think anyone is advocating false history. If there are errors I would agree things would need to be corrected. But that is not the agenda. The agenda is an attempt to change how everything is viewed. Changing words here and there to support a single ideological viewpoint. They want to take out the "liberal interpretation", not the "liberal version". But just what is the liberal interpretation? Apparently, talking about Thomas Jefferson is too liberal. The word democratic is too liberal. The word capitalism is too liberal. The lack of the word god is too liberal. The the idea of the United Nations is too liberal. What is the liberal propaganda here?
There IS a lot of revisionism ( and down right refusal to cover pieces of history liberals don't like) in existing text books. (everyone should know about the body piles that socialist governments always cause.)
Liberals are the first to point out the rise of body piles. You know, humanitarianism and everything.

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Post by JLawson »

kcdodd wrote:Diogenes, you just made the claim that although you do not yourself live in texas, you still have a say because what happens in texas will affect you. You cannot now claim that Skipjack has no say for the same reason. If what happens in texas affects the entire US, and if what happens in the US affects the world, then Skipjack is affected by your same logic.

I don't think anyone is advocating false history. If there are errors I would agree things would need to be corrected. But that is not the agenda. The agenda is an attempt to change how everything is viewed. Changing words here and there to support a single ideological viewpoint. They want to take out the "liberal interpretation", not the "liberal version". But just what is the liberal interpretation? Apparently, talking about Thomas Jefferson is too liberal. The word democratic is too liberal. The word capitalism is too liberal. The lack of the word god is too liberal. The the idea of the United Nations is too liberal. What is the liberal propaganda here?
There IS a lot of revisionism ( and down right refusal to cover pieces of history liberals don't like) in existing text books. (everyone should know about the body piles that socialist governments always cause.)
Liberals are the first to point out the rise of body piles. You know, humanitarianism and everything.

Didn't work so well in the '30s. Walter Duranty got the thanks of the Soviet Union for NOT reporting what was going on in the Ukraine.
When opinion and reality conflict - guess which one is going to win in the long run.

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Post by kcdodd »

So? Not every liberal is a socialist, not every socialist is a communist, and not every communist is a murderer like Stalin. Where is the connection?

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Post by Skipjack »

Now you have attached yourself to, and disseminated enemy propaganda, which I and others are fighting against, and it's not even your d*mned country! You are taking sides in what is otherwise a political civil war, and you not only don't have any business getting involved, you don't even know what you're talking about. (You are just parroting the liberal screaming fit.)
There are a few reasons why I am interested. First, my wife is a US citizen, but you know that.
Second, Texas was among the places that we once considered a desireable spot to live in. The climate is nice and the cost of living is rather low. Further, we have quite a few friends that live there and that are equally upset about the situation.
Fourth what is happening in the US is affecting the rest of world both economically and politically. A bunch of undereducated hicks with nuclear bombs dont make this world a safer place. Which leads me to fifth, the tendency of the US to get involved with matters elsewhere in the world, where the US is
taking sides
you not only don't have any business getting involved.
So I think it is quite fair that I return the favor.

Oh and let me finally add that I find your lack of containance very entertaining. I have never in my 15 years of online forum activity been asked to have intercourse with myself. It speaks for your lack of education (I heard schools in Ok are pretty bad) and manners.

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