Talk by prof. Steve Cowley: Fusion - Cheaper? Faster?

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Talk by prof. Steve Cowley: Fusion - Cheaper? Faster?

Post by crowberry »

Professor Steve Cowley gave a talk with the title Fusion - Cheaper? Faster? at CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society. The talk is 1 h 15 min 37 s long. It is a general introduction to fusion, but he mentions the upcoming JET tritium campaign and talks on rotational shearing as a means of decreasing turbulence in tokamaks to increase the beta and decrease the size and costs of the devices. A big problem is how to avoid the disruptions that can occur even in the mode with reduced turbulence. He ends with his critical opinions on TAE and LM, that he has expressed several times elsewhere. Even if he mentions TAE he does not mention that TAE is also trying to reduce plasma tubulence by rotational shearing.

The talk is on Youtube at

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