LENR Is Real

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Stubby »

parallel wrote:Airbus hosting a seminar on LENR is real news.
Stubby. It has been scaled up. Several independent reports now that the 1 MW plant is working well.
I understand the troll consensus. None can admit they were wrong until a troll give permission. LOL

I just came back to see if my forecast about the trolls response was right.
Bye troll land.
If not believing because the evidence is unsupported, unsubstantiated and/or unverified, then I am a troll.

Bye Parallel.
Everything is bullshit unless proven otherwise. -A.C. Beddoe

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Axil »

The key component in the Ni/H reactor LENR reaction is the production of topological polaritons or as they have been newly named “Topolariton.”. Science has thus caught up with LENR in that these quasiparticles offically dubbed topological polaritons have made their debut in the theoretical world.

The tools that Condensed-matter physicists often turn to are particle-like wave form entities called quasiparticles—such as excitons, plasmons, magnons—to explain complex phenomena seen in the solid state. Now Gil Refael from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and colleagues report the theoretical concept of the topological polarition, or “topolariton”: a hybrid half-light, half-matter quasiparticle that has special topological properties and might be used in devices to transport light in one direction.

This one way propagation down the length of the nanowire is a critical revelation that explains how topolaritons arise from the strong spin based coupling of a photon and an exciton, a bound state of an electron and a hole where when they reach the tip are traped to aggragate in great numbers. Their topology can be thought of as knots in their gapped energy-band structure. The nickel catalitic microparticles used in the Rossi reactor design provides topological one dimemsional nanowire structures from which topolaritons emerge, these knots unwind and allow the topolaritons to propagate in a single direction down the nanowire without back-reflection. In other words, the topolaritons cannot make U-turns. Back-reflection is a known source of detrimental feedback and loss in photonic devices. The LENR centric topolaritons’ immunity to back-reflection may thus be exploited to build long lived aggragates of topolaritons with increased performance.

The paper by Gil Refael explains where the spin of these topolaritons come from and why they last for so long. In this newly released paper, these researchers are strugling to produce and use Topolaritons, but LENR inventors have been at this business for decades. It is promising that science is catching up with this everyday world of LENR.

Topological polaritons

Torsten Karzig,1 Charles-Edouard Bardyn,1 Netanel H. Lindner,2, 1 and Gil Refael1

1-Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Caltech, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
2-Physics Department, Technion, 320003 Haifa, Israel

The interaction between light and matter can give rise to novel topological states. This principle was recently exemplified in Floquet topological insulators, where classical light was used to induce
a topological electronic band structure. Here, in contrast, we show that mixing single photons with excitons can result in new topological polaritonic states — or “topolaritons”. Taken separately, the underlying photons and excitons are topologically trivial. Combined appropriately, however,they give rise to non-trivial polaritonic bands with chiral edge modes allowing for unidirectional polariton propagation. The main ingredient in our construction is an exciton-photon coupling with a phase that winds in momentum space. We demonstrate how this winding emerges from the finite momentum mixing between s-type and p-type bands in the electronic system and an applied Zeeman field. We discuss the requirements for obtaining a sizable topological gap in the polariton spectrum, and propose practical ways to realize topolaritons in semiconductor quantum wells and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by palladin9479 »

Stubby wrote:Appealing to the 'authority of Airbus' doesn't make LENR true.

That only thing anyone has 'demonstrated' about LENR is so-called anomalous heat in very small systems where the errors in measurement might be responsible.

Call me if it scales up.
Too many people have tripped over similar results for it to be total fantasy bullshit, it's just not working in the way they think it is. I'm of the mind we're seeing some sort of QM related mechanic taking place at a very small level that we don't really understand yet with the result being grasping around in the dark with blindfolds on. Willing to bet that in another thirty or fifty years, when we have a much stronger grasp of QM, that what we think of as LENR will have nothing to do with fission / fusion and is something else entirely.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Axil »

The very existence of that nearly pure Ni62 nickel particle seen in the ash analysis of the Lugano demo attests to a quantum mechanical based process that has never been seen before. That particle could not have been formed offline. The production of heat is trivial compared to the existence of that particle.

The complete conversion of a proportionly large micro sized nickel particle with a 10 micron diameter might provide convincing supporting evidence that protons somehow find their way into the center of these massive nickel particles by quantum teleportation. This quantum mechanical based movement is supported by the entanglement of protons in the hydrogen gas that surrounds the outside the nickel particle and the atoms of nickel inside the particle. Yes, Teleportation...like in star trek. A proton located in the hydrogen gas envelope does not need to find its way through large amounts of nickel by bumping and grinding their way through all that nickel. These protons just appear like magic inside the micro particle.

This conclusion might seem ridiculous on it face but this conclusion is fully supported by the experimental evidence from Lugano.

If the protons or in fact any subatomic particle did physically penetrate the nickel particle, we would expect that the outer layers of the particle would experience more nuclear reactions than the center of the particle. This penetration type of reaction would produce a layered ash profile. The outmost surface of the particle should have some copper and/or zinc content, and the inside should still have some untouched lower Z isotopes of nickel...like Ni58.

But NO, the particle is pure Ni62 through and through, completely homogeneous Ni62, utterly pure Ni62. It must be that the protons that make up the gas envelope see no material resistance to the penetration of the nickel. The entangled protons mated with each nickel atom move through the nickel particle via the same dimension in which entanglement works directly through the nickel bulk to its entangled nickel mate into the center of the micro particle or to its dedicate nanowire edge with equal probability. This looks like proton teleportation to me.

And even more perplexing, the delicate nickel nanowire surface covering of the micro particle is pure NI62. This delicate surface nano sized feature has suffered no subatomic particle impact damage what so ever. This ash looks the same as the fuel...before and after... physically unchanged but isotopically different.


Particle 1 looks the same and unchanged both before and after the 32 day reactor run.

No neutrons were detected so the active subatomic particle supporting the Ni58 to Ni62 transmutation must be protons from the gas outside the particle. These protons change themselves into neutrons after they enter the Ni58 nucleus.

The very existance of this particle is fraudproof and dozens of people were involved in this analysis. Even Rossi could not understand it.

Yes, this is impossible to believe, If it weren't for logic and the results of the Lugano experiment, what other answer could there be?
Expected response...
Of course it could be lasanha de frango.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

NASA too is thinking about LENR.
http://nari.arc.nasa.gov/sites/default/ ... gWELLS.pdf

Stubby, I suppose you wouldn't have believed the Wright Bros flew, as there was no peer reviewed paper proving they had and no replication for years. Obviously you wouldn't believe a newspaper report.
So you are not just a troll, but not a very bright one either, if you think a new discovery requires academia's blessing before it is real.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

American Chemical Society Journal Article: LENR Seen as Possible Explanation for Anomalous Heat

http://www.e-catworld.com/2015/07/02/ac ... lous-heat/

"Nevertheless, it seems to be well established now, that abnormally high heat evolutions do occasionally accompany the interactions in which the atomic hydrogen is involved." (Not according to stubby and the trolls)

"The LENR may be a promising energy source for the future, only provided they are understood and controllable. Anticipating availability of the technology, recently a report has been published by NASA describing novel constructions of flying vehicles specifically designed to be powered by LENR based engines."

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

parallel wrote:NASA too is thinking about LENR.
http://nari.arc.nasa.gov/sites/default/ ... gWELLS.pdf

Stubby, I suppose you wouldn't have believed the Wright Bros flew, as there was no peer reviewed paper proving they had and no replication for years. Obviously you wouldn't believe a newspaper report.
So you are not just a troll, but not a very bright one either, if you think a new discovery requires academia's blessing before it is real.
Here, from your own link at page 6:
NASA Aeronautics Research Institute

Investigate new systems enabled by LENR
Explore the application of LENR technology not the
technical aspects and feasibility

So much for NASA endorsing LENR! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

You are the best parallel, please more REAL news, I beg you! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Giorgio on Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

A typical parallel and Axil post:

"Someone replicated the (insert here) LENR experiment but we can't say who or where but anyhow it was proved to work and was revised by someone else according some other source we will not mention because of the troll present on this website.
And if you try to show any logic fault in our meaningless blabbering than you are a troll, ok?
Well, anyhow you are a troll and we don't like this forum but we will keep coming here over and over for reason we will not mention, but mainly because you are all trolls.
In truth all the universe is full of trolls except us and his holiness "Rossi I the Snake hunter". Of course this was proved and endorsed by NASA and SETI in few secret researches, but we will not link to them as trolls need to blindly believe. In our mighty wisdom we will anyhow post a link on research of potato growing in the arctic circle. Why? Well, how else could you grow potato in the arctic circle if not thanks to the heat of some secret LENR research!!! "

In every single post you make you do one or more of the following:
You post articles unrelated to the discussion.
You post links to researches that most of the time are unrelated with the content of your post
You extract from those links phrases that have no relation to the main content of the link itself.
You misunderstand technical terms and scientific notations in ways that even an undergraduate would not do.
You escape any attempt of logical reasoning once errors are pointed out to you.
You constantly fail to critically evaluate other people opinions if they go against your beliefs.
I could go on to write for an hour..........

But I am happy that you two exists and you post here.
You are the perfect example of an evolutionary "dead end"; wasted mental resources in it's best expression. In this role you have found your place in this society, i.e. to serve as examples and warning to the younger ones as to what happens when people start following dogmatic believes and stops using logical reasoning and critical thinking.

I know that your life must not be easy, but thank you (to both) for existing.
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

In every single post you make you do one or more of the following:
You post articles unrelated to the discussion.
You post links to researches that most of the time are unrelated with the content of your post
You extract from those links phrases that have no relation to the main content of the link itself.
You misunderstand technical terms and scientific notations in ways that even an undergraduate would not do.
You escape any attempt of logical reasoning once errors are pointed out to you.
You constantly fail to critically evaluate other people opinions if they go against your beliefs.
What troll logic do you use to make this peer reviewed paper fit any of your list?
Or was it you couldn't be bothered to follow the link in my reference?

a) proves anomalous heat.
b) involves a system where Pd and H are present and interacting when the excess heat is measured.
c) it does not come from an author already involved in LENR, and
d) it mentions and quotes LENR as a possible explanation.

I see you were too thick to understand the Wright Bros analogy, that you won't accept any evidence except from a peer reviewed paper.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

parallel wrote:Giorgio,
In every single post you make you do one or more of the following:
You post articles unrelated to the discussion.
You post links to researches that most of the time are unrelated with the content of your post
You extract from those links phrases that have no relation to the main content of the link itself.
You misunderstand technical terms and scientific notations in ways that even an undergraduate would not do.
You escape any attempt of logical reasoning once errors are pointed out to you.
You constantly fail to critically evaluate other people opinions if they go against your beliefs.
What troll logic do you use to make this peer reviewed paper fit any of your list?
Or was it you couldn't be bothered to follow the link in my reference?

a) proves anomalous heat.
b) involves a system where Pd and H are present and interacting when the excess heat is measured.
c) it does not come from an author already involved in LENR, and
d) it mentions and quotes LENR as a possible explanation.

I see you were too thick to understand the Wright Bros analogy, that you won't accept any evidence except from a peer reviewed paper.
My difference with you parallel, is that I really do love science and I am really open to discuss and evaluate anything new and different from standard science, "provided" that the discussion comes in the form of a critical evaluation of all the elements which can be "at favor" or "against" the accepted theories.

That's why whenever you post the abstract of a paper behind a "pay wall" I will search for it on other sources and see if I can find and read it in full.
When I do reply it means that I have actually read the full paper and evaluated it (which you and Axil never do).
If I do not reply it means I wasn't able to find it and do not have elements to point out your (eventual) mistakes.

I have already read Lalik previous papers on Arxiv, and I found also this paper (probably) on Scribd, but I can't access it till I will be in an area where my VPN works:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/270055346/Osc ... -catalysts

Don't worry, as soon as I can read it I will reply to you. That's my fun after all.
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

In every single post you make you do one or more of the following:
That is a lie. You are a troll.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

parallel wrote:Giorgio,
In every single post you make you do one or more of the following:
That is a lie. You are a troll.
LMAO, I should have also added:
You can't make more than three posts in a row without calling someone a "troll".

My bad, I thought that this point was already clear in the "A typical parallel and Axil post:" part of my original message!
Worry not, I will make a comprehensive list in the future and update the existing one. :mrgreen:
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

You can't make more than three posts in a row without calling someone a "troll"
You are a serial liar.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

parallel wrote:Giogio,
You can't make more than three posts in a row without calling someone a "troll"
You are a serial liar.
That's it?
I am seriously worried parallel, your attempt at insults was much more articulated in the past. Please take care of your health and don't forget to take your daily "blue pill".
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ScottL »

Parallel, you're going to have to do better than to link to an abstract and run. Discuss the actual paper please and point out what it is you hope for us to glean from it. Only through discourse can we understand what it is you're trying to convey. So far I'm stuck with the impression that you're obsessed with calling people trolls and liars, which I might point out are ad hominem attacks. I believe by doing so you're violating rule #1 of this forum:

1. Be polite. No flames, insults, personal attacks, or other unprofessional behavior.

You're also (now that I've looked up the rules) violating #2 by not discussing or adding to the discussion of articles you've linked:

2. No posts consisting only of a link. If you have something to say, say it; if it's just a link, it belongs on a links page (like this one).

I'd really like to stay the course so to speak in this thread. As you all know, I think Rossi is full of it, but I don't dismiss LENR per se. I think there is honest research on the topic, although I don't get my hopes up. Let's keep the discussion pertinent to LENR specifically.

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