It's Secret for your Own Good

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It's Secret for your Own Good

Post by mvanwink5 »

Never trust a banker is what my grandfather would say after going through the depression. It is still valid today. But what else? Never trust a secret Gubbermant. "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it," then we got Obamanationcare. Now Big RepubliCons are supporting the secret TPP treaty. WTF. Secret??? And what else is secret? NSA, and 'We must give up the Bill of Rights for needed Security' Big RepubliCons like McCain (a tortured in war, mentally damaged, real nutter if there ever was one) and the other 'Patriot Act' defender McConnell. 'Patriot Act' indeed is pure Orwellian NewSpeak.

Secret Gubbermant is supposed to be secret because of enemies, so I guess the American people are now the enemies of the RepubliCons is all I can come up with.

The hair is standing up on the back of my neck.
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Re: It's Secret for your Own Good

Post by hanelyp »

One problem with that rant, who's in the whitehouse negotiating the secret agreement, and insisting it remain secret?

I agree that a trade deal negotiated in secrecy is most likely a bad idea, and fast track authority for any deal by a proven liar is VERY BAD.
The daylight is uncomfortably bright for eyes so long in the dark.

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Re: It's Secret for your Own Good

Post by mvanwink5 »

One problem with that rant, who's in the whitehouse negotiating the secret agreement, and insisting it remain secret?
Yes, and water is wet. Obviously, the guy keeping it secret is Obama, self described as the most 'transparent' of all. And yes, another rant. What would you suggest? Voting, writing my senator or congressman and getting a boilerplate response with a helping of smoke blowing?

So, the 'opposition' are the ones I would normally support. That is why it really aggravates me, and why the hair is standing up on the back of my neck. No sane opposition. After 6 years, everything that the Obama bunch pushes is worrisome, yet the RepubliCon 'leadership' seems to be lining up in support. Blackmailed by Patriot Act acquired meta data?

Now if I had the whole country's citizen's NSA acquired meta data, maybe I could do something... looks like Snowden went for the wrong stuff.
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Re: It's Secret for your Own Good

Post by mvanwink5 »

Progressives are coming out of the Totalitarian closet, encouraged by both parties Prog dominance. TPP is just another venue to advance control for your own good. ... trade.html
June 4, 2015
Obama admits that climate change will be in Obamatrade

In a speech on the Senate floor on May 22, Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon ridiculed those who thought climate change regulation would be part of Obamatrade:
We’ve heard suggested, for example, that it’s a backdoor route to immigration reform or action on climate change…. My sense is that the rate these hypotheticals are going, you’re bound to hear that a future president working on a trade deal might have second thoughts about the Louisiana purchase.

But in an interview on NPR’s Marketplace yesterday (June 3), President Obama said that enforcing climate change regulations will indeed be part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Obamatrade pact that he is currently negotiating with Malaysia and 10 other countries.  He said:
If we want to solve something like climate change, which is one of my highest priorities, then I’ve got to be able to get into places like Malaysia, and say to them, this is in your interest. What leverage do I have to get them to stop deforestation? Well part of the leverage is if I’m in a trade relationship with them that allows me to raise standards.
In December, Obama will negotiate a multi-country climate agreement in Paris.  We already know from Obama’s joint announcement with China that he will commit the United States to a huge reduction in carbon emissions of 26%-28% from 2005 levels, but he will let China, already a much larger carbon emitter, continue to expand its carbon emissions until 2030.
Obama would not need to get Congress to approve the unfair climate change treaty terms that he negotiates.  Instead, he could get the Commission set up by the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement to add those terms to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
After that, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions, set up by that agreement, could enforce Obama’s terms through the threat of multi-billion-dollar fines upon the U.S. government.
In a speech on the Senate floor on May 22, Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon ridiculed those who thought climate change regulation would be part of Obamatrade:
"We’ve heard suggested, for example, that it’s a backdoor route to immigration reform or action on climate change…. My sense is that the rate these hypotheticals are going, you’re bound to hear that a future president working on a trade deal might have second thoughts about the Louisiana purchase."
But in an interview on NPR’s Marketplace yesterday (June 3), President Obama said that enforcing climate change regulations will indeed be part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Obamatrade pact that he is currently negotiating with Malaysia and 10 other countries.  He said:
"If we want to solve something like climate change, which is one of my highest priorities, then I’ve got to be able to get into places like Malaysia, and say to them, this is in your interest. What leverage do I have to get them to stop deforestation? Well part of the leverage is if I’m in a trade relationship with them that allows me to raise standards."
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Re: It's Secret for your Own Good

Post by Skipjack »

TTIP is equally criticized in Europe. From what has been leaked large multinational corporations will be able to press their agendas onto countries and governments, even being able to sue them for loss of business. I am very much against that. Negotiating treaties like these without public input and knowledge is undemocratic.

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