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Minds Are Changing.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:24 am
by MSimon
The mind in question is 68 years old. She lives in a heavily prohibitionist State.

The opening paragraphs:

An old friend came to town to visit and we had a wonderful time together. What was interesting was her change in attitude towards cannabis. She was never one of those “lock them up and throw away the key” type people. But she was one of those “stay away from that dangerous stuff” types. This time she was citing the medical literature left and right about the virtues of the drug. The anti-cancer properties. The uses for all kinds of diseases.

Her take on why it still is illegal? It would destroy the medical industry as we know it. When I said it would destroy between 1/4 and 3/4s of the medical industry she didn’t bat an eyelash. She just agreed. The most interesting part? Her husband is a doctor.