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The CAGW Template

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:56 pm
by MSimon
John Brignell: How we know they know they are lying ... are-lying/
It is to some extent forgivable when people adopt extreme positions out of misapprehension or delusion. It is quite another matter if they mislead others by deliberate falsehood. Politicians, of course, treat the lie as part of their professional equipment. Indeed, in some circumstances they are obliged to use it (when, for example, telling the truth about the economy would cause a run on the currency). In science, up to recent times, there is no circumstance in which a deliberate falsehood is justifiable. It requires at a minimum being drummed out of one’s learned society.

All that has changed with the rise of authoritarian government.
And here is a comment I left on that post:

What is not widely known among the anti-CAGW crowd is that the method used as documented by Brignell has a template. The same method was used to suppress the medicinal properties of cannabis. Reagan went so far as to forbid any further studies of its anti-cancer properties.

Due to study and pressure from the Left and the libertarian Right that is breaking down.

What is astounding is that just as the CAGW folks are immune to evidence so is the Prohibitionist Right.

So who (generally speaking) goes by the evidence in both cases? The libertarians.

Our enemy is not the Left. Our enemy is not the Right. Our enemy is the State. And it uses Left/Right as convenient to take our liberties.