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Just How Many Chemicals Will Need To Be Banned?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:34 am
by MSimon
Just how many chemicals will need to be banned to keep us safe?

Because once you allow one it is like letting the tip in. Pretty soon you get shafted. ... tery-highs

These street chemists are working all the time to develop new drugs. Perhaps knowledge of chemistry needs to be banned. Or a federal license to study it. I see a black market in chemistry books in our future.

We need to ban alcohol and tobacco. Because it all starts with that. Or maybe mother's milk. Which has THC analogs in it designed to give babies the munchies.

So perhaps we ought to ban mother's milk.

But there may be a better way. Instead of banning the drugs, ban the receptors that make them work. No one has yet designed a human without an endocannabinoid or endorphin system But perhaps we out to start. At once.

Because if we don't stop these drugs who knows where it will lead. We will all become addicts to drugs the way we are to food. In fact we need to work to make food unpleasant. Some people use it as a drug substitute.