Republicans Are Running Scared

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Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by MSimon »

In my e-mail:

After months of predicting GOP victory, the Washington Post’s statistical model now shows a 51 percent chance that the Democrats hang on.


I got it from:

Paid for by NRSC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


We have two big government parties. The Democrats want to steal your money. The Republicans want to steal your life (well at least put you in jail) for your bad habits. Which is the more immediate threat is what voters ask. Which will do more immediate damage?
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by Diogenes »

I have been actively urging anyone in Kentucky and Mississippi to vote for the Democrat. (Grimes in Kentucky and Childers in Mississippi.)

McConnell and Cochran need to go. I would rather let the Democrats keep control of the Senate than see either of these two get elected.

It isn't going to make any difference anyway. There are so many RINO squishes in the Republican party that you can hardly tell them from Democrats. They are gutless cowards who are only interested in feathering their own nests.

Simon, you don't really understand what's going on. You are still thinking it's all about your precious drug war. No, the Republican base is FURIOUS with a whole slew of it's own candidates. I know people in Texas that intend to vote against Cornyn, people in Kansas who intend to vote against Roberts, and people in South Carolina that want to vote against Graham, and pretty much the same in several other states.

They are sick of the status quo malt-o-meal go along to get along crony capitalist Repukeocrats who are against reform and who keep insisting on passing national amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Cochran and McConnell need to go, and it wouldn't bother me if a whole bunch more of that ilk were pushed out as well.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by MSimon »

Well I object to government being used by one group of citizens to persecute another. That rarely works out well. We have numerous examples from history. And because you don't see it as your personal problem you think it is unimportant.

Being Jewish I take a broader view. I sill remember Pastor Martin Niemoller. "First they came for...."

BTW there are not enough conservatives left to control anything. And fewer every day. You win on specific issues by forming coalitions. Nixon is dead. Those that put him in power are gone. So you actually surrender on issues that are going against you and wait for better days. You cultivate, "I'm not sure of the general stance on xxx but I defer to the will of the people because I am their representative not their master. I may be wrong and I will learn. The people may be wrong and they will learn. But above all else I represent them." Instead you preach fire and brimstone. And the congregation gets smaller.

Conservatives treat politics like religion. "If you don't support every point of our church's dogma you can't be a member. In fact we don't even want you in the building."

Now there is quite a bit of support for rational government spending. But conservatives dissipate that support by bringing in all sorts of side issues. And every added issue loses votes. Add enough of them and you lose the whole deal. Democrats may be no good when it comes to money. But when it comes to politics they can add.

As to cronyism. My grandpappy always used to say,"They are all crooks." It goes with the territory. The only question should be, "will he deliver his vote on critical issues?" And then you have to chose those issues wisely. Terri Schiavo was not the best move to make. Wanting to fix everything you fix nothing.

If you follow the Florida race you will note that the Republican is having trouble because he is against medical which something like 65+ % of the voting public there support. And that issue will also bring a few more Democrats to the polls. And yet Scott is being supported by a guy who is anti-medical in America and pro-medical in Israel. The race right now is too close to call. ... /16141403/

The Republicans have dug themselves a hole. All because their base is not rational, "We want smaller government except for...." Might as well vote Democrat and get the whole enchilada.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by GIThruster »

MSimon wrote:Well I object to government being used by one group of citizens to persecute another. That rarely works out well.
Right. Lets stop persecuting rapists and murderers now! Make that a party platform.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by MSimon »

GIThruster wrote:
MSimon wrote:Well I object to government being used by one group of citizens to persecute another. That rarely works out well.
Right. Lets stop persecuting rapists and murderers now! Make that a party platform.
Well no. Keep persecuting blacks, gays, and dopers. Schicklgruber did. And it worked very well for him. It made him very popular - for a while. Unfortunately for those of a persecuting state of mind, America has turned against that sort of thing.

BTW explain how having a smoke is like rape. It should be entertaining.

Well, as I said above - Republicans are not very clear thinkers. Thank you so very much for proving my point.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by williatw »

MSimon wrote:
GIThruster wrote:
MSimon wrote:Well I object to government being used by one group of citizens to persecute another. That rarely works out well.
Right. Lets stop persecuting rapists and murderers now! Make that a party platform.
BTW explain how having a smoke is like rape. It should be entertaining.
Yes it would be if you actually got a response on that point....which I doubt.

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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by TDPerk »

"Being Jewish I take a broader view. "

I do wonder how far your tongue was in your cheek. Your view on the topic is about as narrow as I've ever seen.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by Diogenes »

Simon, i'm not going to discuss your obsession with weed. It is a trivial issue and on this forum it's importance has been far overrepresented compared to more meaningful issues.

The world is burning and all you want to talk about is making it easier to get high. This is why you have difficulty getting people to take you seriously.

Your issue is a symptom of a broader and more pervasive rot. All you do is beckon the gods of the copybook headings to get here quicker.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by MSimon »

Diogenes wrote:Simon, i'm not going to discuss your obsession with weed. It is a trivial issue and on this forum it's importance has been far overrepresented compared to more meaningful issues.

The world is burning and all you want to talk about is making it easier to get high. This is why you have difficulty getting people to take you seriously.

Your issue is a symptom of a broader and more pervasive rot. All you do is beckon the gods of the copybook headings to get here quicker.
Well if you consider curing cancer and reducing medical expenses by $1/2 to $1 1/2 trillion a year trivial I have no answer for you. Just think of what reducing medical expenses by 25% to 75% would do to the Federal budget.

Of course the world is burning. So might it not be a good idea to get the divisive trivial issues off the table and focus on the "big" picture? Wouldn't it be good for you to join the majority on this trivial issue? To better enlist them on the "important" ones?

As to the big picture - In America you are in 100,000 times more danger from Prohibition Police and the gangs they spawn than you are from any of the Islamic nut jobs. Even considering the recent beheading in Oklahoma. Of course you and the Islamics are on the same side when it comes to Prohibition so you do have that going for you.

I will give up my obsession with Prohibition when it ends. It is a bad deal. And it is part of the funding mechanism for those people you fear. You are still for it. Is it because your job in part depends on it? Honor dies where interest lies.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by Diogenes »

No Simon. No one thinks "Curing Cancer" is the primary focus of the "Let's Legalize Weed! " crowd.

That is just misdirection, of the sort we've come to expect. This claim is nothing but an effort to rationalize what people want to do anyway.

And of course, this has nothing to do with why Republicans are Running Scared. They are running scared because they took a big dump on their voter base, and now they think their voter base is going to repay them for that by not voting for them.

When *I* am ready to toss them to the wolves, you've got to know they have pissed off a lot of people who would ordinarily be supporters.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by MSimon »

No Simon. No one thinks "Curing Cancer" is the primary focus of the "Let's Legalize Weed! " crowd.

That does not negate the fact that Prohibitionists like you stand in the way of a cancer cure.
That is just misdirection, of the sort we've come to expect. This claim is nothing but an effort to rationalize what people want to do anyway. ... ncers.html ... ommit.y=12

Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition ... cer-cells/ - Endocannabinoids in the immune system and cancer.

Well it isn't just a claim. There are animal studies backing it up and copious anecdotal evidence.
And of course, this has nothing to do with why Republicans are Running Scared. They are running scared because they took a big dump on their voter base, and now they think their voter base is going to repay them for that by not voting for them.

Well good for the base. I'm not voting for them either. Together we can defeat their brand of Big Government.

BTW the Republican base has ALWAYS been disaffected. They never seem to come out for Republican candidates. Maybe the base is an illusion. Maybe there is NO small government party in America capable of winning elections. We just have one kind of Big Government Party and then the other.
When *I* am ready to toss them to the wolves, you've got to know they have pissed off a lot of people who would ordinarily be supporters.
The rise of the Republican libertarians is a hopeful sign to me.

In any case the stand of the "base" on a number of issues does not help. It runs counter to the trends. Cannabis is only one of them. I also note you avoided the question of how effective endocannabinoid medicine would cut medical expenses by 25% to 75%. Your dislike of the "hippies" is taking big money out of your pocket and causing untold suffering. Hate is such a wonderful thing. But it is not a reliable way to make decisions. And it now puts you in the minority.

It is funny that you support my point about dealing with politics as if it were religion. You demand purity over electability. The Democrats have no such qualms. They are about Power and know how to get it. What politics is all about.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by williatw »

The Fix

The odds of Republicans winning the Senate are growing


All three major election forecasting models saw an uptick in the likelihood of Republicans winning the six seats they need to retake the Senate majority over the past week, movement largely due to the party's strengthened chances in Alaska, Colorado and Iowa.

The most bullish model for Republicans is Washington Post's Election Lab, which, as of Monday morning, gives the GOP a 76 percent chance of winning the majority. Leo, the New York Times model, pegs it at 67 percent while FiveThirtyEight shows Republicans with a 60 percent probability. A week ago, Election Lab gave Republicans a 65 percent chance of winning the majority, Leo put it a 55 percent and FiveThirtyEight had it just under 55 percent.

Of course being Republicans they may yet find a way to shoot themselves in the foot and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. ... e-growing/

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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:
No Simon. No one thinks "Curing Cancer" is the primary focus of the "Let's Legalize Weed! " crowd.

That does not negate the fact that Prohibitionists like you stand in the way of a cancer cure.

So you are going to imply that you started out wanting to find the best possible cure for cancer, and your research led you straight to pot? Because it certainly looks like you started out with "How can I justify pot? I know! I'll point out how everyone who is against it is a Totalitarian RACIST!!!!! And how it is a magic herb which cures Cancer!!!! "

You are simply rationalizing your heart's desire into something noble sounding because your real reasons are just not very persuasive.

MSimon wrote:
And of course, this has nothing to do with why Republicans are Running Scared. They are running scared because they took a big dump on their voter base, and now they think their voter base is going to repay them for that by not voting for them.

Well good for the base. I'm not voting for them either. Together we can defeat their brand of Big Government.

I very much doubt that. I see big and bigger government looming as far as the eye can see.

MSimon wrote:
BTW the Republican base has ALWAYS been disaffected. They never seem to come out for Republican candidates. Maybe the base is an illusion. Maybe there is NO small government party in America capable of winning elections. We just have one kind of Big Government Party and then the other.

Darwin doesn't care. Whether sanity can win or not, Darwin always laughs last. Societies can go extinct too.

MSimon wrote:
When *I* am ready to toss them to the wolves, you've got to know they have pissed off a lot of people who would ordinarily be supporters.

The rise of the Republican libertarians is a hopeful sign to me.

Well, the Church did used to sell indulgences. I'm sure they were popular at one time. They will work out now about as well as they did then.

MSimon wrote: It is funny that you support my point about dealing with politics as if it were religion.

WTH are you talking about? My venom at them has nothing to do with purity, it has to do with traitorous backstabbing of their base of supporters. You must not be aware of what McConnell and Cochran pulled in Mississippi.
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote: I will give up my obsession with Prohibition when it ends.

It is your boogeyman.

MSimon wrote: It is a bad deal. And it is part of the funding mechanism for those people you fear. You are still for it. Is it because your job in part depends on it? Honor dies where interest lies.

No, I don't have a f*cking thing to do with enforcing drug laws, (or any other laws) and i'm pretty fed up with your several insinuations that I do. I do not know where you got this weird idea from, but I certainly have never said anything to give you the impression that I have anything at all to do with drug enforcement other than the fact that i'm against drugs because no sane person who has had any experience with druggies would tolerate that sh*t.

I do Electronic/Industrial/Instrument/SCADA control and Radio communication systems. That is what I do. I do not have anything to do with enforcing any laws or regulations. I do Electronic Engineering/Tech work. I am not a member of law enforcement, I have no law enforcement training, I do not work for a law enforcement organization, I do not receive any funding intended to be used for law enforcement.

You are just attempting to "otherize" me into being part of your boogeyman horde, and you just need to face the fact that sometimes people disagree with you because you're wrong, and not because they are part of some diabolical Cabal.

Sheesh, why are Libertarians such conspiracy nuts?
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Re: Republicans Are Running Scared

Post by paperburn1 »

Or perhaps we do belong to a secret society , whose total goal is to control free thinkers like Simon by limiting his usage to a drug that can cure the world of most of Its diseases and ailments.
Drats and egad we have been found out by this clever thinker. Our cause is doomed! Run to our vaults and hide Winthrop, until this reefer madness passes! Those clever drug users have outwitted us. Now they will have the cure for
• Acute Gastritis
• Adenomyosis
• Alzheimer’s
• Amyloidosis
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
• Anaphylactic or Reaction
• Angelman Syndrome
• Anorexia
• Arthritis
• Arthropathy (Gout)
• Asperger Disorder
• Asthma
• Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
• Autism
• Back Pain
• Bell's Palsy
• Bipolar Disorder
• Bruxism
• Bulemia
• Cachexia
• Cancer
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Cerebral Aneurysm
• Chronic Pain
• Cluster Headaches
• CMT Disease
• Colitis
• Colitis/Ulcerative Colitis
• Colon Diverticulitis
• Crohn's disease
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Cystitis/Urethritis
• Darier's Disease
• Depression
• Diabetes
• Diarrhea
• Dravet Syndrome
• Dupuytren's Contracture
• Dyspepsia
• Dystonia
• E. T.
• Eczema
• Ehlers Danlos
• Emphysema
• Endometriosis
• Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder
• Felty's syndrome
• Fibromyalgia
• Friedreich's Ataxia
• GastroEsophgeal Reflux Disease
• Glaucoma
• Graves' disease
• Hemophilia A
• Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
• Herpes
• Hydrocephalus
• Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
• Hyperventilation
• Incontinence
• Inflammatory Bowel
• Insomnia
• Interstitial Pneumonia
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Limbic Rage Syndrome
• Liver Disease
• Lupus
• Lyme Disease
• Macular Degeneration
• Marfan Syndrome-
• mastocytosis
• MD
• Medical Marijuana as Pain Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
• Medical Marijuana Treatment for Addiction
• Melorheostosis
• Meniere's Disease
• Menopausal Syndrome
• Migraines
• Motion Sickness
• Movement Disorders
• Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Muscle Spasm
• Muscle Spasms
• Myofascial Pain
• Nausea
• Nephritis
• Neurodegenerative Disorders
• Neurofibromatosis
• Neuropathy
• Nightmares
• Osgood-Schlatter
• Osteogenesis imperfecta
• Palmar Hyperhydrosis
• Pancreatic Cancer
• Pancreatitis
• Panic Attacks
• Panic Disorder
• Pectus carinatum (Pigeon breast/chest)
• Pemphigus
• Peptic Ulcer
• Peutz-Jehgers
• Polyarteritis Nodosa
• Polycythemia vera
• Porphyria—Alternative Symptom Treatments
• Post Concussion Syndrome
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• PPS-Post Polio Syndrome
• Prostate Cancer
• Pruritus
• Psoriasis
• Pylorospasm reflux
• Radiation Therapy
• Raynaud's phenomenon
• Reactive Arthritis
• RLS-MMj Treats Symptoms
• Schizophrenia(s)
• Scleroderma
• Scoliosis
• Selectivemutism
• Shingles
• Sinusitis
• Sjogren's Syndrome
• Sleep Apnea
• Spina Bifida and Medical Marijuana
• Sturge-Weber
• Syringomyelia
• Tenosynovitis
• Testicular Cancer
• Testicular Torsion
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• Tic Douloureux
• Tietze’s Syndrome
• Tinnitus
• Tourette Syndrome and Cannabinoids
• Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
To paraphrase PT Barnum, when something can cure everything it is guaranteed to cure nothing
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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