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Iran may have acquired Nuclear War Heads.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:57 pm
by Diogenes
Too serious to ignore, even if just a rumor.

Report: Iran Has Acquired Nuclear-Capable Warheads ... clear.html

Re: Iran may have acquired Nuclear War Heads.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:04 pm
by bcglorf
Diogenes wrote:Too serious to ignore, even if just a rumor.

Report: Iran Has Acquired Nuclear-Capable Warheads ... clear.html
Even though it's likely this isn't true today, the reality is that without some kind of much more direct action on our part, this WILL be true sooner than later.

Intervention in Iran now would be disastrous for the green movement there and hopes of seeing a domestic home grown shift towards democracy within Iran. Unfortunately, failure to intervene leaves the time line before Iran acquires nuclear weapons ticking, and when that is hit the green movement is dead anyways, as well as the other more devastating problems it creates for stability overall.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:16 pm
by Skipjack
So your source here is a blog?
Seems a lot of speculation and hearsay here.
Where are the facts?
Personally I am way more worried about Pakistan right now. They already do have nuclear warheads and we do know that for sure and the place is crawling with Al Quaida.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:25 pm
by JohnP

The hard part isn't the warhead. The hard part's the bomb.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:54 pm
by bcglorf
Skipjack wrote:So your source here is a blog?
Seems a lot of speculation and hearsay here.
Where are the facts?
Personally I am way more worried about Pakistan right now. They already do have nuclear warheads and we do know that for sure and the place is crawling with Al Quaida.
I'll second that, although it's no excuse to ignore the threat of Iran continuing it's own work on it's weapons program.

Here's an article quoting the infamous AQ Khan...

Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan said that the youths should come forward to save the country and we would stand by with them. He said that revolution is the only solution to the problems. He said that country’s situation is extremely bad and people are fed up with price hike, anarchy and unemployment. He said a campaign should be launched with full force and there is a need to liberate the country.

So AQ Khan, Pakistan's golden boy, the hero that built the Islamic bomb, and then covertly started selling that same technology off to the highest bidder is now calling for the youth to liberate Pakistan. The 'youth' of course including the extremists like the Pakistani Taliban, and Pakistan's current establishment being run by the democratically elected widow of Benazir Bhutto whom the same 'youth' assassinated.

Happy thoughts, there. Happy thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:56 pm
by ladajo
JohnP wrote:*shrug*

The hard part isn't the warhead. The hard part's the bomb.
I would say the hard part is making a nuke small enough to be a missile payload.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:47 pm
by Skipjack
I'll second that, although it's no excuse to ignore the threat of Iran continuing it's own work on it's weapons program.
Quite honestly, I would leave the zone to themselves. As everyone could see they will happily kill each other, if they are not united against a common enemy that keeps constantly interfering with their internal affairs.
E.g. IMHO going to Lybia was a mistake. Let them sort it out themselves. If the US interferes and there is collateral damage (and there always is) and there is loss of human life, the US is blamed and any father that lost his child due to some collateral damage will be a potential Al Quadia hire...
So just leave them allone and let them kill each other! Its the better and cheaper solution than nuking the place yourselves.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:54 pm
by rjaypeters
Can't. Western civilization, for now, needs the oil.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:09 pm
by Skipjack
Can't. Western civilization, for now, needs the oil.
Yeah, the fracking oil!
This is the reason why I am on this board. I hate the dependency on oil and on therefore on these countries. With cheap electricity that will go away.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm
by Diogenes
Skipjack wrote:So your source here is a blog?
Seems a lot of speculation and hearsay here.
Where are the facts?
Personally I am way more worried about Pakistan right now. They already do have nuclear warheads and we do know that for sure and the place is crawling with Al Quaida.
Not sure if you read the link. My recollection of the link is it cites Fox News. Yup. It does. Re-read the link.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:50 pm
by Diogenes
JohnP wrote:*shrug*

The hard part isn't the warhead. The hard part's the bomb.
Pardon my naivete, but I am under the impression that a "War Head" IS a bomb designed to sit on top of a missile.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:53 pm
by Skipjack
Not sure if you read the link. My recollection of the link is it cites Fox News. Yup. It does. Re-read the link.
Yes, but there is no link in that article to that alleged Fox news. We have a saying here "Paper is patient", which means that you can write anything on it and it does not care whether it is true or bull. The same can be said for any other media and especially some blog on the internet.
And even if Fox news had said it, which I doubt, then that does not mean much. It is Fox news after all, half of what they say is crap anyway. To me something is not even remotely believable unless several outlets have said it and then exactly the same way. So far I have seen nothing that makes me even remotely interested.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:58 pm
by Diogenes
ladajo wrote:
JohnP wrote:*shrug*

The hard part isn't the warhead. The hard part's the bomb.
I would say the hard part is making a nuke small enough to be a missile payload.
I Found one of my old books a few days ago. (The Curve of Binding Energy) Started re-reading it again. If I recall correctly, the scientist of which the book is about, (Theodore B. Taylor) was the first guy to think of using a beryllium reflector to make a sub-critical mass into a critical mass. If I remember correctly, the bomb thus developed was called the "Scorpion", and was one of if not THE smallest fission bomb ever built. Were I the Iranians, I would experiment with this approach. I think neutron readings from small samples could be scaled up enough to give them an idea how small a mass would be required to make such a bomb.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:02 pm
by Diogenes
Skipjack wrote:
I'll second that, although it's no excuse to ignore the threat of Iran continuing it's own work on it's weapons program.
Quite honestly, I would leave the zone to themselves. As everyone could see they will happily kill each other, if they are not united against a common enemy that keeps constantly interfering with their internal affairs.
E.g. IMHO going to Lybia was a mistake. Let them sort it out themselves. If the US interferes and there is collateral damage (and there always is) and there is loss of human life, the US is blamed and any father that lost his child due to some collateral damage will be a potential Al Quadia hire...
So just leave them allone and let them kill each other! Its the better and cheaper solution than nuking the place yourselves.
I'm baffled as to how the elephant in the room always seems to be overlooked. Iran will attack Israel. Israel will respond by nuking Iran. The entire middle east will go up in flames, and Europe, Russia, China AND the US will be drawn into a massive and bloody conflict.

Why we need to kill 100+ million people to indulge the Iranians quest for Muslim Armageddon is simply beyond my comprehension. Please explain it to me.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:03 pm
by Diogenes
rjaypeters wrote:Can't. Western civilization, for now, needs the oil.
Come on University of Michigan! We need you now!