Healthcare & rationing

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Post by Skipjack »

From where I sit, it looks like the hedonistic, athiestic, excessively tolerant genes are going to be culled from both Europe and America in subsequent generations. Much misery will ensue before this occurs, but the people responsible will have brought it upon themselves, as well as the rest of us.
As I said earlier, I heard Iceland is nice. To cold for "them"...

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Post by Skipjack » ... ef=24hours

Just to spice the discussion up a bit more, another article.

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Post by TallDave »

No TallDave, I do understand that PRIVATE insurance companies invest the money we give them
What you don't appear to understand is that's how they make money, not by inviting lawsuits and bad publicity by reneging on contracts.
. The Austrian public health insurance does not do that and it is still mostly fine
Not by our standards.
Again, this is bullshit. Spending money on routine checkups helps prevent much more expensive treatments later. Same goes with vaccinations.
Vaccinations, yes. Checkups -- well, it depends on what you check. It probably isn't cost-effective to do a full MRI body scan every six months. There are all kinds of tests one could do, if one isn't required to pay for them.

The CBO did a study and found that increasing preventive medicine beyond what is already done today would increase, not decrease, overall costs.
No offense, but you guys are poor compared to us
I still raise the bullshit card on that. You can ask my wife. Even poor people here have rather good lives
Sorry, GDP is what it is. MRI availability is what it is. Cancer survival rates are what they are. Half your country would be in poverty by our standards. Specialist wait times are what they are. Drug availability is what it is.

A "good life" is relative. Those African Bushmen are always smiling. I don't want their healthcare system either.
Again, you may ask my wife.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
Well here it is for a third time (yeah, I had already posted it twice):
As I suspected they don't give the insurer's side of those cases. Anyone can claim anything to a sympathetic reporter. And notice the insurers always seem to lose in court anyway.

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Post by TallDave »

Skipjack wrote: ... ef=24hours

Just to spice the discussion up a bit more, another article.
So you're only 1.6 percent more likely to die without insurance?

I feel better about being uninsured already.

But really, these look like medical Darwin Awards. I don't know which is worse, the guy who waits three days for medical attention with appendicitis or the woman who thinks insurance costs $5,000 a month (and if it did, why not pay a couple hundred for a checkup that would have found the heart disease?)

I'm with this guy:
"The findings in this research are based on faulty methodology and the death risk is significantly overstated," said John C. Goodman, the president of the NCPA in a statement.

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Post by Skipjack »

There are all kinds of tests one could do, if one isn't required to pay for them.
Well fact is that they would not routinely do a vaginal ultra sound on my wife in the US and they are doing it here. Not all checkups require an MRI. Actually there is a lot of stuff you see better with oder modalities such as CT and US.
What you don't appear to understand is that's how they make money, not by inviting lawsuits and bad publicity by reneging on contracts.
Well they seemingly dont care about bad publicity, because they have already got that. Heck it is even visible to us over here.
Cancer survival rates are what they are.
Maybe we just are better at preventing cancers from developing, leaving only the more severe cases that have lower survival rates?
A "good life" is relative. Those African Bushmen are always smiling. I don't want their healthcare system either.
Well it is good relative to the US.
In the US you have a lot very rich people and a lot of poor people and very little inbetween. The middle class is going away. Austria at least has somewhat of a middle class left.
Not by our standards.
Not by your standards what?
What standards are these supposed to be anyway?
But really, these look like medical Darwin Awards.
Maybe true.
Did you finally get to read the other article too? It is only a page back, if not.

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Post by Skipjack »

So you're only 1.6 percent more likely to die without insurance?
I read 40%, not 1.6.
Wearing your pink sunglasses again?
They determined that the uninsured have a 40 percent higher risk of death than those with private health insurance as a result of being unable to obtain necessary medical care.

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Post by TallDave »

40%? Ha. Who cares what the socialists think.
A 2007 study from The American Cancer Society found that uninsured cancer patients are 1.6 percent more likely to die within five years of their diagnosis than those with private insurance.

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Post by TallDave »

Well fact is that they would not routinely do a vaginal ultra sound on my wife in the US and they are doing it here.
The plural of anecdote is not data. Is there some proof this is cost-effective anyway?
Well they seemingly dont care about bad publicity, because they have already got that.
This is ridiculous even for you. Obviously bad publicity is bad. More bad publicity is worse.
In the US you have a lot very rich people and a lot of poor people and very little inbetween.
Ah yes, more of your expert knowledge on the U.S. Please, do tell.
Not by your standards what?
What standards are these supposed to be anyway?
Do I need to go through the list yet again?
Maybe we just are better at preventing cancers from developing, leaving only the more severe cases that have lower survival rates?
Or maybe this is the stupidest thing I've ever read. How exactly is your medical system preferentially preventing low-risk cancers? The Nobel Committe should be apprised.
Did you finally get to read the other article too? It is only a page back, if not.
I already addressed it. No surprises there.
Last edited by TallDave on Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Skipjack »

40%? Ha. Who cares what the socialists think.
That is the other thing I find hillarious. Everything even a little left of you is a socialist. In Europe even your democrats would sit on the far right.
If you want to see real socialists, you need to come to Austria (I honestly dislike them quite a bit). I mean these people really are beyond reasoning.

Again, what about the other article?

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Post by TallDave »

Your ignorance is hilarious. They're not "a little to the left," they explicitly advocate single-payer. Over here that puts you in the way far left. They would probably be proud to call themselves socialists.

Again, I already addressed the other article. It was exactly what I expected.
Last edited by TallDave on Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Skipjack »

[quote]Or maybe this is the stupidest thing I've ever read. How exactly is your medical system preferentially preventing low-risk cancers?quote]

By doing those "stupid routine checkups"?!!!

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Post by TallDave »

How does a checkup prevent cancer?

In any case, we do more diagnostics than you guys. That's one reason why we have better survival rates.
Last edited by TallDave on Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Skipjack »

Again, I already addressed the other article. It was exactly what I expected.

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Post by TallDave »

Skipjack wrote:
Again, I already addressed the other article. It was exactly what I expected.
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:49 pm

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Post by Skipjack »

Your ignorance is hilarious. They're not "a little to the left," they explicitly advocate single-payer.
No, your ignorance of your own countries politics is.
I have at least bothered to listen to Obamas adress to the congress. I did not hear anything of a single payer system. In contrary, he explicitely said that the private insurance companies will be part of the programm.

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