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Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:28 am
by Schneibster
I don't see any point in exchanging views with someone who is wrong fourteen thousand to twenty five. It seems like talking to an idiot.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:48 am
by GIThruster
That's pretty much what the Nazis said as they marched the Jews off to gas chambers.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:30 am
by Schneibster
GIThruster wrote:That's pretty much what the Nazis said as they marched the Jews off to gas chambers.
No, they could count.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:21 am
by choff
Basically, the computer models that predicted warming are all dropping like dead flies, so now the banksters trying to stick us with carbon taxes are resorting to the big lie as a last gasp. I remember the claim that the Greenland Vikings had to keep the cattle in the barn 7 months of the year because it was too cold for them. The fun thing about that claim was that the growing season required to provide for a years fodder would have been considerably less that 5 months and even hotter than accepted. That or even more land under cultivation than a small community could work using middle age methods.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:56 am
by choff
Actually I must apoligize for that last post, the big lie has been the method of AWG boosters from the start, the current method is more analogous to, 'the emperor has no clothes.'

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:40 am
by rj40
Schneibster, have you ever visited this site:

What do you think of it?

What about:

Would you/can you explain to me how more or less believing what the majority of scientists who specialize in the field say, cannot simply be dismissed as an argument from authority? I think I know why, but would like to read what you think.

What websites do you frequent where the majority of commenters agree with you, for the most part?
And then, vice versa.

I wouldn't worry too much, the person you probably didn't want to be President lost, and the folks you probably (on the whole) wanted to gain seats in the legislature, did. New laws are being suggested which seek to address AGW. Not as many as you might want, but more than zero. All in all, I would think you would be mildly happy.

Visiting here can be, in some ways, like that part of C.S. Lewis's book where the character visits Hell. Was it "The Pilgrim's Regess?" I can't remember. Anyway, I don't think you are going to change many minds here, and gloating won't solve much. But what would help me is some good AGW sites.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:35 pm
by Diogenes
GIThruster wrote:As dopey as the guy may be, we all know we can stand some disagreement here. What I object to is the adolescent self-righteerousness and progressive intent that he seems to think quenching dissenting voices is the way to proceed in civil discussion. He sounds like a Nazi.

And you know, this is the biggest problem with the AGW movement: it was never pursued as a scientific discussion. It went straight from unfounded adolescent diatribe to political action without any real discussion. If you'll recall, the first dissenters concerning AGW were a group from Japan who rightly showed the science was laughable (and in fact they laughed about the "silly Americans who can't do math"). Yet Al Gore pushed this in the political arena and we have the trouble we have. Boatloads of scientists signed up to support the AGW and now renamed (because there was no evidence of anthropic cause) Climate Change, with no tools to know how to even look at the situation. We've had now not one but two, international scandals where scientists were definitively shown to have falsified their data to support the political stance of Climate Change and yet, no one looses their teaching position, and society still puts out drones like this guy above.

Sad that science is so easily thrown under the bus.

Do you not remember that violent 10:10 Campaign advertisement in which those Global Warming kooks wanted to KILL everyone who doubted their new religion? The Teacher presses a button and blows kids heads off.





Yeah, they sound like Nazis. EXACTLY like Nazis. That advertisement was a window into their thinking.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:39 pm
by Diogenes
Schneibster wrote:I don't see any point in exchanging views with someone who is wrong fourteen thousand to twenty five. It seems like talking to an idiot.

That should be a common place occurrence for you and those around you. You appear so ignorant that you have apparently never heard of "Argumentum ad populum."

Sensible people recognize this as a fallacy immediately and DO NOT OFFER IT as proof of anything.

Only fools regard the opinions of people as proof of something.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:41 pm
by Diogenes
Schneibster wrote:
GIThruster wrote:As dopey as the guy may be, we all know we can stand some disagreement here. What I object to is the adolescent self-righteerousness and progressive intent that he seems to think quenching dissenting voices is the way to proceed in civil discussion. He sounds like a Nazi.
Telling you anti-scientific "theories" (actually none of them are actually any better than conjectures, and falsified ones at that) are false is not "Nazi." It's "science."

Wake up.

Diogenes I'm already familiar with. I don't waste my time on posers.

Dude when you're lusing 14000 to 25 I really have to say you look like a nutjob. If it's 50-50 you have an argument; when it's 560-1 you're pretty much holding the short end of the stick. Get over it.

To the Contrary. All you DO is waste your time on posers. The evidence of it is your screeching.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:45 pm
by Diogenes
GIThruster wrote:Only they're not "anti-scientific views". They're objections to a pseudo-scientific view there is to date NO EVIDENCE FOR.

You want to close down discussion, because you are too feeble minded to actually have an intelligent discussion of these matters.

Just like the progressives who supported eugenics and the slaughter of the jews.

You're a Nazi. Wake up.

It was not so long ago that the "science" of Eugenics was used to murder people. This is just an echo of that. These fools are constantly on about how much life the planet will support, and for the good of the planet they want to reduce or terminate life everywhere else.

They can't Off themselves, because *They* are the good guys, and if they weren't calling for bloodshed, who would do it?

Pretentious cowards, the lot of them.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:48 pm
by Diogenes
Schneibster wrote:Look, it's really simple, they're geophysicists and you're not.




Fourteen thousand to twenty five. What do you need, jebus to come down from a hole in the sky and confirm it?

And What *YOU* need is for someone to beat the ever living F*ck out of you to teach you to keep a civil tongue in your head. You obviously have not had the appropriate life lessons so far. I expect the future will remedy that oversight.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:52 pm
by hanelyp
The shock is not that some people think like that, but that enough people with enough resources to make those videos think that way, and are so politically tone deaf and isolated that they didn't realize how it reflected on them until after the videos were made.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:02 pm
by Betruger
Schneibster wrote:
Betruger wrote:Indeed this is basically unmoderated. For sure you're going nowhere fast if you can't argue or can't temper your passions with reason.
Fourteen thousand to twenty five looks like pretty good reasoning to me. It seems what you want me to do is pretend I'm wrong when you lost fourteen thousand to twenty five.

I think you need medication for your obsession. Or else you can't count.

Fourteen thousand to twenty five isn't democratic. It's overwhelming and you're wrong, period. Get over it. If you can't get over it get medication so you don't wreck your life worrying about it; folks who know way way more have it all under control.
Truth is not democratic and unlike you I have no dog or "e-peen" in this fight. If "climate deniers" are zealots you are still beyond fanatic compared to me.

I see reasonable, and unreasonable. It doesn't matter which side you're on when you pretend your shit stinks less than the other side's.
If you can't get over it get medication so you don't wreck your life worrying about it
I was over it the instant politics and their actors (e.g. you) showed up. Years ago. I don't waste, I consume efficiently, I try and influence friends and acquaintances towards same. I even keep relationships unpolluted - I don't pontificate.
folks who know way way more have it all under control.
Haha! Well now... You don't say? :lol:
GIThruster wrote:Second I'd note to you that Betruger is ENTIRELY CORRECT when he notes that truth is NOT the result of a vote.
That subtlety's blurred to irrelevance in his bias.. This guy must be straight outta some partisan ghetto like daily kos or whatever. It's like he took a wrong exit to T-P from some youtube comment thread.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:51 pm
by zapkitty
A rogue Obot.

Not many left even over at kos... at least not many who are so disconnected from reality that they'd confuse a corporate tool like Obama with MLK.

Re: Popular Science Comments Closed Forever

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:12 pm
by Schneibster
choff wrote:Basically, the computer models that predicted warming are all dropping like dead flies, so now the banksters trying to stick us with carbon taxes are resorting to the big lie as a last gasp. I remember the claim that the Greenland Vikings had to keep the cattle in the barn 7 months of the year because it was too cold for them. The fun thing about that claim was that the growing season required to provide for a years fodder would have been considerably less that 5 months and even hotter than accepted. That or even more land under cultivation than a small community could work using middle age methods.
There's no point in arguing with people who just lie.

Bye. Thanks for letting me know you're afraid to talk to me without lying.