Iran may have acquired Nuclear War Heads.

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Not sure if you read the link. My recollection of the link is it cites Fox News. Yup. It does. Re-read the link.
Yes, but there is no link in that article to that alleged Fox news. We have a saying here "Paper is patient", which means that you can write anything on it and it does not care whether it is true or bull. The same can be said for any other media and especially some blog on the internet.
And even if Fox news had said it, which I doubt, then that does not mean much. It is Fox news after all, half of what they say is crap anyway. To me something is not even remotely believable unless several outlets have said it and then exactly the same way. So far I have seen nothing that makes me even remotely interested.
Funny, I look at it exactly the opposite way. Anything said on any network OTHER than FOX is crap/propaganda. Even though Fox is the most accurate news source, it is not always immune to liberal influence and propaganda. If you hire someone in New York, (Media headquarters in this nation) you have an 80% chance of getting a Liberal who voted for Obama, and a 100% chance of getting a Union member.

Not good odds for fairness in reporting news that Liberals don't like.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Post by bcglorf »

Diogenes wrote:
Skipjack wrote:
Not sure if you read the link. My recollection of the link is it cites Fox News. Yup. It does. Re-read the link.
Yes, but there is no link in that article to that alleged Fox news. We have a saying here "Paper is patient", which means that you can write anything on it and it does not care whether it is true or bull. The same can be said for any other media and especially some blog on the internet.
And even if Fox news had said it, which I doubt, then that does not mean much. It is Fox news after all, half of what they say is crap anyway. To me something is not even remotely believable unless several outlets have said it and then exactly the same way. So far I have seen nothing that makes me even remotely interested.
Funny, I look at it exactly the opposite way. Anything said on any network OTHER than FOX is crap/propaganda. Even though Fox is the most accurate news source, it is not always immune to liberal influence and propaganda. If you hire someone in New York, (Media headquarters in this nation) you have an 80% chance of getting a Liberal who voted for Obama, and a 100% chance of getting a Union member.

Not good odds for fairness in reporting news that Liberals don't like.
Come on now, don't go defending FOX news, that's really an impossible task. The better and truthful tact is attacking MSNBC and CNN for their own horrible failings.

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Post by rjaypeters »

Skipjack wrote:With cheap electricity that will go away.
I forget, how is Republik Osterreich fixed for deuterium, tritium and boron?
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R. Peters

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Post by Skipjack »

I'm baffled as to how the elephant in the room always seems to be overlooked. Iran will attack Israel. Israel will respond by nuking Iran. The entire middle east will go up in flames, and Europe, Russia, China AND the US will be drawn into a massive and bloody conflict.

Why we need to kill 100+ million people to indulge the Iranians quest for Muslim Armageddon is simply beyond my comprehension. Please explain it to me.
The way I see it, Israel will do a preemptive strike before Iran gets even one nuclear missile tanked. Besides, one nuclear bomb, or two do not make you a nuclear power. They at best make you a nuclear target.

I also think that the other countries you mentioned would best stay out of it. It is NONE of their business! The whole problems down there are happening because we keep interfering with this. They hate us because we do and the hate for us is the only thing that somewhat unites them all. Without the US (and Israel) as a common hate target for their imams, they would go back to killing each other, as they used to do. Then all we have to do is go in and collect the loot (oil) thats left over and be the laughing 3rd and call it "foreign aid".
Even though Fox is the most accurate news source, it is not always immune to liberal influence and propaganda.
Oh please! Trusting a single news outlet is naive. They all have an agenda. Fox is definitely prone to misinformation and stupid stuff. Their recent overexaggerated report on the cell phone radiation being a good example, among many other things.
I would not trust JUST CNN either, or JUST the BBC, or JUST MSNBC and definitely not ntv...
Last edited by Skipjack on Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Skipjack »

I forget, how is Republik Osterreich fixed for deuterium, tritium and boron?
Well considering the small amounts needed, I would guess better than oil ;)
Last edited by Skipjack on Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Diogenes »

bcglorf wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Skipjack wrote: Yes, but there is no link in that article to that alleged Fox news. We have a saying here "Paper is patient", which means that you can write anything on it and it does not care whether it is true or bull. The same can be said for any other media and especially some blog on the internet.
And even if Fox news had said it, which I doubt, then that does not mean much. It is Fox news after all, half of what they say is crap anyway. To me something is not even remotely believable unless several outlets have said it and then exactly the same way. So far I have seen nothing that makes me even remotely interested.
Funny, I look at it exactly the opposite way. Anything said on any network OTHER than FOX is crap/propaganda. Even though Fox is the most accurate news source, it is not always immune to liberal influence and propaganda. If you hire someone in New York, (Media headquarters in this nation) you have an 80% chance of getting a Liberal who voted for Obama, and a 100% chance of getting a Union member.

Not good odds for fairness in reporting news that Liberals don't like.
Come on now, don't go defending FOX news, that's really an impossible task. The better and truthful tact is attacking MSNBC and CNN for their own horrible failings.
To be honest, I totally stopped watching any national news service after the 2008 elections. I consider them all to be nothing but left-wing propaganda agents, with Fox being the least objectionable.
Again, H-E-L-L-O ? They are based in New York, and draw their employees from that heavily biased demographic. It's a wonder there are ANY conservatives working in the News Media.

Nowadays I get all of my news off the internet.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
I'm baffled as to how the elephant in the room always seems to be overlooked. Iran will attack Israel. Israel will respond by nuking Iran. The entire middle east will go up in flames, and Europe, Russia, China AND the US will be drawn into a massive and bloody conflict.

Why we need to kill 100+ million people to indulge the Iranians quest for Muslim Armageddon is simply beyond my comprehension. Please explain it to me.
The way I see it, Israel will do a preemptive strike before Iran gets even one nuclear missile tanked. Besides, one nuclear bomb, or two do not make you a nuclear power. They at best make you a nuclear target.

I also think that the other countries you mentioned would best stay out of it. It is NONE of their business! The whole problems down there are happening because we keep interfering with this.

Yeah, we keep interfering. We keep giving them MONEY. We definitely need to stop that. I'm working towards doing my part.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Post by Skipjack »

We keep giving them MONEY.
Among other things, which is why I am so interested in alternative energy sources.
We definitely need to stop that
The thing is that the less we do business with them the more we isolate them, the less of a problem they will be.

People dont understand how this really works. They think that it is the religion that unites them. It is not! It is political goals and money that unites them! The leaders there (and they all claim to be religious one way of the other), they all give a darn about religion. They are fracking politicians! What they want is power and control. Religions (and ideologies) are a means to control the common stupid people and to get them to do whatever you want.
Do you really think the ayatollahs, Führers, even popes really believe the crap they keep telling their people?
I am 100% convinced that not even Kim Jong believes his own crap and he is an imbecile.
They say what they say in order to keep the people under control, to make them do their bidding.

Let me put it differently and I am 100% sure that this is the way it really is:
When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says shit like "I want to destroy Israel" and says all sorts of crap about Israel and the west, then he know that this is bullshit. He says that because he knows that the stupid people in his country that have been indoctrincated by the imams and teachers and their own media to believe this crap, he knows that this will get him cheers from this crowd. He knows that pointing fingers at the "evil Israel" or the "evil US" will distract from the problems in his own country. The hatred that he and his minions are firing up in the general population is what keeps his nation somewhat united. As we have all seen not to long ago, even that is not so certain. Anyway, he may be aspiring to become a nuclear power, but IMHO that is more in order to put more pressure behind whatever demands he has from the UN or business partners, etc.
I would be really, really, really suprised if he actually attacked israel.
IMHO, all he is interested in is to stay in power and to grow the influence of his country in the region.
It is power and control, not religion.

Ivy Matt
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Post by Ivy Matt »

Skipjack wrote:To me something is not even remotely believable unless several outlets have said it and then exactly the same way.
Isn't that what the Associated Press is for? :P
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Post by Skipjack »

Isn't that what the Associated Press is for?
Well, yes and no. But you should keep those with a grain of salt as well.
Generally just do your research on things. If only one is saying it, it is most likely BS though.

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Post by bcglorf »

It is power and control, not religion.

Iran is a Theocracy. Religion IS power and control...

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Post by Skipjack »

Iran is a Theocracy. Religion IS power and control...
Did you actually read all of what I said?
I meant pretty much that...

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Post by rjaypeters »

bcglorf wrote:Religion IS power and control...
Hey! Isn't "power and control" MSimon's tag line?
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Post by ladajo »

Diogenes wrote:
ladajo wrote:
JohnP wrote:*shrug*

The hard part isn't the warhead. The hard part's the bomb.
I would say the hard part is making a nuke small enough to be a missile payload.
I Found one of my old books a few days ago. (The Curve of Binding Energy) Started re-reading it again. If I recall correctly, the scientist of which the book is about, (Theodore B. Taylor) was the first guy to think of using a beryllium reflector to make a sub-critical mass into a critical mass. If I remember correctly, the bomb thus developed was called the "Scorpion", and was one of if not THE smallest fission bomb ever built. Were I the Iranians, I would experiment with this approach. I think neutron readings from small samples could be scaled up enough to give them an idea how small a mass would be required to make such a bomb.
Yes, and small enough to cap a missile, and still have a decent yield remains not easy for a beginner.

Ted Taylor was a big name back in the day. But then he went "hippy".

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Post by Giorgio »

rjaypeters wrote:
bcglorf wrote:Religion IS power and control...
Hey! Isn't "power and control" MSimon's tag line?
Are you implying that he is an Ayatollah in disguise?... interesting point :D

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