News manipulation by the press

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News manipulation by the press

Post by paperburn1 » ... 293432055/
Did Google manipulate search for Hillary? This is perhaps the biggest story we've ever reported.
interesting... very interesting.
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Diogenes »

Google needs heavy government regulation. They also need heavy government taxation.

They support socialism and totalitarian government, they need to get more of it than they want.
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by hanelyp »

reported by a competitor recently facing it's own scandal for biased reporting.
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Tom Ligon
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Tom Ligon »

How old is the press? That's how long they've manipulated the news.

"Dog bites man is not news. Man bites dog is news."

Trump ran a whole presidential primary by manipulating the press. And if he does not like what they say about him, he pulls their credentials.

Our HOA was besieged last year by a local paper making a mountain out of a molehill, making up stuff about a quaint old log cabin on HOA property, abandoned by the historical society that was supposed to preserve it. They've made us out to be villains who want to tear it down (it's not historical, just old, and it will fall down on its own and hurt someone if not maintained, but it is technically not ours, and we have no money to maintain it). And they've set off a feud that has set neighbor against neighbor and has the county thinking we're monsters. Why? Their circulation was down and they needed to invent an issue to sell papers. They've made selling a home in the association next to impossible.

The press will give nationwide attention to a missing child. Providing the child is female, white, and blonde.

The press loves to add irrelevant modifiers. I'm to the point now that I will not look at an article with Shocking! in the headline. The one exception there was a recent article on electric eels.

What could possibly be worse than a free press? To paraphrase Churchill, anything else.

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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by paperburn1 »

Come to find out a Google search(or any search engine) is consider protected free speech so their for the content can contain bias towards a subject.
In a recent case, the search engine giant argued that its search results—selected entirely by a computerized algorithm—are free speech and deserve full First Amendment protection. A California judge agreed that the coding of Google’s algorithm is “constitutionally protected activity” and tossed out a lawsuit against the search engine.

Computers are people, my friend.

Supreme court of California ruling ... Who knew?/ :roll:
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:How old is the press? That's how long they've manipulated the news.

I take issue with this characterization of the phenomena. What is done nowadays does not accurately compare to what was done prior to 1900.

Human beings are hard wired for visual stimulation of the brain. It has far more influence on our thought process than does the comprehension of text on a page. Those watching the Nixon/Kennedy debate said Kennedy won. Those listening to the Nixon/Kennedy debate on the radio said Nixon won.

Visual beats aural or written words every day of the week.

In addition to this is the effect of propaganda masquerading as entertainment. Unpleasant facts and unpleasant truths are kept away from the public by Liberal censors. False realities are portrayed as plausible and the public has become so dumb that they can no longer grasp the difference between reality and fakery.

For example, "Madame Secretary" would have us believe that a female secretary of state is competent and decisive, and exactly the sort of person we would want as president...


But it is nothing but a thinly disguised propaganda piece to support the Hillary for President meme.


The reality of Hillary as secretary of state was a series of the biggest foreign policy blunders ever committed by the State Department. Do you think they are going to weave disaster after disaster into their series script?

No, of course not. They make these shows because a lot of people swallow the stupid propaganda coming from the Left Coast. Enough to tamper with the elections.
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Tom Ligon
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Tom Ligon »

Diogenes, I say you have a clouded view of the past.

Journalistic integrity has, for the most part, been just another of those myths we have about "the old days". There have been some periods of time in which certain papers have had very high standards for fact checking. I was pretty impressed when I helped a WSJ reporter out on an amateur fusion story (front page, Sam Schechner used me as a source, but also insisted that I provide him proof of who I was and that I'd worked for EMC2. He found alternate sources for all the info I gave him. Of course, this was close to the time that tabloid king Murdoch bought it out ... don't know that it is still so picky.

But if you go back in history, the awful nature of the average newspaper will appall you. Franklin was positively scurrilous. Tabloids were not invented yesterday. Jefferson, late in his life, stopped reading newspapers altogether, which is why he was blindsided by the Missouri Compromise. Seriously, go back a couple of hundred years and read this stuff.

At times, the press has been in cahoots with the government, and in a good way. In WWII, they were willing to, um, color the facts to support the war effort. It was the American thing to do. I wish they'd do it some now.

As I said above, they love hyperbole. They love to push the human anguish angle. They'll do it to push a hidden agenda (not all that hidden). For the Orlando shootings, all the interviews with the victims really pushes the bodies piled on top of each other, the blood, the fear, the terror, the pain. And then there will be something about gun control. Its an echo of the coverage of all the other mass shootings.

I wish they'd cool it. Not because of the gun control issue, but because all these mass shootings are, IMO, copycat crimes. You get some miserable excuse for a human being, who thinks their life is crap, and they want to die. But they hate their fellow humans, or some subset thereof, that they want to take someone with them. So they see an example, and they see all the press pathos about the fear of the victims, their suffering, and they think, "Yeah, that's how I want to go ... make as many people as possible suffer as I do it".

We'd have fewer of these incidents if the story was simply: the loathsome murderer was cut to ribbons by a hail of police (or maybe well-armed civilian) gunfire. The survivors and their families gathered for a memorial for those who did not make it, vowing to go on and live well as a memorial to the fallen, and in defiance of the miserable idiots who think they can terrorize their fellow human beings. For anyone wishing to expel bodily fluids upon the grave of the murderer, the grave site may be found below.

The Amarillo Walmart thing baffles me. I'd have thought a few well-armed Texans would have ended that in two minutes.

I sympathize with the victims. I'd rather there were a lot fewer, and I think we would do well to stop encouraging the twisted minds that relish this sort of thing.

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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Diogenes »

Your response has left me feeling as if I didn't properly communicate my point. Once again, I must marvel at the genius of Karl Popper who realized "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood."

I'll try again.

Modern media is an order of magnitude more effective than ancient print media or "speech." It constitutes a form of brainwashing rather than a method of communications.

Yes, bias has always existed in the media, but it has never been so effective until visual media was developed.

The Amarillo Walmart thing baffles me. I'd have thought a few well-armed Texans would have ended that in two minutes.

That is puzzling. Maybe they were concerned about liability at that point.
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by KitemanSA »

It is impossible to speak in such a way the malcontents cannot twist your meaning.

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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Diogenes »

KitemanSA wrote:It is impossible to speak in such a way the malcontents cannot twist your meaning.

And the irony of your statement is apparently lost on you. :)
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by DeltaV »



Your attention, please!

In order to maximize the efficiency and predictability of the electoral process in our free society, it has been decided that,
from now on, all Presidents will be named named Clinton. Propagation of the Clinton bloodline is progressing per schedule.

This will not only conserve taxpayer dollars, but will increase confidence in computer simulations of Presidential election outcomes to the 7 sigma level.

Thank you for your cooperation.

That is all.

Tom Ligon
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Tom Ligon »

Headlines today:

"Wall St. Plunges at the open after Shock Brexit Vote"

"Stocks Crash as UK Vote to Quit EU Shocks Investors" (There is that "Shock" word again)

So I opened my portfolio to see what constitutes a "Plunge" or a "Crash". Mmmm, well, gee, stocks opened about 5-7% lower for me, and most recovered about half that within the hour. Case in point, Lowe's has recovered about 80% of the opening loss, as it finally dawned on the market that a home improvement company with stores in the US, plus a handful in Canada and Mexico, really does not depend much on Europe. Lumber and cinder blocks are not imported or exported across the Atlantic much.

HCP has not only recovered, they're up about 1%. They're US only and it only took an hour to shrug off the drop. International corporations and banks will take a while longer, but even these have had weeks of drops in anticipation of the possibility of this vote. The losses are built in at this point and I suspect the only path forward is up.

Pretty tame if you ask me. I suspect most of the losses will be made up in a week or two. A few market areas in the US may have some long-term effect, but it is not as if the Mother Country opened the valves and scuttled the ship. They traded and banked before the EU and I suspect they still will.

The really amazing headline was CNBC's "Europe stocks pair some losses after plummeting on Brexit vote." This is amazing because it admits the plunge is being pared quickly and it doesn't use the words "Shock" or "Shocking."

Tom Ligon
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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Tom Ligon »

DeltaV wrote:viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5768&p=118281#p118281


Your attention, please!

In order to maximize the efficiency and predictability of the electoral process in our free society, it has been decided that,
from now on, all Presidents will be named named Clinton. Propagation of the Clinton bloodline is progressing per schedule.

This will not only conserve taxpayer dollars, but will increase confidence in computer simulations of Presidential election outcomes to the 7 sigma level.

Thank you for your cooperation.

That is all.
Wait, I thought that was supposed to be Bush!??

We've had mixed luck with the name Adams. One of those was pretty good. Johnson, not so much (both disasters IMO) although I really would prefer giving it another try this time. Talk about 7 sigma certainties, though ....

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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by Skipjack »

Hillary is a warmonger and will be a foreign policy nightmare. She screwed up Libya where she chose a military solution over several peaceful solutions on the table. She screwed up Syria. Three ME countries are overrun with ISIS. With HRC as a president, I will most certainly face war with Iran and probably more wars in the ME. The small conflict with Russia over Ukraine could get much bigger and much hotter.
Trump seems to be slightly better with this, though only slightly. Domestically it will be the other way round.
Sanders would have been much better than either one of them both in terms of domestic and foreign politics.

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Re: News manipulation by the press

Post by paperburn1 »

I think it's a lot of to do about nothing. I believe the initial selloff was due to the fact that most users do not realize the situation of Britain's finances. First they have extremely strong and robust banking system with enough ability to finance all their local projects without a large amount of difficulty.

But more importantly and the defining factor for their successful withdrawal is they never went to the euro. They still use pounds so basically all the European Union was sent them was a large amount of regulations and penalties that they would have to abide by. no problem for them with open borders and they can as living on an island very easily secure their borders from outside intervention minus a very few pissed off Scott's. So I really don't see there being a huge amount of financial turmoil in the market should recover fairly rapidly from this all bets are off of Germany guy decides to go in the French would probably make a fairly good splash as well.
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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