Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote:
D, my issue with the war on drugs is twofold, it criminalizes users destroying their lives and criminalizes their supply chain, and thusly funds a massive criminal industry. That in itself is catastrophic and expensive. Second is more fundamental, it establishes that people don't own themselves, and then that begs the question of who does? The answer to that question is the truly big disaster.

Your points are overly simplistic. I have come to view much of society as a series of functions one imposed on the top of another, and I have found that broad statements (funds a massive industry, people don't own themselves) are only accurate between specific points on a function curve.

My arguments are complex, and I find myself often at a loss as to how to articulate them in a way that others can understand them. Let us take for example, your point that people own themselves.

This point is mostly true, but partially false. It depends on what you mean by "own" and in what context.

Does a Father "own" the right to let his kids starve? (because he does not want to use his body to support them.) Does a pregnant mother have the right to take drugs because she owns her body? (Recent court cases say no, that's child abuse.)

Does a soldier own his body? Can he decide where it goes, or what it does or what he puts in it?

How about Nurse Hickox refusing to adhere to quarantine rules? Is she entitled to go wherever she pleases even if she had been infected with Ebola?

Perhaps you see it differently, but I see limits to the argument that people own their own bodies. Mostly yes, but completely? I don't see how such a principle can be reconciled with the larger social picture. Membership in a society compels certain restraints as well as advantages. Those who refuse to abide by these restraints (like Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox) are rightfully a danger to the rest of society, which also has rights.

As Edmund Burke put it:

Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites, — in proportion as their love to justice is above their rapacity, — in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption, — in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.

mvanwink5 wrote: However, if you take paperburn1's point, which is also msimon's point also, you pick your key issue and vote on it, with the hope that once that issue is breached that the next issue can be addressed without losing ground.

With this I concur. I do not consider the drug issue to be even in my top twenty issues of which we should be particularly concerned. Though I think it is wrong headed and foolish, I wouldn't regard it as a deal breaker if some politician were in favor of legalizing pot. Of far more pressing concern is Fiscal Sanity, Border Control, and Government reform. (Whittling it back down to a proper size.)

mvanwink5 wrote: I am unsure this works in real life as it hasn't so far. But, my rope's end is that any vote for a Progressive is a devil's deal, and that deal has been the only one offered by what has become the Rhino party.

Hence, I've come to my ropes end and my vote rebellion.

I too am sick of Rinos, and I have written quite a lot urging people (on another forum) to chop off the heads of two in particular. (to no avail.) Mitch McConnell and Thad Cochran needed to have been defeated and replaced with Democrats to send a proper message to the Rino GOPe (establishment) that business as usual would not be acceptable, but other people, failing to grasp the wisdom of this approach, saw fit to put these worse than Democrats back in office.

As for rebellion, what have you got in mind? I already try to wage financial rebellion against the left. I make a point to buy as few of their products as I can, and I am always looking for any other suggestions as to how we can take the battle to them.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:Actually we want an end to Prohibition II.

You can say that all you want. All I hear is:

"We Want our Weeeeeeddddddd!!!!!!"

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by mvanwink5 »

Of far more pressing concern is Fiscal Sanity, Border Control, and Government reform. (Whittling it back down to a proper size.)
This is my view also, but it looks like it is narrowly shared, so much so that (in my imagination) 2012 was handed to Romney vs Obama, and thereby to Obama.

The house is burning to the ground and the right is arguing about things such as the definition of marriage, when they could throw all those consensus destroying issues back to the states where it belongs. Of course, MSimon has a similar view in elevating WOD to his top priority.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote:
Of far more pressing concern is Fiscal Sanity, Border Control, and Government reform. (Whittling it back down to a proper size.)
This is my view also, but it looks like it is narrowly shared, so much so that (in my imagination) 2012 was handed to Romney vs Obama, and thereby to Obama.

I personally think the last several elections were skewed by deliberate efforts on the part of Liberal Democrat Union members who work in Information/Entertainment companies out of New York and Los Angeles. Without their intentional tampering, none of the elections (since Clinton) would have worked out the way they did.

mvanwink5 wrote: The house is burning to the ground and the right is arguing about things such as the definition of marriage, when they could throw all those consensus destroying issues back to the states where it belongs. Of course, MSimon has a similar view in elevating WOD to his top priority.

I look at these sorts of issues as damaging the foundation. You let them break any part of the foundation, and the rest of it will eventually go as well. The thing must be coherent if it is to endure at all.

Of course, at this point I think it's probably unrecoverable. All that pension money which was promised doesn't exist anymore because Democrats over promised and over spent.

We are borrowing from future recipients just to pay the existing ones. It's gonna crash at some point. I don't see how it cannot.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by palladin9479 »

Doing that would guarantee the liberals win the next election.

Don't you extremists get it yet, most of the electorate are moderate centrists who judge each issue separately and vote for whomever gives them what they want. The Republicans won so much this last election cycle not because they have some sort of divinely ordained right to being correct but that moderate centrists are tired of extreme progressives / liberals forcing their philosophy down our throats and telling is it's for our own good. Don't repeat the same mistake that you guys did in 04~08 which you believed the USA was full of ultra right wing religious conservative voters. All that does is alienate the voters you need and then they vote for the "other team", or rather against your team.

In short
Republicans / conservatives always vote republican regardless
Democrats / progressives always vote democrat regardless

The determiners are the moderate centrist swing voters who either go with whomever supports a particular idea they happen to believe in, or whomever insults them the least.

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by mvanwink5 »

So, pallidin9479, if the Repubs focused on economics, military for national and left the states to handle the social issues, would that make a difference? It would for me (I think, I'm struggling to see how continuous, never ending war makes any sense other than to turn the world into rubble and then spend a fortune to rebuild it with money to crooked locals and US cronies)).
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by palladin9479 »

So, pallidin9479, if the Repubs focused on economics, military for national and left the states to handle the social issues, would that make a difference?
Yes it would. People tend to be very touchy on social issues, especially if it's a perceived "outside" group telling them "how to live". All politicians, both left and right, are part of the top 1%, mostly the top 0.01% of the population. The dems have been very good at branding themselves as "friends of the common man", even if they really aren't. The republicans on the other hand tend to be perceived as handing out moral judgement and brimstone from ivory towers. That really pissed a bunch of us off back in 2004 ~ 2008. Progressives are just as bad but on different issues, shit like "war on women", "global warming" and any other excuse they can find to impose more social control on the population. The problem with both parties is the tendency to isolate themselves in echo chambers where only the loudest most extreme voices get heard. That scares everyone who isn't part of that extremist movement (the RINOs you lament) and ultimately results in lost elections.

I'm a fairly conservative person economically, most of a pragmatist than anything. I'm for whatever generates the best / highest standard quality of life for the general population. Progressive ideologies result in a dystopia where only the ultra elite ruling class get anything while everyone else is equally miserable, an equality enforced by violence. Conversely conservative ideologies (specifically corporatism) result in the same dystopia where corporations, run by ultra elite, rule and everyone else is miserable via violence enforcement. A balance needs to be established between free market wealth generation / distribution (the distribution is equally as important as the generation) and social order. Lots of money should be generated, and that money should flow throughout an economy all the way down to the bottom and back up again.

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by mvanwink5 »

Repubs used to be the party of crony corporations, but that has changed to both Democans (think the green blobs - Solyndra jumps to mind but is just one of many, blocking Keystone pipeline so crony Warren Buffet's rail business gets a windfall, etc.) and Repubs equally (think Iraq contracts). Pharma gets sweetheart monopoly drug prices from both parties through the FDA (my senator told me it was to protect me :roll: :lol: ), 'insurance,' Banksters, etc, etc. Regulations, contracts, and direct subsidies (not talking about tax loopholes here) is where the corporate cronies get their sweetheart deals. Everyone else gets the other end of the special political favor shaft.

The market is not the problem (although hammer and sickle lefties would like to claim that), it is political favoritism to cronies from corrupt politicians top to bottom, both parties. It is why I am registered Independent now, my protest switch. It is also why I will never vote again with a clothes pin on my nose, yes I am talking to the Repubs in this case.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by palladin9479 »

The market is not the problem (although hammer and sickle lefties would like to claim that), it is political favoritism to cronies from corrupt politicians top to bottom, both parties.
I think the same way. Free markets works 99% of the time, that remaining 1% is when the supply vs demand equation can't be balanced due to some innate factor. We do need some regulation (safety / quality / consumer protection), but not the insane levels we have now. Both sides are using it to strangle competition.

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by Tom Ligon »

First off, I know of no branch of the Republican party called the Rhinos. There has long been a term "RINO". Republican In Name Only. Goes WAAAAY back, possibly to insults hurled by Teddy Roosevelt. Ahem, a progressive.

As far as I'm concerned, RINO describes ultra-conservatives, especially those intent on destroying liberties. True Republicans have as their patron saint Barry Goldwater, a not-so-closet Libertarian.

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by MSimon »

mvanwink5 wrote:So, MSimon, would you trade prohibition's end for loss of internet's independence via its regulation for the 'good' of its users?
Interesting question. But isn't Prohibition supposed to be for the good of the people? Aren't the two efforts based on the same rationale? Government knows best.

My choice is for no good.

So let us see. At least 100,000 people a year die unnecessarily from cancer because of prohibition. So would I be willing to kill 100,000 a year (minimum) to save the net? Would you?
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by mvanwink5 »

Lose the net, lose freedom of speech. How many have already died just for that simple freedom? Further, if it were not for that freedom no weed campaign could be waged. Got to understand preconditions and not do the devil's bargain.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by palladin9479 »

Tom Ligon wrote:First off, I know of no branch of the Republican party called the Rhinos. There has long been a term "RINO". Republican In Name Only. Goes WAAAAY back, possibly to insults hurled by Teddy Roosevelt. Ahem, a progressive.

As far as I'm concerned, RINO describes ultra-conservatives, especially those intent on destroying liberties. True Republicans have as their patron saint Barry Goldwater, a not-so-closet Libertarian.
Right now RINO is being used to describe any moderate Republican who sometimes votes on Democrat sponsored bills or with things that are on the Democrat platform. My old Senator, Olympia Snow was often chastised by the core Republicans for being moderate and willing to compromise. That constant stonewalling of her is what eventually lead to her resigning her seat which was later won by Angus King (I). That was a 100% locked in Republican seat that was practically given away due to GOP extremists wanting to push their agenda.

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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by mvanwink5 »

Well, Snowe voted for Obamacare in committee, the only Repub that did that, not sure if she actually voted for it on the floor, but given how bad that bill was I can't see how you can defend her... unless you like Obamacare.
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Re: Prediction: Rhinos Will Throw T-Party Under Obama Bus

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:First off, I know of no branch of the Republican party called the Rhinos. There has long been a term "RINO". Republican In Name Only. Goes WAAAAY back, possibly to insults hurled by Teddy Roosevelt. Ahem, a progressive.

As far as I'm concerned, RINO describes ultra-conservatives, especially those intent on destroying liberties. True Republicans have as their patron saint Barry Goldwater, a not-so-closet Libertarian.

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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