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$700 Million for Crap, Literally.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:05 pm
by KitemanSA
From another blog discussing conversion of cow poop to methane...
Eventually, they expect to have a string of six ethanol plants across the Prairies at sites where manure is plentiful. Total cost for the six: $705 million.
$700M for crap. Surely we can find $200M for Polywell.

PS: and by the way, the folks doing this? Get this, I kid you not... the Chrapko brothers!

Re: $700 Million for Crap, Literally.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:13 pm
by MSimon
KitemanSA wrote:From another blog discussing conversion of cow poop to methane...
Eventually, they expect to have a string of six ethanol plants across the Prairies at sites where manure is plentiful. Total cost for the six: $705 million.
$700M for crap. Surely we can find $200M for Polywell.

PS: and by the way, the folks doing this? Get this, I kid you not... the Chrapko brothers!
This crap to gas may or may not be profitable but you have to admit that even if it is a net loser it will produce energy. Which is more than we can say about Polywell at this time.

I have heard more than one person refer to Dr. B as - Buzzard.