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Please do NOT reply to spam posts

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:31 pm
by JoeStrout
When a spammer signs up for the system and then posts their porn or whatever other garbage they're pushing, it jumps out at me right away because their unknown (and usually quite spammy) name appears on the front page.

...UNLESS one of you regular posters replies to it. That kicks the spammer's name off the front page, and puts your name there instead. I know most of you, and so if I see that yours is the last post in a forum, I think all is well until I happen to go down into that forum. (Which I try to do on a daily basis, but I see the front page much more often than that.)

So please, if you see spam, do NOT reply to it. Replying just makes my job harder. If you want to bring it to my attention, send me email (


Ugly Spam

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:38 am
by MSimon
I'm the ugly spam moderator.

Please cc me. If you see spam and I will get to it if Joe misses it.

All other moderation decisions are up to Joe.


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:42 am
by MSimon
Joe this should go out as an announcement to the list.