10KW LENR demonstrator (new thread)

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Post by tomclarke »

Skipjack wrote:
And are you going to comment on the Hydrofusion press release Parallel?

They say they went to 6 September Hot Cat Demo that was a fail.


And have since halted investment.

Serious drama as the Rossiworld turns. Giggle.
This does NOT look good for Rossi! If he always undermeasured his input power by a factor of 3...
Have no popcord, but fingernails will do fine ;)
This experiment was the first where results were published and third parties had some control: being a big Swedish investment group gives you some leverage.

They got people from the Swedish National measurement labs to check and found that Rossi's input power measurements were all wrong. What a surprise...

Rossi afterwards claimed that the Swedish National Measurement lab people measured wrong, and that he demonstrated this by asking them to measure a lightbulb...

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Post by Skipjack »

This experiment was the first where results were published and third parties had some control: being a big Swedish investment group gives you some leverage.
They got people from the Swedish National measurement labs to check and found that Rossi's input power measurements were all wrong. What a surprise...
Not a big surprise to me. Wished it wasnt that way, but cant say that I am surprised.

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Post by Kahuna »

The interesting part about this to me is that Rossi seems to have known exactly how this was going to be done and relinquished control willingly (I think that is the whole point of this round of tests - right). So for to have this group find such an obvious and egregious error, speaks more to Rossi's competence than anything IMO. The question then becomes has this type of error pervaded all/part of previous tests and what other incompetence has been demonstated in past results.

Rossi is now committed and has to let the testing group complete their work. I suspect it will take longer now that this error has been uncovered, but at least we can be reasonably sure that whatever we get at the end will be independently arrived at and not part of an ever grow conspiracy.

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Post by tomclarke »

This about sums up Rossi - incompetence combined with a breathtaking ability to deny reality. I can't help thinking he shows some ingenuity not to have succumbed to 3rd party testing before now, if he believes his stuff works.

I suspect (don't know) this was a late addition to schedule which Rossi has no plausible reason to deny and he wanted the $65,000,000 KR = $10,000,000 enough to hope all would be well.
Kahuna wrote:The interesting part about this to me is that Rossi seems to have known exactly how this was going to be done and relinquished control willingly (I think that is the whole point of this round of tests - right). So for to have this group find such an obvious and egregious error, speaks more to Rossi's competence than anything IMO. The question then becomes has this type of error pervaded all/part of previous tests and what other incompetence has been demonstated in past results.

Rossi is now committed and has to let the testing group complete their work. I suspect it will take longer now that this error has been uncovered, but at least we can be reasonably sure that whatever we get at the end will be independently arrived at and not part of an ever grow conspiracy.
Last edited by tomclarke on Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by parallel »

Sterling Allan of PESN reports on Zurich Conference.
A little secret I’ll let you in on is that Rossi does have self-looped data for the Hot-Cat, but chose not to release that at this time. Self-looped is effectively a COP of infinity. One likely reason for Rossi holding back on that data is that the present stipulation of the safety certification requires that the unit not be self-looped. This is partially because if the input is externally derived, such as from natural gas, then it can be shut off, stopping the reaction; whereas in a self-looped system, such a rapid shut-off would not be as easy.

Within a couple of months, a 1 MW unit is supposed to be installed in Northern Italy that will be able to be inspected by potential buyers. I talked to someone at the conference who may purchase one in Hawaii, and he would gladly let people come see it. Human nature is such that there are few who dare to be first, while most people race to be second.

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Post by tomclarke »

Sterling Allen is a first class fool. If I claimed I had a herd of unicorns at the North pole which were so well camouflaged no-one had ever seen them he would believe me.

parallel wrote:Sterling Allan of PESN reports on Zurich Conference.
A little secret I’ll let you in on is that Rossi does have self-looped data for the Hot-Cat, but chose not to release that at this time. Self-looped is effectively a COP of infinity. One likely reason for Rossi holding back on that data is that the present stipulation of the safety certification requires that the unit not be self-looped. This is partially because if the input is externally derived, such as from natural gas, then it can be shut off, stopping the reaction; whereas in a self-looped system, such a rapid shut-off would not be as easy.

Within a couple of months, a 1 MW unit is supposed to be installed in Northern Italy that will be able to be inspected by potential buyers. I talked to someone at the conference who may purchase one in Hawaii, and he would gladly let people come see it. Human nature is such that there are few who dare to be first, while most people race to be second.

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Post by Enginerd »

tomclarke wrote:If I claimed I had a herd of unicorns at the North pole which were so well camouflaged no-one had ever seen them he would believe me.
I note your eyes are still firmly closed. Have you ever had any experience taking field measurements on unicorns? Of course no one can see them -- they are invisible. And pink. All the claims of the pathological invisible pink unicorn skeptics have been eliminated. The invisible pink unicorn hoof print detection reported to date has been way beyond instrument error. In two to three months time, the existence of the invisible pink unicorn will be fully validated and proven by professional pink unicorn specialists. Any faults in the testing process must be laid exclusively at the feet of the testing agent.

When the herd of North pole invisible pink unicorns are rounded up, the unicorns will be sold to the highest bidder. So if you still doubt the existence of the invisible pink unicorn, you are more stupid than I thought. All you achieve is proof of your stupidity -- when invisible pink unicorns go on sale, you will feel very foolish.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
--Philip K. Dick

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Post by Stubby »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Carl White
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Post by Carl White »

Enginerd wrote:Of course no one can see them -- they are invisible. And pink.
You ask us to believe the evidence for invisible pink unicorns, and yet you contradict yourself in your first sentences. How can anything be both pink and invisible? The state of invisibility precludes the reflection of light of any wavelength, therefore an invisible object can have no color at all.

Your invisible pink unicorns violate well-verified laws of physics, and yet you provide no new theory as to how they can be both pink and invisible at the same time. Clearly this is a scam. No money should be devoted to further investigation of invisible pink unicorns. No money!
Last edited by Carl White on Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Stubby »

do Rossiphiles have a plan B? Just wondering.

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Post by rcain »

Stubby wrote:do Rossiphiles have a plan B? Just wondering.

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Post by ScottL »

Stubby wrote:do Rossiphiles have a plan B? Just wondering.
They have the same plan B as several other failed "cold fusion" attempts. It's a conspiracy to supress the technology!!!!!!!!! Haha but seriously that was the nail in the coffin and I'm glad to see the Rossi-Saga come to a close. It has been some of the more amusing reading I've been doing over the past 2 years.

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Post by tomclarke »

All those good professors in their smart offices know about color and vision. I'm just a simple engineer - I know unicorns. I have spent many years studying unicorns, and I know that both pinkness and invisibility are important, but to say more is not possible until my patent "device to view unicorns in North polar habitat" is published.

I want to state categorically that I'm not asking anyone for money until the unicorn-abbatoir is completed and unicorn-flesh is being shipped. Obviously, unicorn-flesh will be a highly-prized commodity. I expect it to solve the hunger problems of the third world. In fact that is the only reason I have mortgaged my house to fund this project so far. I will need a network of sales agents for the unicorn-flesh, anyone interested who has $100,000 or more to spare should contact me at the above address.

PS - the rumours circulating about animal welfare inspectors are not true. Everyone knows that unicorns don't exist, so there can be no contraventions of welfare regulations.
Carl White wrote:
Enginerd wrote:Of course no one can see them -- they are invisible. And pink.
You ask us to believe the evidence for invisible pink unicorns, and yet you contradict yourself in your first sentences. How can anything be both pink and invisible? The state of invisibility precludes the reflection of light of any wavelength, therefore an invisible object can have no color at all.

Your invisible pink unicorns violate well-verified laws of physics, and yet you provide no new theory as to how they can be both pink and invisible at the same time. Clearly this is a scam. No money should be devoted to further investigation of invisible pink unicorns. No money!

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Post by krenshala »

Carl White wrote:
Enginerd wrote:Of course no one can see them -- they are invisible. And pink.
You ask us to believe the evidence for invisible pink unicorns, and yet you contradict yourself in your first sentences. How can anything be both pink and invisible? The state of invisibility precludes the reflection of light of any wavelength, therefore an invisible object can have no color at all.

Your invisible pink unicorns violate well-verified laws of physics, and yet you provide no new theory as to how they can be both pink and invisible at the same time. Clearly this is a scam. No money should be devoted to further investigation of invisible pink unicorns. No money!
You misunderstand. The shear pinkness of the pink unicorns is what makes them invisible. You brain automatically filters out such color as beyond comprehension. Sort of a natural S.E.P. field.

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Post by parallel »

Another theory why you might not be able to see them is that the horns were deeply inserted in your rear orifice... Corroborating evidence includes this action caused spastic movement of your fingers resulting in pages of random typing, some were fooled into thinking actually made sense.

Time will tell which of the competing theories are correct. I'd say give it another four months.

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