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A Prediction Regarding Fusion Power

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:49 pm
by flying_eagle
I will apologize in advance for those that don’t take my source seriously. However, I though it interesting enough to share with you and for what ever it is worth to you. I was given a prediction from a child whom I know has a very special gift and shall remain confidential due to her young age. Btw, she knows nothing of this stuff. I asked her about the development of fusion power. I told her that the government was working on something called ITER and lasers and also something called Polywell.

She said that the military will develop it. That within 3 years an announcement would be made. But that we will still pursue ITER for a while longer. Within 10 years, something close to Polywell will work and be used by the military. She said it is at this time that governments give up on ITER and fusion arrives to the world.

I asked her, that a Dr. Bussard invented Polywell, is this fusion based on his idea? and she said yes but modified.

For me personally, I hope she is right. I look forward to us solving global warming, and I know that fusion will help usher in the new electric economy. :D

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:25 pm
by Betruger
Sounds like you've got yourself a convenient gauge of stock market trends.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:08 pm
by flying_eagle
Actually, I do find time to be a most interesting subject of study. Also, I'm sure it would be off topic to fusion power to discuss it at length. As far as your comment is concerned, the future is only statistically predictable. So, you have to take it for what it is worth. Only a probability that these events will line up and that weight will be determined by the actions of others.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:47 pm
by Betruger
What does she think of Woodward & March & co's Mach effect research?
Will NASA include Stone Aerospace's cool Endurance lander in the JEO mission?
Will EEStor deliver?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:55 pm
by flying_eagle
I think you questions are disingenuous and a thin veil for your contempt to what I offered. Why don't you be direct. Or is a smugness that you sit from. I already apologized to all that I may offend. Beyond that, you should take no pride in badgering me on this. If I misread you, then I offer another apology. However, realize that your questions are not relevant to fusion power. Beyond what I offered, I offer no proof other than to see what the cards will fall into the future. It is an experiment I’m willing to see play out. Some intellectuals should see their own fallibility before pointing out to others. Personally, I find it distasteful that the hypocrisy begins with assuming to have intelligence over others.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:16 pm
by Betruger
Calm down - you're reading way too much into it. You said yourself that it was hard to believe. I'm just putting my toe in the water to see what the temp's like. Three data points seems like a good minimum sample. If she doesn't feel like answering, or if you don't feel like imposing on her, that's fine. No big deal.
But yes the first post was half tongue in cheek. Only half because such a predicting power can hardly not pay off even inadvertently.

And if it has to be fusion related question, then.. I guess you can probably find some critical unknowns in the forum's records. What will the losses be like, how will it scale, and so on.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:53 pm
by flying_eagle
Thanks for that reply. I'm calm now. Btw, off subject but here is a link to some publications back in its day from one university:

I love science, and I find it interesting to push the frontiers of it. I especially like particle physics. I find its limits as related to blackholes in space intriguing.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:19 am
by D Tibbets
Concernig your source. do you know if she has been researching or exposed to information in this area or is it purely a hunch?

Dan Tibbets

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:59 pm
by flying_eagle
No research on her part, she really is just a young artist/musician. Not a hunch per se. A hunch being an intuitive feeling, something many of us rely on to help solve problems. She talks about abilities beyond that.

As I mentioned, I love physics. I'm old and studied it most of my life, and I have asked her about this as my own gauge to her abilities. She has astounded me with knowledge, and in some cases, information that was beyond what I knew and found very surprising considering that this child talks about what is correct and incorrect in current theoretical physics and lays out very detailed information when asked about it. When she explains her sources of information, then I have to accept her at face value.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:19 pm
by MSimon
Our current understanding of physics is that the interaction of light (information) with matter travels both forward and backwards in time to present the reality as we know it.

Could our brains have developed some way to detect this interaction? Who knows. From an evolutionary standpoint it would be quite useful.

I actually worked a bit in this field supporting a researcher named Norman Don. You can look him up. As far as I know he never came up with anything that was beyond chance. But maybe his experiments were ill designed.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:32 pm
by MSimon
Let me add that I had a wedding party in his lab. That would have been Jan '83. I was pretty broke at the time. Norm wasn't paying much but I had nothing better going on and the work (refurbishing an EEG machine) was interesting. Not to mention what he was looking into.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:51 pm
by BenTC
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

We really don't know the limits of physics. Just because ESP experiments haven't produced much evidence doesn't there isn't something there. I've just had an interesting thought.... Its commonly held in Quantum Physics that observations affect the state of the system. Perhaps the act of trying to measure ESP in fact causes it to break down. Whoops - thats a great one now for all the charlatans.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:08 am
by flying_eagle
I received a letter from the DOE on Sept 10, 2009 where the associate Director of the office of science for the office of fusion energy sciences basically told me that "we invest over $400 million a year in fusion energy...ITER will produce the world's first sustained burning plasma, which will hopefully lead to our ability to begin a demonstration project in around 25 years."

Let's see 400M/yr*25yr=$$$$$. I say siphon just some of that to WB projects please!

We'll, IMHO, I say that is just too long to solve energy needs and the global warming crisis.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:42 am
by MSimon
flying_eagle wrote:I received a letter from the DOE on Sept 10, 2009 where the associate Director of the office of science for the office of fusion energy sciences basically told me that "we invest over $400 million a year in fusion energy...ITER will produce the world's first sustained burning plasma, which will hopefully lead to our ability to begin a demonstration project in around 25 years."

Let's see 400M/yr*25yr=$$$$$. I say siphon just some of that to WB projects please!

We'll, IMHO, I say that is just too long to solve energy needs and the global warming crisis.
It appears that there is an easy way to fix the global warming "crisis". Fix the corrupted data. ... k-is-dead/

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:24 am
by flying_eagle
Ah if it was only that easy. Too bad there is more data than that which supports the claim that we are causing anthropogenic global warming.

I'm sure most scientific people have the basic physics understanding to know the solar radiative trapping of GHG gases in the atmosphere. Without it, according to NOAA, the planet average temp would be 0F instead of 57F, and we are changing the composition of the atmosphere.

Latest report: ... um2009.pdf

The March synthesis report: ... t_2009.pdf