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FOOD FIGHT Lets beat each other up , Politics is fun.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:33 pm
by Roger
Beating up on each other, because of politics.

I'm backing off my call for restraint, which goes back to the start of this forum.


Come on DEMS lets kick the crap outta these Nep Con, Neo Liberal punks. After all they are all


Filled with Hate



Hey MCCain fly your campaign into a mountain, that will be 6 planes.

Lets just play this out, and see where it ends up. Bring it on your Republicans, McInsane is going to lose, hes toast. I'm going back to the WHich Political Party thread and slay some dragons... Hoo ray for Democrats.

I can tell you what will happen, talk-polywell wont recover. The in fighting will overwhelm the site, it will never be the same.

Thats whats going to happen unless some restraint is shown. Mark my words.

Re: FOOD FIGHT Lets beat each other up , Politics is fun.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:17 am
by djolds1
Roger wrote:I can tell you what will happen, talk-polywell wont recover. The in fighting will overwhelm the site, it will never be the same.

Thats whats going to happen unless some restraint is shown. Mark my words.

Time for the mods to clamp down on political discussion for at least a few days. It can start up again after that, but cautiously.


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:32 am
by Roger
Oct 5th, 2007

I have called for dropping political talk back @ nasa space forums, I am doing so here @ talk-polywell. I seriously doubt you can link to a post of mine at either board, where I brought up global warming or responded to a post about GW, or any other issue that has been politicized such as GW, without a statement about dropping the subject.

I have in the past, and will continue to support a ban of this sort. When I wish to talk politics I go to a board where it is appropriate.


I said it before and I'll say it again, many members here need to show some restraint. If this how folks react waiting for news out of Santa Fe, buy attacking each other, then those folk need to be told how to behave.

In Polywell we have common ground, regardless of political persuasion. Joe Strout is fine with the general forum being the place for politics, but when the behavior gets out of hand, as it is now, I'm calling a spade a spade.

The rush to the bottom must stop.

Appealing to the lowest common denominator must stop.

Adults are capable of fruitful discussion without intentionally pushing others buttons.

Talk-polywell is about fusion, dont take advantage of our host Joe Strout and turn the place into a pig pen.

I dont want potential members to come here and see a dog fight.

Some decorum, please.

Re: FOOD FIGHT Lets beat each other up , Politics is fun.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:34 am
by Roger
djolds1 wrote:

Time for the mods to clamp down on political discussion for at least a few days. It can start up again after that, but cautiously.

Kudos Duane.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:18 pm
by tonybarry
MSimon has provided a place where political discussion can continue.

As I am not American I don't wish to weigh in to the Sarah Palin / Dem / Rep / fillInTheBlank debate. But I also would not like Talk Polywell to lose its reputation because of a run of ranting on political issues.

Joe Strout has the final say on the matter; his previous statements encourage self-moderation, and controversial topics to go into General.

I personally believe that civilised people do not require external moderation; but I have been wrong so many times in the past and this may be yet another time.

Tony Barry

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:17 pm
by Josh Cryer used to facilitate political discussion for years, but it got to this point where political discussion overflowed into Mars related discussion (changing the focus of the topics), so I had to be heavy handed with regards to behavior. I didn't like it but such is the nature of politics. We lost a lot of good posters because of it.

So Roger, you're absolutely right. I can stick to DU or other political forums. ;)

You gotta like a good back and forth every now and again, though. It's nice to meet someone who is so in disagreement with you that you are challenged. Too bad my math/physics isn't up to par or I'd be jousting with the physics guys here (at least that would be on topic!).

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:35 pm
by Roger
tonybarry wrote: but I have been wrong so many times in the past and this may be yet another time.

Tony Barry
Actually what happened is that Duane and I got together and did some behind the scenes lobbying, and it worked. SO there was self moderation in the process. Kudos to Simon for seeing our point.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:41 pm
by MSimon
My experience is that Engineers tend to be more on the right than the left.

That is talent we are going to need going forward.

Wise not to piss anyone off.


On a somewhat political note: many of you have read my comments on logistics. We are at the beginning of a 50 to 100 year transition. We are going to need oil for a long time to come. It is going to be a long hard slog.

There is no Magic even if we had a working Fusion plant today. Which we do not.

You might want to inform your respective parties.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:53 pm
by ravingdave
MSimon wrote:My experience is that Engineers tend to be more on the right than the left.

That is talent we are going to need going forward.

Wise not to piss anyone off.


On a somewhat political note: many of you have read my comments on logistics. We are at the beginning of a 50 to 100 year transition. We are going to need oil for a long time to come. It is going to be a long hard slog.

There is no Magic even if we had a working Fusion plant today. Which we do not.

You might want to inform your respective parties.

I have read that there is a difference between Experimental and Theoretical Physicists as well. I have also read that it tends to be a function of Right-Brain/Left-Brain. If I remeber correctly, the right is analytical and the left is creative, or the other way around. (no, I don't have time to "Google it".)

I also believe i've read somewhere, ( I think it was the making of the atomic bomb.) that Theroticians tend to be Liberal Democrats, while Experimentalists tend to be Conservative Republicans.) Likewise, in another section of the book it mentions a hall at MIT where music was piped into various rooms that physicists were working in. All the experimentalists had turned off the music, while all the theoriticians had turned it on.

Fermi was both an excellent theoritician, and an excellent experimentalists. I wonder if he listned to music while he worked or not ?


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:52 am
by MSimon

The theoretical guys are only limited by the mind.

The experimental guys are limited by reality.

Engineers more so. They have to make a profit.

Let me add that I can learn with music but I work best in silence.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:22 am
by drmike
I find that the type of music depends on the type of work and mood I'm in. If I'm trying to learn some new math, silence is best. But if I'm trying to cut and splice a wiring patch into a board because somebody else forgot a line on a schematic, acid rock works really well. While I'm designing this welding circuit, reggae seems pretty nice.

There's definitely a difference between theoretical and experimentalist physicists. Sometimes it's obvious, and some times it isn't. I have seen theoriticians who can't figure out how to use a wrench, and I've seen experimentalists who can't balance a check book. They all like classical music though, and will talk at length about it.

But what's that got to do with a food fight in politics???

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:38 pm
by ravingdave
drmike wrote:I find that the type of music depends on the type of work and mood I'm in. If I'm trying to learn some new math, silence is best. But if I'm trying to cut and splice a wiring patch into a board because somebody else forgot a line on a schematic, acid rock works really well. While I'm designing this welding circuit, reggae seems pretty nice.

There's definitely a difference between theoretical and experimentalist physicists. Sometimes it's obvious, and some times it isn't. I have seen theoriticians who can't figure out how to use a wrench, and I've seen experimentalists who can't balance a check book. They all like classical music though, and will talk at length about it.

But what's that got to do with a food fight in politics???
Nothing, but the subject is interesting, and less likely to make anyone irritated. Food Fights in politics are fun, but they really don't accomplish anything, (other than entertainment) but have the potential to alienate people.

On Fusion, I think Benjamin Franklin said it best. ( I hope it was Franklin)

"All intelligent men are of the same religion. " When asked "What religion might that be ? " Franklin replied, "Intelligent men never say."



Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:41 am
by drmike

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:03 am
by Roger
drmike wrote:

But what's that got to do with a food fight in politics???
I had this picture of John Belushi in my head.
Somebody not called ravingdave wrote:

On Fusion, I prefer Chick Corea and Return Forever

FOOD FIGHT Lets beat each other up , Politics is fun.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:48 pm
by alexjrgreen
An anecdote is related of Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper [1st Earl of Shaftesbury] (1621–1683), who, in speaking of religion, said, "People differ in their discourse and profession about these matters, but men of sense are really but of one religion." To the inquiry of "What religion?" the Earl said, "Men of sense never tell it."

Footnote by Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons (1691-1768), published in the 1833 edition of Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury (1643-1715): History of my own Times, vol. I, bk. I, sec. 96 (p. 175).
Quoted by Benjamin Disraeli in Endymion - Chapter LXXXI and Rudyard Kipling in Egypt of the Magicians - Dead Kings.