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Artificial gravity by acceleration

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:10 pm
by kunkmiester
Someone on a web comic forum just brought this up, thought I'd poke some people who know more about trajectories.

The thought was on a ship with enough isp to hold a fair amount of gravity by acceleration and deceleration, instead of doing a flip half way through to start the deceleration phase, you simply pull a uturn under power. Properly done, you stay under constant gravity with negligible side forces.

The problem of course is keeping yourself on course to your destination. How much trouble would a powered flip be?

Re: Artificial gravity by acceleration

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:30 am
by paperburn1
No reason why you could not do it, aside from your soup spilling out of your bowl and not minding a little dizziness you could preform the turn in 100 minutes with only .001 g offset displacing you from your course by less than ten miles and correct for the last half of your flight.
assuming one G thrust and hundredth of a g thruster turn.
Assuming you have constant thrust from Delta_Vs propellant-less thrusts :D
And just to come clean I am not a rocket scientist but to paraphrase "The secret to brilliance is knowing how to hide your sources"
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