Your top three TV series of all time are?

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Your top three TV series of all time are?

Post by seedload »

Mine are...

The Wire

...although, curiously, I have trouble re-watching Seinfeld, which makes me think that I may just be a product of media suggestion.

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Post by Skipjack »

This is hard...

I dont believe in the supernatural at all, but this show is just to good and does not take itself to seriously either, which makes it OK

Sherlock Holmes
The Granada series with Jeremy Brett is still what everyone thinks of when you say "Sherlock Holmes". Plus I love the victorian style.

Stargate SG1
There had to be a scifi show in there and it is probably my favorite, though it is competing for that with...

Firefly (awesomeness, nuff said)

I liked BSG 2003 until it went all religious and supernatural. Not what I expect from scifi. First two seasons were great and the big battle in season 3 (where they free the people on that planet) was among the most memorable scifi moments of all time for me.

Buffy (I am a Whedonite, I admit it ;) )

Dexter (no show creeps me out like that one)

Monk (funny, tragic, sweet and a little sad too)

if documentaries count, then Cosmos would probably the best of all for me.

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Post by seedload »

Skipjack wrote:This is hard...

I dont believe in the supernatural at all, but this show is just to good and does not take itself to seriously either, which makes it OK

Sherlock Holmes
The Granada series with Jeremy Brett is still what everyone thinks of when you say "Sherlock Holmes". Plus I love the victorian style.

Stargate SG1
There had to be a scifi show in there and it is probably my favorite, though it is competing for that with...

Firefly (awesomeness, nuff said)

I liked BSG 2003 until it went all religious and supernatural. Not what I expect from scifi. First two seasons were great and the big battle in season 3 (where they free the people on that planet) was among the most memorable scifi moments of all time for me.

Buffy (I am a Whedonite, I admit it ;) )

Dexter (no show creeps me out like that one)

Monk (funny, tragic, sweet and a little sad too)

if documentaries count, then Cosmos would probably the best of all for me.
Never checked out Supernatural. If it tops your list, I will give it a go.

Agree on BSG and Firefly, but SG1... really? It is unwatchable for me.

Monk is great.

Buffy, I never got.

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Post by Giorgio »

Doctor Who (the old one)

And I would add also Futurama

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Post by Skipjack »

I do love space 1999 too Giorgio!
I do like the tech more though than the stories (which were a bit to seventies crazy for me at times).
The mood, the design and the general feel of space as awesome though!

Supernatural is just a tongue in cheek horror- roadmovie with two brothers, a black Chevy Impala and lots of 70ies rock music. If you can get that, then you will enjoy the show. I do like it.

Futurama is brilliant.

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Post by Diogenes »

The Beverly Hillbillies.

Two and a Half Men.

Dark Shadows.

I reserve the right to revise this list if I think of other TV Shows I liked better. :)
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Post by ladajo »

I liked the BSG remake. Very gritty.

I also liked Southpark. Kenny has to be the longest ever running joke.

Old SNL & Original Letterman.

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Post by Scupperer »

I don't bother watching much on TV anymore except Science fiction shows and science documentaries.

SG1. Still one of my favorite SF shows ever, even if they had to get more and more ridiculous with the enemies and solutions towards the end, the characters still carried the show. Atlantis was watchable, Universe has been mostly garbage.

Buffy. Didn't mature until Season 3, its best seasons were 4 & 7. Angel, the spinoff show, was watchable, but not great.

Firefly was a great show; Serenity was brilliant as a movie. If you like Whedon and this show, you should grin and bear a watch of Alien 4: Resurrection, which Whedon wrote and has hints and glimmers of these later characters.

Dollhouse, another Whedon creation, wasn't as coherent as Buffy or Firefly, but at least he took the ideas to a similar logical conclusion that he did with the other shows.

BSG reboot was religious from the beginning, but so was the original series, surprisingly. I found it entertaining, but was disappointed when they capped up the whole series as nothing more than a Luddite morality play. I haven't watched Caprica yet, or the spinoff made-for-tv movies.

Supernatural is a blast, but the current season hasn't been particularly focused; hopefully they'll bring it all together. I really like how their morality conflicts work out on all the different levels they explore.

Star Trek (all of 'em, I suppose). The problem with all the Star Trek series is that very little of it is re-watchable later; but it's the general premise of the show itself that was so watchable; so long as they were true to it, the rest is just eye-candy.

Sci Fi lovers should also check out Dark Angel (James Cameron creation), and probably Alias & Fringe (JJ Abrams). Alias was fun, and Fringe is excellent.
Perrin Ehlinger

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Post by Betruger »

Good versus Evil
House MD clinic hours episodes / South Park
Dead Set

The Wire, Futurama both great but we're limited to 3 and they're listed already.

I'll second the Sopranos. Just excellent. Excellent ending - an exceptional thing on TV.

I almost never watch TV. I'm a hardcore SF fan but..... Pretty much all TV SF nowadays is lame as heck. Soap opera filmed on SF sets. One of the worst: Defying Gravity. An abomination.

Virtuality looked like it would have had pretty genuine characters. A few things were a little hackneyed but otherwise their personalities were pretty well rendered.
I disliked the BSG remake - too forced, actors not nearly good enough to make the characters seem realistically gritty instead of over the top. Same deal with Dexter, the guy's supposed to be psycho but he's a total klutz. You couldn't render a genuine serial killer worthy of all the "serial killer" hype the Dexter show runs on, without offending the audience. A psychopathic maniac in a TV show for an audience with such a prudish comfort zone as mainstream America? Seriously? :lol:

The problem with most series is that you get screenplay and storylines that stop being really believable - it all starts to feel too much like Groundhog Day instead of genuine consistent characters that learn and grow and change like real people do if you follow them meticulously under a magnifying glass as TV shows mostly do. Whereas it's a natural fit for something like Seinfeld where the show's about mundane (or not so-) life or Good vs Evil where the show doesn't take itself seriously, with SF you're supposed to have some paradigm breaking or surrealistic atmosphere and... The predictability of that mundane groundhog day episodic script writing just doesn't work.
Last edited by Betruger on Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ladajo »

As an after thought, I really enjoyed Rome on HBO, and also Generation Kill.

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Post by Jccarlton »

James Burke's two BBC series
The Day The Universe Changed
Tom Hank's
From The Earth To The Moon, especially ep 6

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Post by krenshala »

Scupperer wrote:Firefly was a great show; Serenity was brilliant as a movie. If you like Whedon and this show, you should grin and bear a watch of Alien 4: Resurrection, which Whedon wrote and has hints and glimmers of these later characters.
I wasn't planning to watch Alien 4 until I read an interview with Sigourny Weaver, in which she stated that she told them no a number of times, but when she finally read the script she changed her mind. Movies or shows where the actors are clearly enjoying the parts they play always seem to be more enjoyable to watch for me, and that was the case with both Alien 4 and the Firefly stuff.

I'd have to say Dr Who (the vast majority of the series, including most of the recent stuff I've had the time to watch) is my all time favorite.

I'm not sure what else to add to the list, however, since I almost never watch TV.

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Post by choff »

The Prisoner(1967 version)
Gilligans Island
Hawaii 5-0(Jack Lord version)

With honourable mention to Twin Peaks, Run Buddy Run, Forest Rangers.
A couple of good movies seen in the last year or two I would highly recommend; Let the Right One In, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

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Post by Giorgio »

Skipjack wrote:I do love space 1999 too Giorgio!
I do like the tech more though than the stories (which were a bit to seventies crazy for me at times).
The mood, the design and the general feel of space as awesome though!
The Eagle design is still one of the most logic piece of work I have ever seen in a sci fi show.
I remember I was watching it when I was around 14 and thinking "Wow, engineers are cool for designing stuff like that, I want to become one too!"

That show gave me a good push toward the passion for science and hunger for knowledge!

Skipjack wrote:Futurama is brilliant.

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Post by olivier »

My selection is definitely old-fashioned.

From the US:
+++ The Invaders (1967 - The nightmare has already begun)
++ The Wild Wild West (1965 - Esp. Dr Loveless's episodes)

From UK:
+++ The Avengers (1968 - Esp. Diana Rigg's seasons)
++ The Persuaders (1970 - For Roger Moore, Tony Curtis and John Barry's music)

From France:
+++ Les Rois Maudits (The Accursed Kings - 1972 - The jewel of 70s French TV)
++ Jacquou le Croquant (1969 - The series that made a whole country cry)

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