I guess every industry is a target for investment scammers

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I guess every industry is a target for investment scammers

Post by jsbiff »

As you may or may not know, I've been doing a LOT of homework on nuclear fission recently (I'm still very concerned about nuclear waste management and the potential to extract many times more energy from the 'waste' if possible - especially if Polywell doesn't pan out).

Actually, even if Polywell doesn't turn out to be a viable net-power fusion device, maybe it could be a great source of neutrons for a hybrid polywell/spent(or depleted) uranium fast-breeder reactor.

Well, anyhow, the point of this is, I somehow came across my first investment scammer website related to nuclear power - kind of surprised I didn't run into any in my earlier searches (well, not so much - I try to stick to sites run by universities, nuclear industry organizations/governmental nuclear organization, etc).

Anyhow, I came across this article which started out innocent enough, talking about TerraPower and some other high-profile nuclear projects, then it adds one more paragraph at the end - a teaser about a small American Company (which apparently doesn't have a name), and how they are going to be the next big mover in the Nuclear Industry.

Out of curiousity, I followed the link, expecting to be hit up for some sort of subscription to an investment 'research' service. I think that ultimately, that is probablly what it was.

But, they had the most hilarious, OBVIOUSLY A SCAM video ever. I'm not even sure how long it went on because I just gave up after 15 minutes. 15 minutes in which the guy who made the video never once says the name of the company. 15 minutes in which he starts out with a story about a guy approaching him in the hotel bar at an energy conference to give him a hot tip about an energy company. He never got the name or any other info about the guy giving him the tip, but the guy gave it to him because the guy knew the 'author' of this piece, because 'the guy' had made a lot of money following 'the authors' previous investment tips with this company.

Then the guy pulls out an envolope (Oh, wow! The suspense) Inside were two things - a small piece of paper with nothing but a stock ticker symbol, and a grainy crappy photo, which you can barely make out, but which 'the author' insists shows the CEO of the 'small energy company that is going to be the next energy giant' sitting with the South Korean Prime Minister (or President, I forget), making a Nuclear Energy Deal with the Koreans.

All during the presentation, "The Author" keeps making a very hard sell that this company is going to make you 100X (at least!) your investment money, how 1000 dollars will become 100,000 or even 1,000,000.

I mean, PUH-LEASE. What IDIOTS fall for this kind of pitch? When someone drones on for 1/2 an hour telling you they guarantee an investment will make you at least 100X your investment, and they never tell you who the company is, and they offer the worst 'proofs' ever known to man, IT'S A SCAM!

As a word of warning, to save you some time if you hit any links from them, the scammers are Angel Publishing, Green Chip Stocks, and Alternative Energy Speculator (they are all the same company - they rotate you between the different websites - and they have about two dozen others to boot).

Oh, wow! It gets even better. I'm a little bored, so I decided to just do a little more browsing around the scammer site, and I found the page for one of their "Green" energy investment 'research journals', how they have a page explaining how nuclear is a total dead end - there's no fuel, no expertise remaining in the U.S. Just no future for Nuclear - only Renewables. Oh, and we don't really have much Coal - everyone who says we have a 250 year supply is quoting an old, outdated figure - it turns out we don't have nearly as much as we think we do. Btw, Natural Gas is ending - we are almost at the end of our supply of Nat. Gas.

What's great about that last statement, is one of their other journals boldly tries to tell you how Nat. Gas. is the 'new diesel', and is going to kill diesel.

Basically, these guys create a journal for every energy segment, and tell interested 'investors' exactly what they want to hear - if you are interested in nuclear, well, they've got the secret secret tip that's gonna make you a millionaire in the upcoming nuclear revolution. If you're interestred in renewables (wind, solar, etc), there IS NO NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE, but they've got the SUPER SECRET renewables tip that's going to make you rich, rich, rich!

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Post by hanelyp »

Do you remember the stock ticker symbol so we can watch out and avoid that company?

Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:33 pm

Post by jsbiff »

hanelyp wrote:Do you remember the stock ticker symbol so we can watch out and avoid that company?
Which company, the "investment newsletter" with the "hot tips", or the company they were trying to pump-and-dump? I never figured out what company they were trying to pitch, because it became obvious they were never going to tell me - the whole pitch was to try to get you sign up for a $500/year subscription to their newsletter so you could get access to their VALUABLE RESEARCH!

As for the 'newsletter', I'm pretty sure they aren't publically traded, and don't have a ticker symbol.

So, remember to avoid angel publishing / angel nexus. I suppose their are actuallyl legitimate companies that really do investing journalism, but any time a 'newsletter' costs that much and they guarantee you they know some company is about to increase in value 100X (or more!), but you have to ACT NOW before the company gets featured on CNN, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes, you know to watch out and hold securely on to your wallet lol.

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