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The Prisoner's Dilema

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:53 pm
by MSimon
As I said yesterday, one of our jobs this year is to wipe the complacent smiles off the smug faces of the lobbyists, “experts”, “scientists”, politicians and activists pushing AGW.

This is why I am so glad to report that Michael Mann – creator of the incredible Hockey Stick curve and one of the scientists most heavily implicated in the Climategate scandal – is about to get a very nasty shock. When he turns up to work on Monday, he’ll find that all 27 of his colleagues at the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University have received a rather tempting email inviting them to blow the whistle on anyone they know who may have been fraudulently misusing federal grant funds for climate research.

Under US law, regardless of whether or not a prosecution results, the whistleblower stands to make very large sums of money: it is based on a percentage of the total government funds which have been misused, in this case perhaps as much as $50 million. ( Hat tip: John O’Sullivan of the wonderful new campaigning site ) ... -new-year/
You can see the e-mail at the link.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:59 pm
by Coolbrucelong
I really doubt any of Dr. Mann's co-workers will bite at this bait. It would be giving up a great deal professionally and academically on the dim prospect of some future monetary reward. I am disappointed to see this because it falls right in line with the AGW group belief that those who are not believers are a bunch of crass heathens.

Calling your boss a crook is not a good career path decision.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:01 am
by MSimon
Let me note that Mr. Mann (heh) was involved in Hiding The Decline.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:07 am
by MSimon
Coolbrucelong wrote:I really doubt any of Dr. Mann's co-workers will bite at this bait. It would be giving up a great deal professionally and academically on the dim prospect of some future monetary reward. I am disappointed to see this because it falls right in line with the AGW group belief that those who are not believers are a bunch of crass heathens.

Calling your boss a crook is not a good career path decision.
Unless he is a crook. And this is the standard sort of thing done in criminal prosecutions: turn States evidence and we will go easy on you.

If there is enough public data to scare any one of the 27........

Interesting times.

Of course it could be anything. The government may have decided that warmists are no longer useful. Time to dump them and gin up a cooling scare. It will take time though. First you need to dump the warmists. Then you need time so people forget.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:18 am
by IntLibber
MSimon wrote:
Coolbrucelong wrote:I really doubt any of Dr. Mann's co-workers will bite at this bait. It would be giving up a great deal professionally and academically on the dim prospect of some future monetary reward. I am disappointed to see this because it falls right in line with the AGW group belief that those who are not believers are a bunch of crass heathens.

Calling your boss a crook is not a good career path decision.
Unless he is a crook. And this is the standard sort of thing done in criminal prosecutions: turn States evidence and we will go easy on you.

If there is enough public data to scare any one of the 27........
I would not be surprised if Mann himself turns states evidence against the others. He's already thrown Jones under the bus a few times. He could be climategate's Sammy Gravano...

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:17 pm
by Josh Cryer
They've been trying to do these bribes for years now, to no effect.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:18 pm
by MSimon
Josh Cryer wrote:They've been trying to do these bribes for years now, to no effect.
So far. All it takes is one.

And Josh. What is the explanation for the missing hot spot?