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Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:35 pm
by kcdodd
Once again showing immense ignorance of history. Nevermind that it was discovered that the us was bombing cambodia illegally, and tried to cover it up. Or the massive civillian casualties inflicted by that campaign razing villages to the ground that the us lied about. Yeah those were just silly brainwashed hippy dippy potheads.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:48 pm
by GIThruster
I'm not ignorant of the problems people reacted to during Vietnam. I'm just noting, those things did not justify burning buildings, throwing rocks at police, standing and yelling "baby killer!" at strangers, nor any of the other hateful things the stupid kids did back in the day. They did those hateful, stupid things because their professors were often socialists who completely disagreed with the war and taught their students to disagree as loudly as possible.

One of the things relatively stupid people never seem to get about Vietnam, is that it was the first televised war. There was probably not more war crime during that war than any that preceded it, and there has probably be far less war crime in the wars that have come after, because of the cameras. But in Vietnam, the worst parts of the war were portrayed in the living rooms of an entire American generation, and they were not emotionally equipped for what they saw. Civilians never are. That's why we no longer telecast dead, bleeding and broken bodies into the living rooms of the masses here in the US. There is no doubt there were horrible atrocities, but all war includes these. (By the way, the claims of entire villages cut down were never documented with a camera--they were merely claimed by returning soldiers.) But all these things as terrible as they were, were never reasons for burning buildings and throwing rocks.

So you actually think those students were justified in setting buildings on fire and throwing rocks at police, because of a TV feed from a world away, and their teachers hate filled pontifications?

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:55 pm
by kcdodd
Relatively stupid people like me? So, you seem to think a television is required to count bodies, or to even know what country you're flying over and bombing? What point are you trying to make?

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:59 pm
by GIThruster
My point is abundantly clear, carter. You're obviously mischaracterizing the situation and my point in order to launch yet another personal attack. Haters gotta hate. . .

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:53 pm
by kcdodd
No it's not clear, GIT. You make some comment about how I'm stupid because you think I don't know they had television in the 60s, as if that would have anything to do with anything. Then talk about how people are emotionally impacted by TV. Again, as if that has anything to do with what happened in Vietnam, or that somehow the mere presence of TV is what caused Nixon to break the law and kill 100,000 civilians in the process (just in Cambodia). What you said has not one thing to do with anything. All you're saying is that war kills lots of people, so get over it. Let me ask you, how many civilians could the US government kill before you would throw a rock? Obviously it's way more than 100,000. I mean, after all, we could do that overnight, and way more than that had been killed before Cambodia. But, maybe 1 million? 100 million? I'm just curious how you value human life.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:16 pm
by GIThruster
You're not really curious, carter. You're just looking for a fight. Okay. Fact is, there is no number of human deaths that would cause me to ever pick up a rock and throw it at an uninvolved innocent. The rock would only find a target if it were aimed at those doing the killing or in some other way related to the issue. Same with burning buildings. There are no atrocities in the world that justify burning buildings that have no relation to the atrocities. Same with calling people "baby killers" and spitting on them, when you have no reason to believe they have ever killed a baby or otherwise merited your hatred.

Like I said, "haters gotta hate." That's you, carter. That's what you're defending--hatred, blind, misdirected hatred spurned on by hidden political agendas and some clever deception. You are defending blind hatred and pretending the morons who acted out in blind hatred had an excuse. I'm telling you, they did not.

As far as killing 100,000 innocent Cambodians, get your history straight. That's not what happened. There were 40,000 Vietnamese troops hiding in Cambodia and attacking the South from it with impunity when the decision was made to pursue them across the boarder into Cambodia. The troops attacked were PAVN and NLF. They were TROOPS. Soldiers equipped for war that were attacking into the South.

If you're going to talk shit, learn at least a little of what you're talking about. We had every reason to attack into Cambodia, just as we attacked into Pakistan when we found that that was where Bin Laden was hiding.

Instead of your ignorant hate speech, how about you read a little history?

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:33 pm
by kcdodd
Now I'm making hate speech? I do have my facts straight in regard to what I have said. As to your criticism of peace activists, you are correct that their violence was not directed against those responsible. Your criterea would have them storming the whitehouse. But how you reconcile that logic in regard to burning a building down and throwing some rocks, with the fact that the national guard then responded by blindly firing into the crowd, and also with the 100k civillians who had nothing to do with any of it, is really beyond me. So I am sorry if I veiw the violence the protestors exhibited as inconsequential to everything else. I suppose you also think Henry Kissinger deserves his Nobel peace prize. If that's hate then I guess I am guilty.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:56 pm
by GIThruster
kcdodd wrote:Your criterea would have them storming the whitehouse.
Nonsense. Most peace demonstrations were perfectly peaceful. Kent State stands out as an aberration specifically because a bunch of students burned a building and threw rocks at police. I'm not defending the shooting of the students, but noting that what let up to that shooting was likewise indefensible.

You sound like a drone, carter; someone who knows nothing about these important parts of our past but who blindly adopted the leftist view of them. I highly suggest you read at least the few pages at wiki. The greatest crimes during the Vietnam war were those of students in open rebellion against all the benefits of life they enjoyed. The hippies most certainly were and are the most self-absorbed, selfish, misinformed, tragic and pathetic generation the US has ever seen. Part because of the drugs. Part because of the deliberate misrepresentations and deceptions. part because no one could have predicted the consequences of piping the images of war into civilian homes. But certainly it was the hippies themselves who are the most tragic and disappointing part of the story. Spitting on soldiers who had endured so much. . .what kind of hateful jerk do you need to be to treat anyone like that?

And yet all you can do is make up excuses. . .haters gotta hate.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:15 pm
by kcdodd
Leftist view of what? This was all started because Diogenes pulls out the Kent state reference about throwing rock's and burning a building down as evidence of "how violent peace activists are", and completely omits the atrocities that sparked it AND the killings of 4 students who may or may not have had anything to do with throwing rocks or setting fires. I was merely adding a context that seems to drastically shift the scope of what was going on at that time. Is that where I went left? Then you chime in with this theory that TV was the problem, not the war itself, and that they were only protesting because they got all emotional from the TV and their Socialist teachers (and the pot, don't forget the pot). I say that's nonsense, which it is. Is that when I went left? To top it off you think the greatest crimes of the Vietnam war were committed with spit, rocks, and matches. If I disagree with that, I MUST then be a leftist.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:37 pm
by GIThruster
Don't be silly. All your ignorance shows through your portrayal of the Cambodian campaign, as stated by you above. You started the name calling with that post at the top of this page and clearly demonstrated you are as ignorant as can be about what you were posting. You were not only accusing me of ignorance and pretending to be knowledgeable when you're not, but you were doing it while defending indefensible acts.

It's gotta be hard to be so full of hate you'd be willing to post rubbish like that. Haters gotta hate.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:12 pm
by Stubby
That wasn't name calling. It was an observation.
If he had called you a stupid father-of-a-mule that would be name calling.

These are examples of name calling:

'Such a douchbag.'
'You're sounding like a pathetic idiot--just like Johan.'
'Betruger, you're sounding like an idiot.'
'News flash asshole,'
'You're such a deluded asshole.'
' you're a criminal and a pro-drug degenerate.'

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:47 pm
by Diogenes
kcdodd wrote:Leftist view of what? This was all started because Diogenes pulls out the Kent state reference about throwing rock's and burning a building down as evidence of "how violent peace activists are", and completely omits the atrocities that sparked it

Which had not a G**D&*** thing to do with the violence on the part of the "peace protestors."

Neither *I*, nor the entire rest of the nation gave a single sh*t as to *WHY* they were burning down the ROTC building. We didn't give a sh*t as to *WHY* they were throwing rocks. Our simpleminded understanding is this; You do not burn down buildings, and you do not throw rocks at people sent in to keep you from burning down buildings.

My personal opinion is that the "peace" protestors were mostly spoiled-rotten-yuppie-larva who were raised in a cushy middle-class or better, and very deeply resented the notion that they might be called to fight in Vietnam. Primarily COWARDICE coupled with a desire to not be annoyed by having their fun-time interfered with from anything so boring as a national obligation, is the motivating force behind these people.

Of course they really didn't want to be thought of as COWARDS and shirkers, so they dreamt up this "WE ARE AGAINST WAR" crap because it gave them the means of rationalizing their cowardice while pretending they weren't cowards.

kcdodd wrote: AND the killings of 4 students who may or may not have had anything to do with throwing rocks or setting fires. I was merely adding a context that seems to drastically shift the scope of what was going on at that time. Is that where I went left? Then you chime in with this theory that TV was the problem, not the war itself, and that they were only protesting because they got all emotional from the TV and their Socialist teachers (and the pot, don't forget the pot). I say that's nonsense, which it is. Is that when I went left? To top it off you think the greatest crimes of the Vietnam war were committed with spit, rocks, and matches. If I disagree with that, I MUST then be a leftist.

I think the greatest crimes of the Vietnam war were committed with Stuffed ballot boxes in Chicago. Cameras and typewriters are a close second. Here were the immediate results.

Had we fought Vietnam like it was a war, many thousands of lives would have been saved. Thank you John Kennedy and Robert McNamara; Ivy league Super-Genius Pricks. A "dumb" person couldn't have made a bigger mess of it.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:07 pm
by kcdodd
I simply don't pretend things happen in a vacuum. I am not defending throwing rocks or starting fires. Those are your words. I am defending the protesting though. There were protests all over the country at the same time. Like death of innocents seems inevitable in war, protests can become violent. However, at least noone was killed by the protesters, and worse gets done by Yankees fans after a bad (or good) game, so i really am not as horrified by it as you seem to be. Obviously people were very angry about what was happening. The cambodia campaign was like if the dea started carpet bombing mexican border cities to stop the drug trade. Not only that, but they were doing it off the books. Of course it's hard to kill that many people and noone find out that you're doing it. It was completely out of proportion, misdirected, and in no way legal. I would hope any person would be angry about it. But, go ahead and play it off as a normal war, nothing to see here. But look at those rock thowing hippies! Omg!

And of course Diogenes blames JFK. If that weren't so twisted it'd be funny.

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:41 pm
by GIThruster
kcdodd wrote:However, at least noone was killed by the protesters. . .
Oh contraire. . . the protesters won their case and the day we left Vietnam, 80,000 people were murdered. That blood is directly on the hands of those protesters.

Seriously, why do you keep discussing an issue you obviously know nothing about?

Re: Latest drug addict loons.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:50 pm
by kcdodd
The protestors didn't kill anyone. Why do you continue to be the poster child for ironic and self defeating statements.

If the protestors are responsible for 80,000 deaths bc we withdrew, how many would they be responsible for if they didn't do anything and we stayed even longer?

I can see though how I was defending the violence when I implied there is a point where violence is justified. So I take that back. I don't think there is any rational justification for random violence no. But I think there can be a point where violence is justified rationally if directed, and im sure you agree with that. Otherwise you wouldn't be ok with what happened in cambodia at all. Allthough I don't think that was justified.