Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Hadn't thought of this don't know if it has a chance to turn the tide against "octopus" allegations but at the very least he is making a fight of it to the end:

Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton to 'Take a Drug Test' Before Final Debate

Trump Calls For Drug Test Ahead of Third, Final Debate 0:42

Donald Trump took aim at the war on drugs on Saturday — by challenging Hillary Clinton to take a drug test.

"Athletes, they make them take a drug test," Trump said at a Portsmouth, New Hampshire, rally. "We should take a drug test prior to the debate because I don't know what's going on with her. But at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning. And at the end … she could barely reach her car."

"I'm willing to do it," he added.

Clinton is not campaigning this weekend in order to prepare for the third and final debate Wednesday, an aide told NBC News. ... te-n666896
Clinton is not campaigning this weekend in order to prepare for the third and final debate Wednesday, an aide told NBC News.
Three weeks ahead of the biggest election of her career and she is taking the weekend off to prepare for the third debate, the one that will probably be the least watched least influential of the three? "Preparing" or maybe resting...medicating.


Hillary Clinton’s Medical Problems
by Dr. Ted Noel ... -problems/

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by choff »

Women won't be safe if Hillary wins.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by JLawson »

williatw wrote:Three weeks ahead of the biggest election of her career and she is taking the weekend off to prepare for the third debate, the one that will probably be the least watched least influential of the three? "Preparing" or maybe resting...medicating.


Hillary Clinton’s Medical Problems
by Dr. Ted Noel ... -problems/
Modern medicine can get someone on their deathbed up and tap-dancing - but stimulants like that take a hard toll on the body.

But she's close. She's SO close to grabbing that brass ring she's been trying for since she was First Lady... She's owed, dammit!

I've taken to looking at running for the Presidency as an indicator on whether you've got the stamina to actually perform in what - if you do it RIGHT and take it seriously - one of the most grindingly stressful jobs around. 4 years of it is rough, 8 years is a killer. Can you survive the election process? Congrats - figure your stress level's about to double! Good luck with that - by the way, hope you're good at figuring things out on the fly, and remember that the decisions you make now won't have either benefits or drawbacks apparent for between 5 to 30 years.

Hell, I'm ten years younger than she is - and I wouldn't want to run for the job.

That said - Trump's showing a lot more energy than I'd expect to see from anyone at this point. As Scott Adam's pointed out, there are people who take opposition and problems and thrive on them.

Maybe a drug test WOULD be a good idea!
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by hanelyp »

A drug test isn't a bad idea. But which drugs?
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

choff wrote:Women won't be safe if Hillary wins.

When I look at Hillary, "Obnoxious Lesbian Bull Dyke" does indeed come to mind. Drudge seems to be hinting at some sort of revelation along these lines.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

hanelyp wrote:A drug test isn't a bad idea. But which drugs?
Read the link posted above on Hillary's health; my guess would be drugs for treating Parkinson's disease and/or ones taken to deal with the symptoms of both the disease and the meds to treat such. That's what Trump means by "pumped up" for the debate. Reminds me of what Scott Adams said about Hillary in the first debate; that she seemed "engineered" by drugs for 90 minutes of alertness/performance. The media has largely dismissed Trump's similar allegation of her crashing after the last debate and barely having the stamina to reach her car; if they (the media) doubt that, why don't they simply show us the footage of her leaving after the debate? Notice no response from team Hillary on Trump's challenge; wonder why if she has nothing to hide? If was Howard Dean (& Carrie Fisher) who started this by suggesting that Trump's "sniffing" during the 2nd debate was indicative of cocaine use. When Trump comes back at them for it hard, the media acts like Trump started the whole thing; like their haven't been allegations about Hillary having serious health problems for years prior.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Trump's election will be the biggest "F—ck You" in human history - Michael Moore ...

ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? Hollywood Uber-Liberal Michael Moore explains why Donald Trump will win the presidential election ... -election/

Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved

Project Veritas Action

Better listen quick the first two parts have been deleted from Youtube

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

williatw wrote: Better listen quick the first two parts have been deleted from Youtube

I keep telling people that the greatest threat to this nation is one party control of all access to information. Nowadays you cannot hardly see anything that has not undergone a "filter" process by a Liberal Democrat censor. (Google is run by San Fransisco moon-bat Democrats.)

Only pieces of the internet carry information which the Democrat Media complex won't allow on the regular broadcast networks.

For example, the fact that Hillary's eyes go Jabberwocky from time to time, indicating a serious neurological issue,


or the fact that she routinely screams at her Secret Service agents in private and calls them "Pigs."

A good news story on either of those issues would cost her millions of votes, but the Democrat Media complex won't allow such stories to get on the air. They won't allow the public to hear these stories through the normal means by which people obtain their information.

But i'm sure voting for Darrell Castle will benefit the nation somehow.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

And where else are you going to see information like this? Certainly not on the networks.


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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Carl White »

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

I think you should call her and sober her up some...


A new WikiLeaks email dump reveals Hillary Clinton may have been boozed up at 4:30 in the afternoon when her campaign tried to reach her in August 2015.

An Aug. 8, 2015, email exchange between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and communications aide Jennifer Palmieri revealed the two discussing whether to call Hillary and “sober her up some.”

“Should I call her and talk this through or better leave with you?” Podesta asked at 2 p.m. “I’m worried she’ll get on with Cheryl [Mills] and we’ll end up in a bad place.”

It took Palmieri two hours to respond to Podesta’s question.

“I think you should call her and sober her up some,” she said.

It’s unclear whether Hillary may have been consuming alcohol or possibly taking medication that afternoon.

On that specific date, her campaign had been plagued with some serious concerns.

For example, an article published by U.S. News & World Report that weekend, titled “Trouble in Hillaryland,” noted, “[H]er predicted coronation seems somewhat less assured than it did a few weeks ago.”

The story continued, “Supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are stirring the pot, telling reporters that he still may jump into the Democratic race and give Clinton a run for her money. And pollsters of both major parties say many voters don’t consider Clinton to be trustworthy, a growing vulnerability.”

Also in February 2015, New York Times reporter Amy Chozick told ABC News she was surprised to discover that Hillary likes to drink while campaigning.

“She likes to drink,” Chozick explained. “We were on the campaign trail in 2008 and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in Pennsylvania. Um, no.”

And on Oct. 9, 2016, Chozick tweeted: “‘We need to take off so we can have some drinks served,’ Hillary says on her campaign plane.”

Read more at ... DZgkO7R.99

Blotto at 04:30PM in the afternoon for no particular reason? No story here folks move on...more important issues than madam president lush. And if I had to hazard a guess...I would bet that she is a decidedly mean drunk. ... afternoon/

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by paperburn1 »

She has been a boozer for a long time. At least as far back as when she and Bill have been in the Whitehouse. And yes she is a mean drunk, their was talk among the secret service of what to do if she attacked Bill.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

paperburn1 wrote:She has been a boozer for a long time. At least as far back as when she and Bill have been in the Whitehouse. And yes she is a mean drunk, their was talk among the secret service of what to do if she attacked Bill.
I understand she was known for throwing things at him and also striking him on occasion; to the degree that Bill Clinton was known sometimes to appear in meetings (when he was president) with visible bruises on his face. And I also heard what you said about it being a concern for Bill's secret service detail what to do if something like that happened in their presence.

Hillary has long history of beating up Bill behind closed doors: book

By Maureen Callahan

“Hillary Clinton has a long history of being domestically violent with Bill,” Stone writes. “Hillary has beaten Bill, hit him with hard objects, scratched and clawed him, and made him bleed.”
Once, when Hillary awoke in the middle of the night to find Bill gone, she called the trooper assigned to Bill and demanded he bring the governor home immediately.

She was waiting in the kitchen, and as Chris Andersen wrote in “American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power,” the ensuing fight got violent, with “shattering glass and slamming doors” reverberating throughout the mansion. “When it was over, staff members . . . [found] broken glass, smashed dishes and a cupboard door ripped off its hinges.” ... oors-book/

So Hillary in addition to her many other odious personality traits is a spousal abuser; wonder what they would say if it were Trump?

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by choff »

The way the law works in most cases, if the man commits domestic violence against his wife, he gets arrested. If the woman commits domestic violence against her husband, he gets arrested. Even if he's got a knife sticking out of his back dead on the floor, that was self defense against the patriarchal oppressor. Bill's lucky she didn't complain to the cops when she hit him.

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