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Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:52 pm
by Diogenes
Newsweek Calls For All-Out Assault on Tea Party Movement

Ben Adler wants more attacks and more scrutiny on the “racist” tea party protesters. Adler believes it is time for the “free pass” the movement has received from the corrupt press to end. What a crock. Like the media has been fair to tea party protesters? That’s a real laugher. ... /#comments

Newsweek cannot die fast enough to suit me. They are a symptom of the disease that suffuses most of "Journalism" and "News Media" nowadays.
Tip of the iceberg.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:56 pm
by MSimon

The Plum Line – The Beltway revolving door between consulting and commentary ... r_bet.html

One thing that's accepted as a given in D.C. is that there's nothing amiss when people constantly cycle back and forth between raking in big bucks consulting for private-sector clients and going on the air to share ostensibly independent political commentary.

While people constantly obsess about the revolving door between government and lobbying, this other revolving door -- between consulting and on-air commentary -- gets almost no attention at all, even though it's widespread.

But now comes a situation that's focusing a bit of attention on it: The case of two CNN contributors, Alex Castellanos and Hilary Rosen, and their work for BP.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:34 pm
by Diogenes
Communist Spy Journalists

They ALL are. Some knowingly, others just useful idiots, But in this case, I mean one specific one that has been unmasked.

Less than a week after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the United States, the Justice Department announced Monday that 10 people were arrested on charges of being Russian agents involved in a long-term mission in the country. Another suspect was still being sought.
One of the suspects is Vicky Pelaez, a columnist for “El Diario” for more than 20 years covering politics, immigration and other issues, her lawyer confirmed. Pelaez is married to Juan Lazaro, another of the suspects arrested Monday, and the couple resided in Yonkers, a New York suburb. ... ud-expect/

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:40 pm
by Diogenes

Google Honoring Communist Skank.


Frida Kahlo! The communist painter who housed, and had an affair with, Trotsky (who was living at her house in exile.) Frida was Diego Rivera’s whorish wife. Frida slept with everyone.

As if anyone needed further conformation, the people that are employed by google have no qualms about influencing the world in the direction of evil.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:54 pm
by MirariNefas
The commentary on the woman's sexual activities is neither here nor there. Why do you propagate this intolerance?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:00 am
by Helius
MirariNefas wrote:The commentary on the woman's sexual activities is neither here nor there. Why do you propagate this intolerance?
Your 1st sentence conflicts with your 2nd in a somewhat humorous way. Thanks.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:57 am
by IntLibber
MirariNefas wrote:The commentary on the woman's sexual activities is neither here nor there. Why do you propagate this intolerance?
Should Bernie Madoff not be called a crook for breaking his contract with his investors? Should Elliot Spitzer not be called a philandering bastard for cheating on his wife with a hooker repeatedly? Should Stalin not be called a mass murdering tyrant? Should Mao not be called the same? Should Ted Bundy not be called a serial murdering psychotic madman?

Intolerance, for what, exactly, are you complaining about? Intolerance of things that someone has no control over, like their race or gender, is morally wrong. Intolerance of things a person DOES, which they DO have control over, is never morally wrong.

You have screwed up priorities, and it is not wrong for me to be intolerant of that, either.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:51 am
by MSimon
Einstein was a sexual rouge. You hardly ever hear it mentioned much.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:03 pm
by MirariNefas
IntLibber wrote:
MirariNefas wrote:The commentary on the woman's sexual activities is neither here nor there. Why do you propagate this intolerance?
Should Bernie Madoff not be called a crook for breaking his contract with his investors? Should Elliot Spitzer not be called a philandering bastard for cheating on his wife with a hooker repeatedly? Should Stalin not be called a mass murdering tyrant? Should Mao not be called the same? Should Ted Bundy not be called a serial murdering psychotic madman?
You compare all this to good old sexual fun?

You're the one with screwed up priorities.

And Einstein... deserved the play.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:47 pm
by MSimon
And Einstein... deserved the play.
Yep. Cute. Famous. Smart. And he played the violin.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:31 pm
by Diogenes
MirariNefas wrote:The commentary on the woman's sexual activities is neither here nor there. Why do you propagate this intolerance?

Her sexual proclivities are not the most objectionable thing about her, but they are pretty consistent with the type of people that are involved with these movements. Margaret Sanger was a libertine skank as well. While we're on the Subject, Stanley Ann Dunham was a slut. (Naked Pictures of the President's mother Here, Here and Here, and yes, it really is her. (Pictures to compare her with here and here.) Look at the misaligned front tooth(upper left incisor)) URL Here

Dr. David Manning characterizes Obama's Mother as
She was a bag of trash sitting on the sidewalk, waiting there in Honolulu on one of those streets for the garbage truck to come by and pick her up and take her to the dump.
And then he starts to get mean. :)

Now you are suggesting that I am propagating intolerance, this relies on the belief that a skank is a bad thing. I've got a dear friend who wonders why"slut" has a negative connotation to most people, because he considers a slut to be a good thing!

My point is, it's in the eye of the beholder. For some reason you consider a skank to be a negative thing. Why are you promoting intolerance? :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:19 pm
by MSimon
Hey. I'm a libertine skank myself.

I guess that proves I'm not to be trusted.

Typical of Republicans with a scientific bent no doubt. I remember Ronald Reagan. Diddling his girlfriend while still married to his first wife. And who was that friend of his who died in bed with his mistress (what a way to go!)? Bloomberg or something.

And what about that Feynman guy who was notorious for frequenting strip clubs and massage parlors. A lousy physicist no doubt.

Did I mention Einstein? Yes I did.

And we can go all the way back to King David who arranged for his rival to be killed in battle so he could snag the wife.

Which is to say that how a person conducts their private life may or may not have anything to do with the quality of their work.

I don't worry too much about skirt chasing politicians. It is the ones chasing power and control that worry me more.

We can stand the politician who steals for himself. What we can't stand is one who steals "for the people" in the name of the "greater good". Why do I say that? Well my grandpappy Max taught me one great lesson, "They are all crooks". So I vote for the crook with the more limited ambition. In so far as I'm able to determine that.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:57 am
by MirariNefas
Diogenes wrote:

My point is, it's in the eye of the beholder. For some reason you consider a skank to be a negative thing. Why are you promoting intolerance? :)
You're an idiot with an indefensible position. You might as well call Obama a nigger and say it isn't racist. Our language allows us derogatory ways of saying things. wrote: Main Entry: 1skank
Pronunciation: \ˈskaŋk\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1964
slang : a person and especially a woman of low or sleazy character wrote:Derogatory term for a (usually younger) female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness. May also imply promiscuity, but not necessarily. Can apply to any race, but most commonly used to describe white trash.
Top definitions in both cases; I didn't have to dig.

I do appreciate your attempt to reclaim the word "skank" as something positive, though. Very gallant and noble. It reminds me of the skit in the Vagina Monologues where they say that we need to reclaim the word "cunt". Very well Di, you are a skanky cunt, in the purely positive sense.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:30 am
by GIThruster

I think we know who won that round. . .HEH!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:38 pm
by Diogenes
MSimon wrote:Hey. I'm a libertine skank myself.

I guess that proves I'm not to be trusted.

Typical of Republicans with a scientific bent no doubt. I remember Ronald Reagan. Diddling his girlfriend while still married to his first wife.

You mean when he was a Democrat? :)

MSimon wrote: And who was that friend of his who died in bed with his mistress (what a way to go!)? Bloomberg or something.

And what about that Feynman guy who was notorious for frequenting strip clubs and massage parlors. A lousy physicist no doubt.

Did I mention Einstein? Yes I did.

And we can go all the way back to King David who arranged for his rival to be killed in battle so he could snag the wife.

Did you happen to notice something about the people you listed? They are all men. A Sexually promiscuous male is called a "Stud", which is considered complimentary. A Sexually promiscuous female is called a "Slut" which is derogatory. You just mentioned a bunch of studs, Now I want you to name a known promiscuous female that was highly thought of and admired.

Why the double standard? It's evolutionary and has to deal with the security of the male's bloodline. There is nothing further against the nature of a man than to force him (through guile) to support another male's offspring. It is evolutionary suicide for the male's genes, and it rightfully provokes anger and outrage.

MSimon wrote: Which is to say that how a person conducts their private life may or may not have anything to do with the quality of their work.

I don't worry too much about skirt chasing politicians. It is the ones chasing power and control that worry me more.

We can stand the politician who steals for himself. What we can't stand is one who steals "for the people" in the name of the "greater good". Why do I say that? Well my grandpappy Max taught me one great lesson, "They are all crooks". So I vote for the crook with the more limited ambition. In so far as I'm able to determine that.

It is the nature of man to want sex with women. It is to the benefit of civilization that people suppress some of their basic instincts for the long term benefit of themselves, their families, and their communities. I personally prefer leaders who can control themselves because they can demonstrate by example "self control."

In times past, knocked up sluts served a beneficial purpose in society. Their destitution and misery served as a negative example for other girls contemplating the same behavior. Now that the Government has taken away the stigma, they have destroyed the benefit such negative examples provided.