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Funding Status Requested

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:28 pm
by TheRadicalModerate
What's the story with the announcement on the funding?

Do we know what the hold-up is?

Is it for-real?

Does the lack of a public announcement indicate that ONR is going to classify the work?

Re: Funding Status Requested

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:12 pm
by MSimon
TheRadicalModerate wrote:What's the story with the announcement on the funding?

Do we know what the hold-up is?

Is it for-real?

Does the lack of a public announcement indicate that ONR is going to classify the work?
The funding for the test reactor WB-7 is real. No hold up.

As to what ONR is going to do? Beats me.

Funding Status Requested

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:15 pm
by Ronald
This may have been brought up a dozen times before, but: why didn't/doesn't Dr. Bussard and Polywell issue shares (stock) for funding? This would make funders shareholders, sharing in any possible future payoffs. Much better and fairer than the proposed charitable donations. This isn't regular charity, it's a potentially hugely profitable enterprise (with great financial risk as well).
And besides, if this thing is now going to be financed (hence co-owned) by the Navy, why would I fund the Navy?
If it were to take on the form of a share-holder enterprise, however, many people, I myself among them, might be willing or even eager to step in.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:56 pm
by JohnP
I am not a stock broker, economist or anything remotely like it. But I think, to issue stock, it has to pass SEC muster, which means being underwritten by a legitimate financial institution. You can't just print off a bunch of certificates on your laser printer. How do you set the price of the stock? With the level of risk involved here, you're talking pennies or less per share. You probably could not raise the needed funds by issuing stock. There's just too much risk.

Funding Status Requested

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:54 am
by Ronald
JohnP Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:56 pm Post subject:


I am not a stock broker, economist or anything remotely like it. But I think, to issue stock, it has to pass SEC muster, which means being underwritten by a legitimate financial institution. You can't just print off a bunch of certificates on your laser printer. How do you set the price of the stock? With the level of risk involved here, you're talking pennies or less per share. You probably could not raise the needed funds by issuing stock. There's just too much risk.
I don't think that is quite true, but I admit I am speaking about the Dutch/European situation and even then as a layperson. The strict criteria/requirements with regard to issuing shares pertain to the financial and legal aspects, not the technical ones. If people are well-informed and willing to take that risk, fine. The same applies to the price of the shares. Of course, it is quite a different matter if that company wants to be officially registered at a stock exchange, then much stricter criteria will apply.
There was a company established in The Netherlands trying to achieve cold nuclear fusion some 23 orso years ago. It issued shares and raised a nice amount (one and a half million orso, mind you, in a much smaller country, population the size of Florida).[/list]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:05 am
by Interested Observer

I'm very new here. Can someone get me caught up on the status? Is the Navy funding this? If so, at what level? Are the key people still involved? Will we have any way of knowing what progress is being made?

Any info is appreciated!
-(Very) Interest Observer