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Spreading the news about Polywell fusion

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:02 pm
by jlumartinez
I think the best way everyone of us can help in this enterprise is by spreading the news of the discovery. Right now most of the people is not aware of the results of WB6. The best way is by doing some marketing in the media ( magazine, newspapers,...) outside internet. Till now the majority of efforts have been planned to have some publicity inside Internet , but we have forgotten that majority of people are not used to find information through the net. They prefer just reading magazines or newspapers. This is the way to find help, people interested and some investors !!!

I have sent the following email to some popular magazines and scientific ones. Maybe some of them is interested in the subject and we could get a short reference published !!!

Dear Sirs,

I contact to you since maybe you could re-send this mail to the Science&Tech Section of your magazine. It refers to a technological breakthrough related to a new concept design of fusion reactors.

These discoveries have been done by a company ( EMC2 , main inventor R.W. Bussard ) which has been economically supported by the DoD (Department of Defense, and US Navy) for 14 years. They claim to have discovered a new design for fusion reactors (called Polywell) where they can confine ions in an quasi-spherical electrostatic field. Therefore, they may build a reactor with 100 MW net fusion power scaling their experiment to a 2 meters size reactor. They have some US patents pending, and they have appeared briefly in the New York Times (27th February) and give some conferences and papers in technical congresses and in the media (a great video available at Google-video site). This discovery has received the prize of "Outstanding Technology of the Year-2006" awarded by the International Academy of Science ( please have a look to the website I refer below )

The consequences of this discovery (if it can progress and become technologically viable) are a clean and cheap energy which could be used all over the world. All this facts can be an important step to get rid of the global warning and pollution due to burning fossil fuels in a 15-20 years near future. I send you some of the most interesting links if you want to go deeper into this subject:

The reason of sending this mail is to have you informed about this subject and encouraging you to make a little reference in your magazine as consequence of the hopeful forecasts which exist for the near future.

Best regards,

Re: Spreading the news about Polywell fusion

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:31 pm
by JoeStrout
jlumartinez wrote:I think the best way everyone of us can help in this enterprise is by spreading the news of the discovery. Right now most of the people is not aware of the results of WB6. The best way is by doing some marketing in the media ( magazine, newspapers,...) outside internet.
I tend to agree. I wrote (by email) to the editors of Science News and Technology Review (both of which I am a subscriber) a couple months ago. I received no reply, and haven't seen an article on the topic appear yet either. I even went so far as to dig up the email address of the new Physics/Technology columnist at Science News, David Castelvecchi, and write to him directly. But again, I got no reply.

I wonder if it would be more effective if we first produced a short summary paper — something maybe 4 pages (so you can print it out as two double-sided pages), with a brief history, and an explanation of why the Polywell approach is so promising. And then sent this to our favorite magazines/newspapers by snail mail, along with a cover letter explaining why we think they should investigate and report on it.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:59 pm
by jlumartinez
The Wikipedia page is perfect for a good first sight of Polywell fusion. It contain the experiments, history, some pictures and future plans. Also it has many links in case anyone would want to go deeper inside this subject (even some technical references)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:30 pm
by Solo
Hmm, I think it would help if the document were released as some kind of press release from an organization. Is there an organization associated with Dr. Bussard's work that might publish such a paper? Or can one be established?

Re: press release as introductory paper

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:18 pm
by JoeStrout
Solo wrote:Hmm, I think it would help if the document were released as some kind of press release from an organization. Is there an organization associated with Dr. Bussard's work that might publish such a paper?
There is an organization (EMC2 FDC), but I'd guess that Dr. Bussard would say that the Valencia paper serves this purpose.

And this paper is not bad, but it's not ideal, either. The figures are poor, and the emphasis on space applications was appropriate for that audience, but not for ours. It does have the basic content we're looking for, however.

read between the lines,

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:43 am
by zbarlici
...and you`ll find that the report is referring to polywell fusion. After all other than IEC fusion, there is no other process i know of to be aneutronic. Looks like the general public is slowly taking notice. But why the hell are they so afraid to throw in a little "Eye - EE - & to the C" into the report? ... icle/3775/

and quote "Take nuclear power. The West is now so afeard of nuclear power that it is barely committed to nuclear fusion - even though successful fusion promises to generate no radioactive waste."

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:58 pm
by MSimon
I do not think he was referring to IEC.

He was talking ITER which is low waste compared to fission.