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Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:03 pm
by GIThruster
krenshala wrote:
GIThruster wrote:Alex, they were posted up by their creators without attribution.
Just because you found them on a site without attribution does not automatically make them free for your use. That like saying that because you stole it, I can steal it too.

I don't know what the copyright status is for the images you are using, but unless you know for sure -- preferably from the artist/copyright holder -- what the status is, it is almost always best to assume they are covered by copyright and not in the public domain.
You don't know what you're talking about. You need to stop flapping your gums. Any and all written, drawn ad painted material is copyrighted the moment it is created. That doesn't mean you need the artist's permission to use it. You don't. You need the creator's permission to use it to make money, yes of course. But the entire issue of what is "fair use" is determined in largest portion based upon whether the user is making money, and I am not. There is nothing morally, ethically or legally wrong with using these images as I have, and I am not going to be goaded into a dispute with a pair of trolls who don't know the law. The law is exactly as I have explained it and I don't want to hear about it again, from people who obviously haven't got a clue.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:55 pm
by alexjrgreen
GIThruster wrote:I'm perfectly aware of the law. I'm a screenwriter. And this is the third time now, in very recent days, you have been a pain in my ass for no reason. Knock that shit off.
Ron, given that you said you're recruiting, your reluctance to credit other people's work (even when you think it's great stuff) and your reaction to being challenged are both surprising.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:03 pm
by alexjrgreen
GIThruster wrote: There is nothing morally, ethically or legally wrong with using these images as I have, and I am not going to be goaded into a dispute with a pair of trolls who don't know the law. The law is exactly as I have explained it and I don't want to hear about it again, from people who obviously haven't got a clue.
Explanation here: Fair Use

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:22 pm
by GIThruster
Like I said, Alex; I'm an accomplished screen writer. I won a Remi at Worldfest. I know what the law says. I've known for more than a decade. In fact, as I've explained before, my twin brother is an IP lawyer, registered in the state of PA.

Thanks for hijacking this thread and turning it into yet another proof that we can't expect the patrons here at T-P to behave, and that we can always expect someone to contribute in unsavory ways, especially when shameful, adolescent paths exist to draw them aside as trolls, turds and other lower life forms. Your attempts yesterday and the day before weren't fruitful so you just determined to be an asshole until you derailed an adult conversation? And before you did that, it didn't occur to you to look at some of the other dozens of posts each day at Li, to see what the standard is in that venue?

And that is the end of me sharing the work on M-E at DST. Are you proud of yourself now?

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:01 pm
by krenshala
GIThruster wrote:Like I said, Alex; I'm an accomplished screen writer. I won a Remi at Worldfest. I know what the law says. I've known for more than a decade. In fact, as I've explained before, my twin brother is an IP lawyer, registered in the state of PA.

Thanks for hijacking this thread and turning it into yet another proof that we can't expect the patrons here at T-P to behave, and that we can always expect someone to contribute in unsavory ways, especially when shameful, adolescent paths exist to draw them aside as trolls, turds and other lower life forms. Your attempts yesterday and the day before weren't fruitful so you just determined to be an asshole until you derailed an adult conversation? And before you did that, it didn't occur to you to look at some of the other dozens of posts each day at Li, to see what the standard is in that venue?

And that is the end of me sharing the work on M-E at DST. Are you proud of yourself now?
Ron, I an neither a troll, a turd, nor a "lower life form", and would like an apology from you for calling me these things. If you don't think you need to do this, then just shut the hell up since you clearly can't act your age.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:58 pm
by GIThruster

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:16 pm
by GIThruster
You know what, I am going to apologize after all. I am sorry for not being more patient with objections to the art work's unaccredited status. I was asking for criticism and I can't very well complain then when I get it, even if I considered the criticism off subject. And I will admit, as I am suffering the consequences of quitting the cigars this week, I am much less patient than I would normally be. So I should expect my perspective to be a little out of whack here. And in all seriousness, I apologize.

I am not going to have a debate about the status of the art work. Artists who want their work always associated with their name, can SIGN THEIR WORK. It is not fair use to remove signatures and watermarks. If its not signed, it is simple enough for anyone to do as Alex did and put the image into google pics to get the creator. The standard at Li is the same as in almost all venues online. You do not need to place an accrediting comment, unless told to do so, and I was not so told. Note, none of the art work at Li is so accredited, and indeed, it would be a very rare forum that catered to this practice.

25 years with the cigars and I really don't want to give them up. ::groan:: I'm thinking of taking up vaping but haven't gone that far yet.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:46 am
by kunkmiester
Stick with it, quitting an addiction is a lifetime effort.

I follow a number of artists on various forums, and most do sign their work. Most that isn't signed is probably commercial, I haven't looked back at the art, but likely it's book cover art or something. You might look around a bit more, there are several gallery sites that are set up for free use stuff, and pulling stuff off is legal with no debate. Quality suffers for that sort of thing though. If you feel like spending the money, I know people that could draw good thematic work for your series, but expect to pay for it, even if not as much as you might expect.

I'll have to make sure I'm following you on Linkedin, especially if you're not posting here anymore. It's interesting, even if it'll be a while before stuff makes it down to the technician level I'm working at.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:09 am
by JoeP
GIThruster wrote: 25 years with the cigars and I really don't want to give them up. ::groan:: I'm thinking of taking up vaping but haven't gone that far yet.
Yes, "stick with it"; tobacco smoke is noxious stuff and your body will appreciate it in the long run. I had my run-in with cigs a long time ago, and while it was tough to quit, it is one of the best things I ever did. One day, you won't miss it at all.

In the short term, the first few crucial weeks, nicotine gum can bridge a weak moment here and there and be the difference between going out at 1am for smokes or chewing a piece of gum and then getting your head on straight again. I only used a couple packs of the stuff, but it was a big help.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:17 pm
by krenshala
For my part, apology accepted. The withdrawals definitely explain things. Good luck on staying off the cigars. I know for a friend of mine the hardest part was the after-meal cigarette; he would literally get twitchy for a couple hours after a meal for the first year or so after he quit (cold turkey). He didn't touch another until his divorce started, and I think he quit again once that got sorted out.

As for vaporizors, you have the same nicotine issues, just with very few (if any) of the other chemicals you'd get from smoking. It is also easy to increase your nicotine intake using them, depending on the oil you use. To my mind that makes it near as bad for you as old-school smoking, though this is merely an opinion based on second-hand observation.

So, I'd say we get this thread back on topic. Can't wait to hear the next bit of news on the ME progress.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:50 pm
by GIThruster
kunkmiester wrote:I follow a number of artists on various forums, and most do sign their work.
I think you're underestimating what counts as art work. Every graphic is art made by someone, whether painted or drawn or photoed. Such art work is literally EVERYWHERE online and it is inappropriate to treat painted works as though they were somehow different than the rest, and sacred. If you look at the link Alex posted with the whiner saying all art work should be accredited, you can also note that there are 14 graphics on that page, and exactly NONE of them are accredited. That is the standard online. So obviously this moron has no idea what he's talking about.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:54 pm
by GIThruster
krenshala wrote:Good luck on staying off the cigars. I know for a friend of mine the hardest part was the after-meal cigarette; he would literally get twitchy for a couple hours after a meal for the first year or so after he quit (cold turkey).
I don't have that trouble so much as my habit for a quarter century is to write in my head while walking at night, ad then type the next morning, and without the smokes it's much harder to write. Nicotine does enhance cognitive function, and combined with the slight distraction of an evening walk, has always been the source of my best stuff. I'm struggling to do without it this week and last.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:30 pm
by raelik
Ron, after re-reading your article a few times (and pondering the side discussion about early expeditions across the Atlantic) the sailing analogy stuck with me. It gave me a rough idea of how to draw a parallel between exploiting Mach effects for propulsion (and energy, if the thrust is constant regardless of velocity) and sailing ships that could allow a layman to better understand the physics. You tell me if this is way off-base:

Gravinertial flux (as it's come to be called) is the "wind" of spacetime, and matter is what makes it blow. Unlike the wind that blows a sailing ship, gravinertial flux is always blowing, driven by all of the matter in the universe. A Mach effect thruster serves roughly the same purpose that the pulleys, lines and rudder do on a ship, and the power that drives the thruster is akin to the crew of the ship. The crew expends their energy using the lines and pulleys to keep the sails filled with wind, and the helmsman steers the ship. Where they differ is that the Mach effect thruster doesn't adjust it's "sail" to capture the "wind", since the gravinertial flux is blowing in all directions at once. It guides the "wind", driving the normally chaotic gravinertial flux into and out of the matter of its active mass to push it along.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:07 pm
by GIThruster
As far as I understand it, and I'm not a physicst; you seem to have the essential idea except where you write:
Gravinertial flux (as it's come to be called) is the "wind" of spacetime, and mass is what makes it blow.
it would be better to write:

"Gravinertial flux (as it's come to be called) is the "wind" of spacetime, and matter is what makes it blow."

In this we're just noting "matter" is the raw stuff, and it is the gravity field of the universe that gives matter, its mass and inertia. The matter stays the same in a thruster. It's its inertia and mass that fluctuates as the device acts as a GI transistor.

That's a very small correction intended to avoid future confusion so yeah, essentially you have it correct so far as I can see. When matter is affected by the universe's gravity, it has mass. It's that mass (and inertia) we can manipulate to build thrusters and eventually stargates.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:32 pm
by raelik
GIThruster wrote:it would be better to write:

"Gravinertial flux (as it's come to be called) is the "wind" of spacetime, and matter is what makes it blow."
You are absolutely correct, that was a typo on my part. Made a similar mistake a sentence later. Went ahead and edited the post to reflect that, and to clarify it a bit.