10KW LENR demonstrator (new thread)

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Post by seedload »

stefanbanev wrote:Your position!!? Are you a megalomaniac? it's quite funny...
Quite funny? I don't get it.

Yes, my position. You were responding directly to me. You even said, "You".
stefanbanev wrote: You are definitely welcome to be skeptical it's not a crime... As well as to have more tolerance for people who does not share your level of skepticism would be welcome as well... Any kind of believe is an extreme, the believe in scam as well as believe in LENR.
So, since you were talking to me, I found it strange that you didn't understand that I was talking about Rossi, not LENR.
Stick the thing in a tub of water! Sheesh!

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Post by tomclarke »

stephanbanaev wrote: Any kind of believe is an extreme, the believe in scam as well as believe in LENR. The believe is a result of lack of evidences and at this point (in my opinion) there is no a definitive facts supporting any side.
This sounds good, but does not wash. Some beliefs are more likley than others. Take ID versus evolutionary theory. Both equally explain facts, but scientists have a very low belief in ID because it requires additional otherwise unproven mechanisms - an omnipotent creator etc.

The two explanations for LENR possible positives - LENR versus experimental error. In principle LENR could equally explain the results. It is just that it requires a whole lot of extra otherwise unproven mechanisms which do not seem to be otherwise detectable, whereas experimental error is well understood and expected to lead to false positives in all the types of experiment that get positive LENR results.

LENR and ID are unsatisfactory scientifically also because they have no way to prove the null hypothesis. In neither case is there anyway to disprove the theory. In LENR's case this is because the mechanism is unclear and therefore there is no specific result mandated by LENR. Of course, the "experimental error" hypothesis can be easily disproven by clear evidence of nuclear reactions, excess heat or gammas etc.
So far, all evidences (from my perspective) are circumstantial/indirect thus, the assessment of probability is a personal choice... very likely (in my opinion) LENR is a practical tech and quite soon will make a dramatic impact; who first will come to market is irrelevant for me... when - is more interesting... By the way, the pathological skepticism is an admission of own mediocrecy, once someone has failed to make a splash they deny such ability for others (as self-defense) and in-fact, in 99% cases they turn out to be right just because any breakthrough of such magnitude is really a rare event...
This is self-contradictory. You say skeptics are skeptical for personal reasons, and then affirm that they are right 99% of the time. Does that mean over LENR you agree chances are <1% it is real? And tell me, surely a rational person, given this 99% chance of not working, should be skeptical?

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Post by stefanbanev »

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Last edited by stefanbanev on Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stefanbanev »

deleted as multiple posting
Last edited by stefanbanev on Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stefanbanev »

tomclarke wrote:
stephanbanaev wrote: Any kind of believe is an extreme, the believe in scam as well as believe in LENR. The believe is a result of lack of evidences and at this point (in my opinion) there is no a definitive facts supporting any side.
This sounds good, but does not wash. Some beliefs are more likley than others. Take ID versus evolutionary theory. Both equally explain facts, but scientists have a very low belief in ID because it requires additional otherwise unproven mechanisms - an omnipotent creator etc.

The two explanations for LENR possible positives - LENR versus experimental error. In principle LENR could equally explain the results. It is just that it requires a whole lot of extra otherwise unproven mechanisms which do not seem to be otherwise detectable, whereas experimental error is well understood and expected to lead to false positives in all the types of experiment that get positive LENR results.

LENR and ID are unsatisfactory scientifically also because they have no way to prove the null hypothesis. In neither case is there anyway to disprove the theory. In LENR's case this is because the mechanism is unclear and therefore there is no specific result mandated by LENR. Of course, the "experimental error" hypothesis can be easily disproven by clear evidence of nuclear reactions, excess heat or gammas etc.
So far, all evidences (from my perspective) are circumstantial/indirect thus, the assessment of probability is a personal choice... very likely (in my opinion) LENR is a practical tech and quite soon will make a dramatic impact; who first will come to market is irrelevant for me... when - is more interesting... By the way, the pathological skepticism is an admission of own mediocrecy, once someone has failed to make a splash they deny such ability for others (as self-defense) and in-fact, in 99% cases they turn out to be right just because any breakthrough of such magnitude is really a rare event...
This is self-contradictory. You say skeptics are skeptical for personal reasons, and then affirm that they are right 99% of the time. Does that mean over LENR you agree chances are <1% it is real? And tell me, surely a rational person, given this 99% chance of not working, should be skeptical?

>Take ID versus evolutionary theory. Both equally explain facts,

ID does not explain, it postpones the explanation or/and it gives up to explain (delegating the act of creation to entity it can not define (it is indefinable by its own definition ;o)).

>You say skeptics are skeptical for personal reasons, and then affirm
>that they are right 99% of the time. Does that mean over LENR you
>agree chances are <1% it is real? And tell me, surely a rational
>person, given this 99% chance of not working, should be skeptical?

The probabilities are relative - the player in Russian roulette wins 100% from his perspective; even it is a joke but illustrates well my point. Let say you get back in 1910th and you know how to build atomic bomb, for you the chances are 100% to create it (with enough resources). Your opponent is a government clerk who knows nothing about nuclear physics and in fact he is a manifestation of mediocrity who is right in 99% cases simply following a mainstream position so all "perpetuum-mobile" inventions are reliably blocked and tax money are not wasted in 99% cases therefore clerk's performance is perfect. Yet, another rational person (in this case you) assess the probability quite differently... Thus, two rational persons may asses probabilities differently. If someone just wants to be right in 99% cases - it is very simple - just follow a mainstream...

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Post by stefanbanev »

seedload wrote:
stefanbanev wrote:Your position!!? Are you a megalomaniac? it's quite funny...
Quite funny? I don't get it.

Yes, my position. You were responding directly to me. You even said, "You".
stefanbanev wrote: You are definitely welcome to be skeptical it's not a crime... As well as to have more tolerance for people who does not share your level of skepticism would be welcome as well... Any kind of believe is an extreme, the believe in scam as well as believe in LENR.
So, since you were talking to me, I found it strange that you didn't understand that I was talking about Rossi, not LENR.
You are right, I was wrong; pls take my apology...

All the best,

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Post by tomclarke »

This debate is interesting, because it exposes two different, important, but subtle points in the argument.
stefanbanev wrote:
tomclarke wrote:
stephanbanaev wrote: Any kind of believe is an extreme, the believe in scam as well as believe in LENR. The believe is a result of lack of evidences and at this point (in my opinion) there is no a definitive facts supporting any side.
This sounds good, but does not wash. Some beliefs are more likley than others. Take ID versus evolutionary theory. Both equally explain facts, but scientists have a very low belief in ID because it requires additional otherwise unproven mechanisms - an omnipotent creator etc.

The two explanations for LENR possible positives - LENR versus experimental error. In principle LENR could equally explain the results. It is just that it requires a whole lot of extra otherwise unproven mechanisms which do not seem to be otherwise detectable, whereas experimental error is well understood and expected to lead to false positives in all the types of experiment that get positive LENR results.

LENR and ID are unsatisfactory scientifically also because they have no way to prove the null hypothesis. In neither case is there anyway to disprove the theory. In LENR's case this is because the mechanism is unclear and therefore there is no specific result mandated by LENR. Of course, the "experimental error" hypothesis can be easily disproven by clear evidence of nuclear reactions, excess heat or gammas etc.
So far, all evidences (from my perspective) are circumstantial/indirect thus, the assessment of probability is a personal choice... very likely (in my opinion) LENR is a practical tech and quite soon will make a dramatic impact; who first will come to market is irrelevant for me... when - is more interesting... By the way, the pathological skepticism is an admission of own mediocrecy, once someone has failed to make a splash they deny such ability for others (as self-defense) and in-fact, in 99% cases they turn out to be right just because any breakthrough of such magnitude is really a rare event...
This is self-contradictory. You say skeptics are skeptical for personal reasons, and then affirm that they are right 99% of the time. Does that mean over LENR you agree chances are <1% it is real? And tell me, surely a rational person, given this 99% chance of not working, should be skeptical?

>Take ID versus evolutionary theory. Both equally explain facts,

ID does not explain, it postpones the explanation or/and it gives up to explain (delegating the act of creation to entity it can not define (it is indefinable by its own definition ;o)).
Of course I agree with your statement about ID. The explanation is an meta-explanation - it moves the problem to one of explaining the divine creator.

My point is that in principle this is the same process as happens with an LENR explanation. For divine creator read "as yet unknown LENR mechanism". One perplexity is exchanged for another.

Now of course we see unknown LENR mechanisms as less implausible than unknown divine creators. But they both have the same difficulty.

Interstingly, W-L theory scores better on this scale than "LENR". That is because it is a more complete mechanism. There are still some gaps, but there is enough detail for the theory to be in principle supported or denied by specific experiments testing its elements. I have a lot of sympathy with the NASA people who want to prove or disprove W-L. they have some chance of doing this. It is however still true that disproving W-L will be difficult, because the theory does not state precisely how to obtain the conditions for its exotic physics, and is essentially untestable until these conditions are met.

Thus suppose W-L theory is just not true (see for example Chubb's sympathetic but definite informal rebuttal). How can this be proved? No amount of negative experiments can do this, because maybe they did not hit the sweet spot allowing the W-L phenomena to occur.

However W-L can be conditionally disproved. Suppose experiment X (perhaps Miley's MIT demo) is thought to provide definite evidence of LENR. It can be tested for high energy gamma production. It can be tested for high energy gamma shielding (as suggested by W-L). Now:
Conditional on X being an example of LENR, if gamma shielding is not observed, then W-L as explanation for LENR is false. Conversely if gamma shielding is observed W-L is true. Since such gamma shielding is otherwise unknown in physics it is a strong indicator.

Furthermore, if LENR is real and W-L theory is the explanation the gamma shielding effect must be very consistent and powerful. that is because the theorised by W-L gammas are never in practice detected from many many different experiments. So checking for gamma shield effect in LENR experiments is the most fruitful way to prove/disprove W-L.
>You say skeptics are skeptical for personal reasons, and then affirm
>that they are right 99% of the time. Does that mean over LENR you
>agree chances are <1% it is real? And tell me, surely a rational
>person, given this 99% chance of not working, should be skeptical?

The probabilities are relative - the player in Russian roulette wins 100% from his perspective; even it is a joke but illustrates well my point. Let say you get back in 1910th and you know how to build atomic bomb, for you the chances are 100% to create it (with enough resources). Your opponent is a government clerk who knows nothing about nuclear physics and in fact he is a manifestation of mediocrity who is right in 99% cases simply following a mainstream position so all "perpetuum-mobile" inventions are reliably blocked and tax money are not wasted in 99% cases therefore clerk's performance is perfect. Yet, another rational person (in this case you) assess the probability quite differently... Thus, two rational persons may asses probabilities differently. If someone just wants to be right in 99% cases - it is very simple - just follow a mainstream...
The logic of this argument remains faulty. In fact two rational people, given the same observations cannot in principle assess probability differently. (Bayesian probability theory is definite and will lead to identical beliefs, anything else is provably inconsistent with probability axoims that all rational people would hold).

True, people with different info (observations), will have different belief. But in this case the LENR people have no information, including scientific theories, that are not generally available.

Furthermore just because an unthinking fool following the mainstream would agree with a brilliant, critical, scientist also part of that mainstream does not prove the latter to be wrong or blinkered. There would be cases where the scientist would see new stuff that the clerk missed. But being biassed against the mainstream is as bad as blindly following it, with the disadvantage that it is nearly always wrong.

Applying this to the real world where observations cannot easily be quantified is difficult, of course.

The error here is in arguing from a specific highly unlikely counterexample to the general case. Throw 20 dice inside a black box with a camera to show result. Let person A see the camera output, deny this to person B. Now maybe person A sees all 6's. He proclaims this. Person B would rightly be skeptical about such a claim, if he did not know about the camera. Even if he did know about the camera, he would be skeptical because such a regular score is highly unlikley, and maybe A is lying.

There is a universe in which 20 6's were thrown and B happens to be wrong. But rationally the chances of us being in that universe are smaller than the chances of A for some strange reason being mistaken or lying or some third party (C) rigging the camera or biassing the dice, to generate false results. So as a rational person B can do no other than to rate chances of mistake or deceit from A as much higher than chances of his being right.

Note that the LENR experimental results are all sufficiently ambiguous that mistake is not unlikely. To reduce the probability of mistake you would need to take any one apparently positive and replicable experiment, and have a (preferably but not necessarily) independent skeptical group duplicate it and subject it to many further carefully documented tests to confirm or falsify the various experimental error possibilities. In fact it is a lack of curiosity about and interest in experimental error that I see as the biggest weakness of the LENR people. They don't want to sit with a positive experiment for months thinking of how it could be wrong, trying to break it, and slowly accumulating better evidence. Yet that is what would prove LENR!

Of course, those people who do want to examine LENR experiments really closely perhaps find (like earthtech) that they get uniformly negative results. These are just not interesting, by definition, to the LENR people. Nor do they disprove LENR - which can't be disproved.

For example. If Miley took his demo experiment, led a class working out what are all the possible causes of experimental error and testing them with different controls, extra measurements, etc he would find one of two things:

(a) a very solid scientific paper showing LENR. This would then be replicated by many other groups. The first independent positive replication and the science community would believe, Miley would be very very famous and get Nobel prize.


(b) there was in fact some mundane explanation for the results.

His class would be a really interesting one where creative and analyitical thinkers could struggle with real scientific problems. If Miley is right they might even share a Nobel.

Some people will tell me that he is not doing this because he wants to commercialise LENR. I don't believe it. Nobel prizes are valuable. With a Nobel prize he could certainly get much larger funding for his commercialisation on better terms.

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Post by stefanbanev »

Reply to tomclarke:

I see no faulty in your arguments - very logical & consistent. One point is critical to consider "tc> given the same observations cannot in principle assess probability differently" it is apparently true but it's exactly where all controversy happen. For example, from my perspective, I'm not an expert in quantum mechanics but have an idea what is in principle possible and what I would not even consider (like multiverse version of Maxwell demon perpetuum mobile ;o)). Several "post-factum" explanations of "P&F" effect do explain the probabilistic nature of "P&F" observation what is a major impediment issue with all reports of "CF" phenomena and it is exactly the focal point in your argument like "tc> given the same observations". Observations-are-indeed-different; however, the body of anomalous reports is substantially big to pay more attention to "P&F" effect. From this point it does not require a leap of imagination to see a possibility that someone runs into some lucky arrangement to have a more consistent "CF" result. Plus an indirect circumstantial evidences moves up the probabilities from my perspective and such evidences can not be the same by its nature (we have a different life experiences to judge such evidences in the same way). It could be Rossi or anyone persistent and focused enough to run into a lucky combination, in fact Rossi character fits nicely to the profile of such lucky eccentric inventor/entrepreneur. I do not think he will succeed (even from my perspective he definitely the one who deserves the credits) however, the likelihood of LENR-tech to be a practical brake-through is quite high from my perspective...

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Post by Axil »

I have stated repeatedly that the US Navy was Rossi’s customer for the I MW super cat.

Here is some info that goes along way at confirming my assertion.

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... ent-215274

Mark Saker
April 11th, 2012 at 9:14 AM
Dear Andrea Rossi,

This is such a quiet time, I hope there is much going on behind the scenes that you cannot tell us. I wonder if there is any new information you can give to satisfy curious minds, and to repay those you mention have given you helpful information via your blog?

Any indication from UL as to certification of the home e-cat?

Any dates you can commit to that invited parties will see a working plant – who can then report back via the Internet?

Any pictures or video of a home e-cat working or connected to a home central heating system? The picture does not have to show inner workings or give any indication as to where it is located.

Any pictures or video of the 1MW system that we have not seen?

What about some pictures from earlier versions of the e-cat – perhaps early experiments from a few years ago?

We are all eager for any information you have no matter how big or small especially information which shows progression from the October test.

Many Thanks


http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... ent-215365

Andrea Rossi
April 11th, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Dear Mark Saker:

You are right: very much is going on behind the scenes, because in this matter is best first do things, then talk of them. We will give due information of all the facts we will have made, while during the making of them we prefer to work in silence, to work better. The 1 MW plant is for military purpose, it cannot be seen, but when we will have (soon) a plant in operation that will be visitable, People like you, who have helped us, will be invited to visit it. Very important things are in the making, but, again, I prefer making before talking.

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Post by Kahuna »

Reportedly, this message was part of an email sent by Defkalion's Director of Business and Marketing, Symeon Tsalikoglou to people on a Defkalion contacts mailing list:
Defkalion has conducted third party tests on its core technology by internationally recognized and reputable private and public organizations from Europe and America. Today, there is solid, unambiguous evidence confirming our technology. We are at the dawn of a new era of clean, inexpensive, limitless renewable energy.
http://freeenergytruth.blogspot.com/201 ... alion.html

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Post by Axil »

Axil wrote:I have stated repeatedly that the US Navy was Rossi’s customer for the I MW super cat.

Here is some info that goes along way at confirming my assertion.

http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... ent-215274

Mark Saker
April 11th, 2012 at 9:14 AM
Dear Andrea Rossi,

This is such a quiet time, I hope there is much going on behind the scenes that you cannot tell us. I wonder if there is any new information you can give to satisfy curious minds, and to repay those you mention have given you helpful information via your blog?

Any indication from UL as to certification of the home e-cat?

Any dates you can commit to that invited parties will see a working plant – who can then report back via the Internet?

Any pictures or video of a home e-cat working or connected to a home central heating system? The picture does not have to show inner workings or give any indication as to where it is located.

Any pictures or video of the 1MW system that we have not seen?

What about some pictures from earlier versions of the e-cat – perhaps early experiments from a few years ago?

We are all eager for any information you have no matter how big or small especially information which shows progression from the October test.

Many Thanks


http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... ent-215365

Andrea Rossi
April 11th, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Dear Mark Saker:

You are right: very much is going on behind the scenes, because in this matter is best first do things, then talk of them. We will give due information of all the facts we will have made, while during the making of them we prefer to work in silence, to work better. The 1 MW plant is for military purpose, it cannot be seen, but when we will have (soon) a plant in operation that will be visitable, People like you, who have helped us, will be invited to visit it. Very important things are in the making, but, again, I prefer making before talking.

The pursuit of happiness is what makes Rossi do the things he does.

Rossi watching among the so inclined is an enjoyable pastime for the amateur psychologist as a case study in human variation.

I firmly believe, some scientists and engineers need to work in the defense contractor and consultant environment. Leo Szilard... the man behind the bomb… was such a person. He spent the best part of his later years living in Washington DC hotels on government expense accounts attending innumerable high prestige pentagon meetings with government powerbrokers. In this way, such men basking in their own minds eye and self-perception rise in social esteem and become important in the eyes of the nation.

Strange as it may sound, these men remember past stints in the limelight of military exposure as some of the happiest days of their lives. Some men with latent warrior fantasies awakened are affected, flattered, and impressed by past attention and accomplishment. They devote their lives to military service, others like the academic study of military history, while yet others devote themselves to defense contracting. Common sense is not to be applied to the motivations of these men; it is the pursuit of happiness that matters. After all, happiness is more important than money.

I believe Rossi is such a guy. Rossi has expressed profound gratitude to America for granting him another chance after being ravaged by corruption in Italy.

If you view his actions as a means of entering the service of the US military, things that seem initially to be irrational and disjointed start making sense.

Most recently, he conducted numerous demos to hopscotch his way into a contracting relationship with the US military; like chumming the water to catch a big white fish. When he was told that the military was interested in his product, he left the service of DGT to do demos for government connected VIPs. His obsessive need for secrecy fits like a glove with standard DOD development doctrinaire.

Rossi and the US military are made for each other like Ahab and the great white whale. Sometimes money and the routine of private enterprise are less important than the thrill of the hunt and playing inside the exciting world of government military bureaucracy. There is nothing as exciting as birthing a critical and forward leaning branch of the US military into a green tomorrow with your invention at the bottom of it all; and still better all under the nurture and protection of powerful eagle wings.

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Post by ScottL »

Axil, it goes no further than any other claim from Rossi. It's Rossi that is seeding this information and because of that, his actions, his history, and his used-car salesman-esque attitude, nothing he says can be construed as evidence either way. Unless you get a quote from this myserious military branch that identifies it, there's nothing to say and no evidence to prove or disprove.

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Post by ScottL »

*sigh* Axil, Rossi has had previous contracts with the U.S. military, of which, none panned out. He took the money and ran at least once before. What says he wouldn't do the same again? What says the U.S. military lets its self be fooled again?
Rossi and the US military are made for each other like Ahab and the great white whale. Sometimes money and the routine of private enterprise are less important than the thrill of the hunt and playing inside the exciting world of government military bureaucracy. There is nothing as exciting as birthing a critical and forward leaning branch of the US military into a green tomorrow with your invention at the bottom of it all; and still better all under the nurture and protection of powerful eagle wings.
Ahab was eaten by the whale......so Rossi is going to get devoured by the U.S. military?

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Post by Skipjack »

Axil. where does it say US navy?
It is funny how people jump to conclusion. Rossi says "military" (and that may or may not be true) and you conclude "US Navy". As if that was the only military organization in the world.

Ivy Matt
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Post by Ivy Matt »

ScottL wrote:Ahab was eaten by the whale......so Rossi is going to get devoured by the U.S. military?
Well, if you read some of the E-Cat blogs, that (more or less) seems to be the preferred explanation if the E-Cat doesn't pan out like they hope it will.
Temperature, density, confinement time: pick any two.

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